Arthur Tappan Pierson (1837-1911)
The Mission of the Church in the Evangelization of the Masses (1880)
The Crisis of Missions; or, The Voice Out of the Cloud (1886)
Keys to the Word; or, Help to Bible Study (1887)
Evangelistic Work in Principle and Practice (1887)
God Loveth a Cheerful Giver (1889)
Rev. A.T. Pierson, D.D. (1889)
The Greatest Work in the World: The Evangelization of All Peoples in the Present Century (1891)
The Divine Enterprise of Missions: A Series of Lectures (1891)
Stumbling Stones Removed From the Word of God (1891)
The Miracle of Missions: or, The Modern Marvels in the History of Missionary Enterprise (1891, 1895)
The Divine Art of Preaching (1892)
From the Pulpit to the Palm-Branch: A Memorial of C.H. Spurgeon (1892)
The New Acts of the Apostles or The Marvel of Modern Missions (1894)
Lessons in the School of Prayer as Taught by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself (1895)
Shall We Continue in Sin? A Vital Question for Believers Answered in the Word of God (1897)
In Christ Jesus: or, The Sphere of the Believer’s Life (1898)
George Müller of Bristol (1899)
Forward Movements of the Last Half Century (1900)
The Spirit’s Voice to the Churches (1900)
Seed Thoughts For Public Speakers (1900, 1907)
The Keswick Movement in Precept and Practise (1903)
The Believer’s Life: Its Past, Present, and Future Tenses (1905)
A Spiritual Clinique: Four Bible Readings Given at Keswick in 1907 (1907)
The Bible and Spiritual Life (1908)
Knowing the Scriptures: Rules and Methods of Bible Study (1910)
The Proof of the Living God, as Found in the Prayer Life of George Müller, D.D. (1910)
The Testimony of Foreign Missions to the Superintending Providence of God (1910)
Arthur Tappan Pierson: His Life and His Message (1911)
Dr. Pierson’s Farewell Missionary Message (1911)
The Testimony of the Organic Unity of the Bible to its Inspiration (1912)