B.B. Warfield and George T. Purves

Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge photo 3.jpg
Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey.

Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey.

The Jewish Thermopylae (1870)

The Taking of the Suburbs (1871)

Milton’s Satan (1871)

Woman’s Mission (1871)

Poetic Genius of Poe (1871)

Despise Not the Wrinkles of Age (1871)

Olla-podrida (1871)

Editorial (1871)

Inauguration of Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield at Western Theological Seminary (1880)

Is the Church Doctrine of the Plenary Inspiration of the New Testament Endangered by the Assured Results of Modern Biblical Criticism? Inaugural Address at Western Theological Seminary (1880)

Dr. Hodge as a Teacher of Exegesis (1880)

The Apologetical Value of the Testaments of the XII Patriarchs (1880)

Note on Galatians 3:20 (1880)

Note on Romans 2:22 (1880)

Note on PNEUMATIKOS and Its Opposites, in the Greek of the New Testament (1880)

Five Papers (1881-1883)

In Defense of Dr. Breckinridge (1881)

Inspiration (1881)

On the Post-Exilian Portion of Our Lord’s Genealogy (1881)

The Talmudic Testimony to the New Testament (1881)

Exegetical Note on Phil. IV.5 (1882)

The Canonicity of Second Peter (1882)

The Greek Testament of Westcott and Hort (1882)

The Genuineness of Mark 16:9-20 (1882)

The Divine Origin of the Bible (1882)

“The Genealogical Method” (1883)

“The Book of Revelation” (1883)

Alleged Ante-Nicene Patristic Citations From Mark 16:9-20 (1883)

Inspiration, and the Spurious Verses at the End of Mark (1883)

Dr. Edwin A. Abbott on the Genuineness of Second Peter (1883)

Exegetical Note on 2 Peter ii.8 (1883)

The Readings HELLANAS and HELLENISTAS, Acts 11:20 (1883)

Qualifications for Candidates (1884)

Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson, D.D., LL.D. (1884)

The Unity of the Apocalypse, with Especial Reference to Dr. Völter's Strictures (1884)

The Resurrection of Christ an Historical Fact, Evinced by Eye-Witnesses (1884)

New Testament Textual Criticism in 1883 (1884)

Some Recent Apocryphal Gospels (1884)

Alphaeus and Klopas (1884)

The Date of the Epistle to the Galatians and Certain Passages in the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1884)

Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, D.D. (1884)

Critical Estimate of a Latin Fragment of the Didache (1885)

Mariam and Maria (1885)

New Testament Text Criticism in 1884 (1885)

The Epitaph of Abercius (1885)

The Scenes of the Baptist’s Work (1885)

Exousia in 1 Cor. 11:10 (1885)

The Appearance of the Risen Jesus to All the Apostles (1885)

Hermas and Theodotion (1885)

The Descriptive Names Applied to the New Testament Books by the Earliest Christian Writers (1885)

The Rayner Papyrus of the Third Century (1885)

Recent American Literature on the New Testament (1885)

The Massora Among the Syrians (1885)

Messianic Psalms of the New Testament (1885)

The Bible’s “Summum Bonum” (1885)

The So-Called Gospel Papyrus (1885)

1 Corinthians X.29b and 30 (1885)

Notes on Scriveners' "Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament," 3rd Ed. (1885)

Text, Sources, and Contents of “The Two Ways” or First Section of the Didache (1886)

New Testament Textual Criticism in 1885 (1886)

Textual Criticism of The Two Ways (1886)

What Should Be the Attitude of the American Clergy Towards the Revised Version of the Scriptures? (1886)

An Interpolation in the Didache (1886)

The New Testament Manuscripts in the Palatine Collection of the Vatican (1886)

Notes on the Didache (1886)

The Didache and Its Kindred Forms (1886)

The Prophecies of St. Paul: Thessalonians (1886)

