Aaron Whitney Leland (1787-1871)
Aaron Whitney Leland is buried at the First Presbyterian Churchyard, Columbia, South Carolina.
The Fatal Error: A Tragedy (1807)
The Fatal Error: A Tragedy (1807, 1810)
On the Proper Agency of Reason, in Matters of Religion (1824)
On the Boundaries Which Limit the Inquiries of Reason in Matters of Religion (1824)
Christian Mourning: A Funeral Discourse, Occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Sarah Hibben (1827)
The Pure Gospel Rejected by the Perishing (1827)
The Guilt and Misery Attendant on Parental Indulgence (1833)
The Secret Counsels of God (1834)
A Discourse Delivered Before the State Temperance Society of South Carolina (1838)