A Series of Tracts on the Doctrines, Order, and Polity of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
I. Presbyterianism the truly Primitive and Apostolical Constitution of the Church of Christ; by the Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D.
II. Qualifications and Duties of Ruling Elders in the Presbyterian Church; by the Rev. William M. Engles.
III. The Scriptural Doctrine of the Atonement Illustrated and Defended; by the Rev. J. J. Janeway, D.D.
IV. The Duty of Catechetical Instruction; by Archibald Alexander, D.D.
VI. Love to the Doctrines of the Bible an Essential Element of Christian Character; by the Rev. Edward W. Hooker.
VII. The Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints Illustrated, Proved, and Applied; by the Rev. Sheppard K. Kollock.
VIII. Infant Baptism Scriptural and Reasonable, and Baptism by Sprinkling or Affusion the most Suitable and Edifying Mode; by the Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D.
IX. The Sinner's Inability is no Excuse for his Impenitency; by the Rev. S.G. Winchester.
X. The Sabbath at Home; by the Rev. Silas M. Andrews.
I. A Caution against Prevailing Errors ; being a Conversation between a Presbyterian Pastor, and his Parishioner; by William M. Engles, D.D.
II. A Treatise on Justification by Faith; by Archibald Alexander, D.D.
III. The Necessity of Atonement; by the Rev. Wm. Symington.
IV. The Nature, Extent, and Results of the Atonement; by the Rev. William Symington.
V. On the Intercession of Jesus Christ; by the Rev. William Symington.
VI. Christ's Gracious Invitation to the Labouring and Heavy Laden; by Archibald Alexander, D.D.
VII. Claims of the Gospel Ministry to an Adequate Support.
VIII. The Importance of Doctrinal and Instructive Preaching; by the Rev. S. G. Winchester.
IX. The Missionary's Wife; or a Brief Account of Mrs. Loveless, of Madras, the first American Missionary to Foreign Lands ; by Richard Knill.
X. A Brief View of the Proper Subjects and True Mode of Christian Baptism ; by the Rev. James Wharey.
I. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God; by the Rev. President Edwards.