The Prophecies of St. Paul: The Epistles to the Galatians, Corinthians, and Romans (1886)

The Prophecies of St. Paul: The Later Epistles (1886)

Preparation For the Sacred Ministry; An Old-World View of the Matter (1886)

Bickell on the Papyrus Fragment (1886)

Old-Latin Biblical Texts (1886)

Another Witness to the Egyptian Type of the Didache (1886)

A Sunday Rest for the U.S. Army (1886)

Some Difficult Passages in the First Chapter of 2 Corinthians (1886)

An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1886)

Introductory Essay on Augustin and the Pelagian Controversy (1887)

A Calm View of the Freedmen’s Case (1887)

New Testament Textual Criticism in 1886 (1887)

Some Exegetical Notes on 1 Timothy (1887)

Recent American Literature on the New Testament (1887)

Recent American Literature on the New Testament (1888)

Inauguration of Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield at Princeton Theological Seminary (1888)

The Idea of Systematic Theology Considered as a Science: Inaugural Address at Princeton Theological Seminary (1888)

New Testament Textual Criticism in 1887 (1888)

“Drawing the Color Line”: A Fragment of History (1888)

Christian Evidences: How Affected By Recent Criticisms (1888)

Charles Darwin’s Religious Life: - A Sketch in Spiritual Biography (1888)

The New Creed of the Presbyterian Church of England (1889)

Darwin’s Arguments Against Christianity and Against Religion (1889)

Presbyterian Deaconesses (1889)

Paul’s Doctrine of the Old Testament (1889)

The Presbyterians and the Revision of the Westminster Confession (1889)

The Presbyterian Churches and the Westminster Confession (1889)

Flowers Plucked From a Puritan Garden: Selections From Dr. John Arrowsmith’s “Armilla Catechetica” (1889)

The Relation of the Presbyterian Principle to the Historic Episcopate (1889)

The Westminster Doctrine of Inspiration (1889)

How Shall We Escape, If We Neglect So Great Salvation? (1889)

The Presbyterian and Reformed Review (1890)

A Minister’s Library (1890)

The [102nd] General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (1890)

Dreams and the Moral Life (1890)

True Church Unity: What It Is (1890)

On the Revision of the Confession of Faith (1890)

Ought the Confession of Faith to be Revised? (1890)

Committee Report on Deaconesses (1890)

New Testament Terms Descriptive of the Great Change (1891)

Two Important New Periodicals (1891)

The Westminster Doctrine of Inspiration (1891)

An Answer to Dr. Briggs’ “Shortest Catechism” (1891)

The Present Problem of Inspiration (1891)

The One Hundred and Third General Assembly (1891)

The Development of the Doctrine of Infant Salvation (1891)

The Development of the Doctrine of Infant Salvation (1891, 1897)

Westminster Doctrine Anent Holy Scripture: Tractates by Professors A.A. Hodge and Warfield, With Notes on Recent Discussions (1891)

The Canon of the New Testament: How and When Formed (1892)

Introductory Note to John H. Kerr, An Introduction to the Study of the Books of the New Testament (1892)

Proposed Reply, The Final Report of the Committee on Revision of the Confession (1892)

Obituary Note: The Rev. Prof. Charles Augustus Aiken, Ph.D., D.D. (1892)

The Rights of Criticism and of the Church (1892)

The One Hundred and Fourth General Assembly (1892)

The Formation of the Canon of the New Testament (1892)

The Revision of the Westminster Confession Before the Presbyteries (1892)

Princeton Sermons (1893)

Incarnate Truth (1893)

The Christian’s Attitude Toward Death (1893)

The Inerrancy of the Original Autographs (1893)

The Real Problem of Inspiration (1893)

The Westminster Doctrine of Holy Scripture [PRR] (1893)

The Gospel of the Incarnation (1893)

The Doctrine of Inspiration of the Westminster Divines (1894)

Professor Henry Preserved Smith on Inspiration (1894)

