I. Experimental Religion a rational thing, by the Rev. Jonathan Greenleaf.
II. A Traveler's Hints on subjects of practical importance, by W.M. Engles, D.D.
III. Advice to sinners under conviction, by the Rev. Samuel Corbyn.
IV. Certain rich men, a series of portraits, by W.M. Engles, D.D.
V. To an old disciple, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
VI. To an old person who has no hope in Christ, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
VII. How to bring up children, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
VIII. Jehovah our Righteousness, by George Whitefield.
IX. Words of Warning.
X. Now!
XI. Luther’s Conversion.
XII. Sin our Enemy, God our Friend.
XIII. Anchor of the Soul.
XIV. Do you go to the Prayer Meeting?
XV. Night, Day-break, and Clear Day.
XVI. Who Shall Dwell With the Devouring Fire?
XVII. Without God.
XVIII. The False Peace and the True.
XIX. God’s Purpose of Grace.
XX. The Sin-bearer.
XXI. The Sovereignty of God explained and vindicated, by Daniel Baker, D. D.
XXII. A Message from God, by the Rev. W. J. McCord.
XXIII. Stop!
XXIV. The blood upon the door-posts, or means of safety in the time of pestilence.
XXV. To a young disciple.
XXVI. William and his mother, or What is true Repentance?
XXVII. Scarcely Saved, by the Rev. W. J. McCord
XXVIII. Sin must die, or the soul must die, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
XXIX. Thou must die - To die is gain.
XXX. The Standards of the Presbyterian Church, a faithful mirror of Bible truth, by Daniel Baker, D. D.
XXXI. The difference between Popery and Protestantism in a letter to an inquiring friend, by "Kirwan" (Rev. Nicholas Murray, D. D.)
XXXII. The Western Patriarch, an authentic narrative, by W. S. Plumer, D. D.
XXXIII. Parity admitted by Prelatists.