II. The Sin and Danger of neglecting the Saviour.
III. Grace to the Chief of Sinners; by the Rev. B. Grosvenor, D.D.
IV. The Federal Character of Adam; by the Rev. Willis Lord.
V. Christ Precious to all True Believers; by President Davies.
VI. The Bible a Revelation from God; by the Rev. Thomas Scott, D.D.
VII. Conversion of the Earl of Rochester.
VIII. Jesus Christ the only Foundation; by President Davies. The Foundation Stone; by the Rev. Robert Hall, M.A.
IX. A Brief Exposition and Vindication of the Doctrine of the Divine Decrees; by the Rev. G. W. Musgrave, D.D.
X. An Apology for not joining the Protestant Episcopal Church; by a Presbyter.
XI. History of a Church in the South; by the Rev. N Hoyt, D.D.
XII. The Immediate Choice; by the Rev. A. Alexander, D.D.
XIII. The Parity of the Ministry; by the Rev. C.C. Cuyler, D.D.
XIV. The Refuge of Lies; by the Rev. A. Alexander, D.D.
XV. The Sum of Saving Knowledge.
XVI. An Address to the Head of a Family; by the Rev. P. Doddridge, D.D.
XVII. The Evidences of a Gracious State; by the Rev. C. C. Cuyler, D.D.
I. The Anglican Reformation, or the Church of England but half reformed.
II. History of the Early Rise of Prelacy, by the Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D.
III. Permanent Sabbath Documents, or a Plea for the Sabbath enforced by Facts, by the Rev. Justin Edwards, D.D.
IV. Relative Influence of Presbytery and Prelacy, on Civil and Ecclesiastical Liberty, by the Rev. T. V. Moore.
V. The Duty of Prayer for Ministers, by the Rev. W. J. McCord.
VI. A Plea for Presbyterianism, by the Rev. Robert Davidson, D.D.
VII. A Castaway, by the Rev. R. M. McCheyne.
VIII. Systematic Benevolence, by the Rev. D.V. Smock.
IX. The Work of the Holy Spirit, on the Hearts of Men, by the Rev. J. S. Armistead.
X. The Exclusive Claims of Prelacy stated and refuted, by the Rev. B.M. Smith.
XI. Inattention to Religion Wonderful, by the Rev. W. J. McCord.
XII. The Gospel Call, or Look and Be Saved.
XIII. What is Faith? — A Letter to a Friend.
XIV. A Refuge From the Storm.
I. Experimental Religion a rational thing, by the Rev. Jonathan Greenleaf.
II. A Traveler's Hints on subjects of practical importance, by W.M. Engles, D.D.
III. Advice to sinners under conviction, by the Rev. Samuel Corbyn.
IV. Certain rich men, a series of portraits, by W.M. Engles, D.D.
V. To an old disciple, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
VI. To an old person who has no hope in Christ, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
VII. How to bring up children, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
VIII. Jehovah our Righteousness, by George Whitefield.
IX. Words of Warning.
X. Now!
XI. Luther’s Conversion.
XII. Sin our Enemy, God our Friend.
XIII. Anchor of the Soul.
XIV. Do you go to the Prayer Meeting?
XV. Night, Day-break, and Clear Day.
XVI. Who Shall Dwell With the Devouring Fire?
XVII. Without God.
XVIII. The False Peace and the True.
XIX. God’s Purpose of Grace.
XX. The Sin-bearer.
XXI. The Sovereignty of God explained and vindicated, by Daniel Baker, D. D.
XXII. A Message from God, by the Rev. W. J. McCord.
XXIII. Stop!
XXIV. The blood upon the door-posts, or means of safety in the time of pestilence.
XXV. To a young disciple.
XXVI. William and his mother, or What is true Repentance?
XXVII. Scarcely Saved, by the Rev. W. J. McCord
XXVIII. Sin must die, or the soul must die, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
XXIX. Thou must die - To die is gain.
XXX. The Standards of the Presbyterian Church, a faithful mirror of Bible truth, by Daniel Baker, D. D.
XXXI. The difference between Popery and Protestantism in a letter to an inquiring friend, by "Kirwan" (Rev. Nicholas Murray, D. D.)