The Inspiration of the Bible (1894)

Calvinism (1894)

James McCosh, D.D., LL.D., and William Greenough Thayer Shedd, D.D., LL.D. (1895)

The Latest Phase of Historical Rationalism (1895)

St. Paul's Use of the Argument From Experience (1895)

The Improvement of Our Theological Seminaries (1895)

The Present Day Conception of Evolution (1895)

The Spirit of God in the Old Testament (1895)

The Revelation (1896)

The Idea of Systematic Theology (1896)

The Right of Systematic Theology (1896)

The Jubilee of Prof. William Henry Green (1896)

Shall Our Theological Seminaries Have a Curriculum? (1896)

The Archaeology of the Mode of Baptism (1896)

The Constitution of the Seminary Curriculum (1896)

The Resurrection of Christ a Fundamental Doctrine (1896)

Inspiration (1896)

Regeneration (1896)

Christian Supernaturalism (1897)

The Indispensableness of Systematic Theology to the Preacher (1897)

The Fortieth Anniversary of Prof. S.M. Woodbridge’s Professorship (1897)

The Right of Systematic Theology (1897)

Two Studies in the History of Doctrine (1897)

Revelation (1897)

No Anaemic Christian (1897)

Introductory Note to Abraham Kuyper’s Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology (1898)

The Significance of the Westminster Standards as a Creed (1898)

Recent Reconstructions of Theology, from the Point of View of Systematic Theology (1898)

Dr. Abraham Kuyper (1898)

Young Luther’s Christmas (1898)

Augustine’s Philosophy (1898)

Abraham Kuyper’s Stone Lectures on Calvinism (1898)

God (1898)

Inspiration (1898)

James (1898)

Epistle of James (1898)

Jude (1898)

Peter (1898)

Doubt (1898, 1905)

Faith (1898, 1905)

Repentance and Original Sin (1899)

The Polemics of Infant Baptism (1899)

Some Perils of Missionary Life (1899)

“It Says:” “Scripture Says:” “God Says” (1899)

Late Discussions of Kenosis (1899)

“God-Inspired Scripture” (1900)

Theology a Science (1900)

The Human Development of Jesus (1900)

The Century’s Progress in Biblical Knowledge (1900)

How to Get Rid of Christianity (1900)

The Supernaturalism of Prophecy and A New Study of Ezra (1900)

“The Oracles of God” (1900)

Errors and Blunders (1900)

Revision or Reaffirmation? (1900)

Is the Bible the Word of God? The Acts (1900)

Prof. Cornill and Dr. Green (1900)

The Revision Movement in the Presbyterian Church (1900)

Is It Restatement That We Need? (1900)

Paul’s Great Thanksgiving (1900)

Dr. Duffield’s Proposition to the Presbytery (1900)

How the Gospel Was Preached to the Thessalonians (1900)

The Principle of the Incarnation (1900)

Present-Day Depreciation of Christ’s Resurrection (1900)

Introductory Note to Abraham Kuyper's  The Work of the Holy Spirit (1900)

How Glorious Art Thou (1901)

Predestination in the Reformed Confessions (1901)

Christianity the Truth (1901)

The Fundamental Significance of the Lord’s Supper (1901)

Working Out Salvation (1901)

Convinced Against Its Will (1901)

The Making of the Westminster Confession (1901)

Creation versus Evolution (1901)

Frederick Godet the Commentator (1901)

Presbyterians and Their Creed (1901)

The Sonnets of De Heredia (1901)

The Printing of the Westminster Confession (1901-1902)

May We Trust Our Gospels? (1901)

Can Dreams Convey a Revelation? (1901)

George Tybout Purves, D.D., LL.D. (1901)

Introductory Note to George Tybout Purves’ Faith and Life (1902)

The Speeches in Acts (1902)

Christianity and Revelation (1902)

Some Characteristics of the Book of Acts (1902)

The Old Testament and Immortality (1902)

Dr. Davidson’s Article on Prophecy (1902)

Predestination (1902)

Acts & Pastoral Epistles: Timothy, Titus & Philemon (1902)

The Angels of Christ’s “Little Ones” (1902-1903)

Introductory Note to Francis R. Beattie, Apologetics (1903)

Introduction to P.P. Flournoy’s New Light on the New Testament (1903)

Modern Theories of the Atonement (1903)

The Question of Miracles (1903)

On the Diction of the Revision Overtures (1903)

Great Babylon, the Mother of Us All (1903)

Sanctifying the Pelagians (1903)

The Meaning of “Adam” in the Old Testament Hebrew (1903, 1908)

The Angel of Jehovah and Critical Views (1903)

The Papyrus of the Ten Commandments (1903)

The Text of an “Exegete” and the Text of a “Critic” (1903)

Witness to Man’s Origin in God’s Creative Act (1903)

The Power of God Unto Salvation (1903)

Spiritual Culture in the Theological Seminary (1904)

A Valentine (1904)

February 19, 1904 Letter to P.B. Fraser (1904)

The Proposed Union With the Cumberland Presbyterians (1904)

The Mower (1904)

Christ’s “Little Ones” (1904)

The Confession of Faith as Revised in 1903 (1904)

The Millennium and the Apocalypse (1904)

On the Misapplication of Historical Names (1904, 1905)

Introduction to J.B. Remensnyder’s The Atonement and Modern Thought (1905)

Augustine and His 'Confessions' (1905)

William Miller Paxton: A Memorial Discourse (1905)

Tertullian and the Beginnings of the Doctrine of the Trinity (1905-1906)

Dr. Dods’ Doctrine of Holy Scripture (1906)

The Supernatural Birth of Jesus (1906)

The Children in the Hands of the Arminians (1906)

The Princeton Seminary of the Future (1906)

Amazement (1906)

Astonishment (1906)

Children (1906)

Dream (1906)

Foresight (1906)

Wanted — A Samaritan (1907)

Africa and the Beginnings of Christian Latin Literature (1907)

Augustine’s Doctrine of Knowledge and Authority (1907)

God’s Revelation of Himself to Israel (1907)

The Lord of Glory: A Study of the Designations of Our Lord in the New Testament with Especial Reference to His Deity (1907)

Scripture (1908)

Agnosticism (1908)

Annihilationism (1908)

Antitrinitarianism (1908)

Apologetics (1908)

Atheism (1908)

Atonement (1908)

Baptism - The Argument Against the Necessity of Immersion (1908)

Westminster Synode und Dekrete Derselben (1908)

A Symposium on the Problem of Natural Evils: The Answer of Dr. Warfield (1908)

The Westminster Assembly and Its Work (1908)

Christianity and the Resurrection of Christ (1908)

The First Question of the Westminster “Shorter Catechism” (1908)

Calvinism: The Meaning and Uses of the Term (1908)

The Deity of Christ (1909, 1910)

Imputation (1909)

Calvin's Doctrine of the Knowledge of God (1909)

The Literary History of the Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin (1909)

Augustine (1909)

Is the Shorter Catechism Worthwhile? (1909, 1979)

Present Day Attitude to Calvinism (1909)

Calvin’s Doctrine of God (1909)

John Calvin: The Man and His Work (1909)

Music in the Work of Calvin (1909)

Calvin’s Doctrine of the Trinity (1909)

Four Hymns and Some Religious Verses (1910)

Jesus Christ (1910)

“Sixty Years With the Bible”: A Record of Drifting (1910)

The Task and Method of Systematic Theology (1910)

“Scripture,” “the Scriptures,” in the New Testament (1910)

Renewal (1911)

On the Antiquity and the Unity of the Human Race (1911)

On the Biblical Notion of “Renewal” (1911)

The “Christ-Myth” (1911)