XXXII. The Western Patriarch, an authentic narrative, by W. S. Plumer, D. D.
XXXIII. Parity admitted by Prelatists.
I. Ruth the Moabitess, or the Power of True Religion, by the Rev. A. Alexander, D.D.
II. Love to an unseen Saviour. By the Rev. A. Alexander, D. D.
III. The Lord will give Grace and Glory. By the Rev. W. S. Plumer, D. D.
IV. The Spiritual Office of the Deacon.
V. On Backsliding.
VI. The Duty of Family Religious Instruction. By the Rev. J.P. Carter.
VII. The Light-House, or Jesus Christ the Light of the World.
VIII. Soliloquy of an Injured Christian.
IX. A Word of Counsel to Professors on Moral Honesty.
X. Love Not the World.
XI. Sympathy With an Afflicted Christian.
XII. How to use the Bible. By the Rev. W. S. Plumer, D.D.
XIII. How Sinners are Accepted.
XIV. On Union with Christ.
XV. The Application of Redemption, or What is Effectual Calling? From Dr. Green's Lectures on the Shorter Catechism.
XVI. On Brotherly Love. From James's Christian Professor.
XVII. Come to Jesus. By Newman Hall, B. A.
XVIII. It is I, or the Voice of Jesus in the Storm. By Newman Hall, B.A.
XIX. What Presbyterians believe. By the Rev. A. G. Fairchild, D. D., author of the "Great Supper"
XX. Plain Divinity or a brief Sketch of the Doctrines of Revelation. By James McEwen.
XXI. The Young Convert Instructed.
I. Letters to the Aged—Extracted from “Thoughts on Religious Experience." By A. Alexander, D.D.
II. The Danger of Self-Deception—From James's "Christian Professor."
III. The Dying Professor—From James's "Christian Professor."
IV. Communion with God, the best succour in the worst seasons.
V. What think ye of Christ?
VI. A Remarkable Experience, in a Letter to a Friend. By the Rev. A. Fuller, D. D.
VII. The First-day Sabbath, or the Lord's-day the Christian Sabbath.
VIII. The Sympathy of Jesus.
IX. Who shall dwell in Heaven?
X. Comforts and Counsels for the Afflicted.
XI. What shall I do?
XII. A Plea for Sabbath Afternoon. By H.A. Boardman.
XIII. Noah’s Carpenters.
XIV. Are you holy?
XV. A Question for All, or “Lord, is it I?
XVI. Time Lost.
XVII. A Dream of the Dying, or the White Ticket, and the Strait Gate.
XVIII. A Friendly Letter to a Young Man. By W.S. Plumer, D.D.
XIX. The New Jerusalem, or the Soul's Breathings after her Heavenly Country. By the Rev. David Dickson.
XX. Salvation by Grace.
XXI. Are Infants Saved? By Rev. David M'Conoughy, D.D.
XXII. The Doctrine of the Trinity stated and defended. By the Rev. David M'Conoughy, D.D.
XXIII. On Family Government. By the Rev. W.H. Bulkeley.
XXIV. Sins of the Tongue, with Rules and Reasons for avoiding them. By the Rev. W. S. Plumer, D.D.
XXV. How Stands my Case with God? A Help to Self-Examination. By the Rev. W. S. Plumer, D.D.
I. The Posture in Prayer, or God to be worshipped with the body as well as the mind. By the Rev. Isaac Todd.
II. Old Age anticipated and realized. By the Rev .Reuben Smith.
III. Paul’s Inquiry.
IV. Emily J —, or the Danger of Worldly Conformity.
V. The Universalist.
VI. Qualifications of a Sabbath-School Teacher. By the Rev. James Hamilton, London.
VII. The Day of Judgment. Written by the Board.
VIII. On Worldly Conformity. By the Rev. J. M. Brown.
IX. What do you wish for?
X. The Value of the Shorter Catechism, as a text-book for Sabbath-schools. A Lecture for Sabbath-school Teachers. By the Rev. William Nicholson.
XI. Uses of a stormy Sabbath. By the Rev. B. F. Stead.
XII. The Spirit quenched and the Soul lost.
XIII. “Right Soon.” By the Rev. S.M. Andrews.
XIV. Scripture Evidences of a Future State. Found among the papers of an aged Christian lady.
XV. Blessedness and Efficacy of Family Prayer.
XVI. Do you Pray? By the Rev. J.C. Ryle.
XVII. True Philosophy for the Mechanic.
XVIII. Family Religion. By the Rev. James R. Hughes.
XIX. The Light of the World or the Character—Office- Resources—and Responsibilities of the Chuirch. By the Rev. Isaac Cochran.
XX. Respect for the Aged. By the Rev. Reuben Smith.
XXI. The Bank is Closed. The Disappointed Student.
XXII. The Conversion and Character of Col. William Yeadon. By the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
XXIII. The Bible the Basis of Moral Character—a tract for Young Men. By the Rev. David Elliott, D.D
XXIV. The College Student, or how to promote a revival of religion.
XXV. Shall I go to the Lord's Supper? or the duty and privilege of making a public profession of religion. By the Rev. Jonathan Greenleaf.
XXVI. The Cross. By the Rev. J.C. Ryle.
XXVII. Infant Membership secured by the Abrahamic Covenant. By the Rev. N. Hoyt, D.D., Athens, Ga.
XXVIII. Individual Responsibility. By the Rev. John Leyburn, D.D.
XXIX. A Friend Indeed.
I. The Pious Artificer. By a retired Officer of the U.S. Army.
II. Why are you not a communicant?
III. A Sabbath well spent. by J. Hamilton.
IV. Last Hours of E. C Rowe.
V. Jonah, or the Sleeper Awakened. By the Rev. J. A. Wallace.
VI. A Wife’s Influence.
VII. The Worship of the Presbyterian Church. By Samuel Miller, D. D.
VIII. Before and after church.
IX. Why are you not a Christian? By the Rev. J.N. Lewis.
X. O! Don’t swear.
XI. Let go that stern-line.
XII. Sons to be trained for the Gospel Ministry, by M.W. Jacobus.
XIII. The Persecuted Wife.
XIV. Are you on the Lord’s side?
XV. Pay Your Church Dues.
XVI. What can I do?
XVII. Misrepresentations of Calvinism.
XVIII. Will you have this Christ? by W.S. Plumer.
XIX. The Old Man and his Grand-daughter. By the Rev. J.H. Evans.
XX. The Hebrew Inquirer.
XXI. The Confession of Faith and Shorter Catechism.
XXII. Hearing, or Hardening.
XXIII. Loss and Gain. By the Rev. W. J. McCord.
XXIV. Future Destiny of the Wicked.
XXV. Christian Forbearance. By W. P. Carson.
XXVI. The Evil of Intemperance. By W.J. Findley.
XXVII. Universalism Renounced.
XXVIII. Where’s the Harm?
XXIX. Do you love the Sanctuary?
XXX. Peace of Mind.
XXXI. The Burning Amazon.