Christological Movements in the Nineteenth Century (1911)

The “Two Natures” and Recent Christological Speculation (1911)

On Faith in Its Psychological Aspects (1911)

A Ballade of Princeton Seminary (1911)

How Shall We Baptize? (1911)

Edwards and the New England Theology (1912)

The Emotional Life of Our Lord (1912)

Introductory Note to “Is Jesus God: An Argument by Graduates of Princeton Seminary (1912)

Princeton Hymns (1912)

Notes on Princeton Seminary’s Centennial Celebration (1912)

Christless Christianity (1912)

The Centennial Celebration of the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America at Princeton, New Jersey (1912)

The Religious Life of Theological Students (1912-1913)

The Saviour of the World (1913)

Concerning Schmiedel’s “Pillar Passages” (1913)

The Importunate Widow and the Alleged Failure of Faith (1913)

Christianity and Our Times (1914)

Introduction to Samuel G. Craig, Jesus as He Was and Is (1914)

The Twentieth-Century Christ (1914)

Jesus’ Alleged Confession of Sin (1914)

Misconception of Jesus, and Blasphemy of the Son of Man (1914)

Kikuyu, Clerical Veracity and Miracles (1914)

The Essence of Christianity and the Cross of Christ (1914)

Godhead (1915)

Inspiration (1915)

Person of Christ (1915)

Revelation (1915)

Trinity (1915)

Are They Few That Be Saved? (1915)

The Plan of Salvation (1915)

Calvin’s Doctrine of the Creation (1915)

The Bible, the Book of Mankind (1915)

Jesus’ Mission, According to His Own Testimony (1915)

The Foundations of the Sabbath in the Word of God (1916)

Faith and Life: 'Conferences' in the Oratory of Princeton Seminary (1916)

“Redeemer” and “Redemption” (1916)

Personal Recollections of Princeton Undergraduate Life IV - The Coming of Dr. McCosh (1916)

Awake, America! (1916)

The Coward Boy (1916)

The Divine Messiah in the Old Testament (1916)

Sonnets From Princeton: “Just Scraps of Paper” and “Quittin’ Speakin’” (1916)

Some Thoughts on Predestination (1916)

“God Our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (1917)

The New Testament Terminology of “Redemption” (1917)

Mysticism and Christianity (1917)

Christ Our Sacrifice (1917)

The Theology of the Reformation (1917)

The Ninety-Five Theses in Their Theological Significance (1917)

Redemption (1918)

Counterfeit Miracles (1918)

The Terminology of Love in the New Testament (1918)

The Christ That Paul Preached (1918)

How Princeton Seminary Got to Work (1918)

“The Victorious Life” (1918)

The “Higher Life” Movement (1918-1919)

“Die Heiligungsbewegung” (1919)

The German Higher Life Movement in Its Chief Exponent (1919)

Praying For the Erring (1919)

Paul on Women Speaking in Church (1919)

Albrecht Ritschl and His Doctrine of Christian Perfection (1919-1920)

“Miserable-Sinner Christianity” in the Hands of the Rationalists (1920)

Capitalizing ‘Lord’ in the English New Testament (1920)

Paul’s Buffeting of His Body (1920)

The Mystical Perfectionism of Thomas Cogswell Upham (1921)

Oberlin Perfectionism (1921)

John Humphrey Noyes and His “Bible Communists” (1921)

Jesus Christ the Propitiation for the Whole World (1921)

Antichrist (1921)

Calvinism (1921)

Presbyter (1921)

Presbyterianism (1921)

Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, D.D., LL.D., Litt. D. (1921)

The Posture of the Recipients at the Lord’s Supper: A Footnote to the History of Reformed Usages (1922)

John R. MacKay, Benjamin B. Warfield -- A Bibliography (1922)

The Works of Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, Vol. 1: Revelation and Inspiration (1927)

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield (1927)

The Works of Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, Vol. 2: Biblical Doctrines (1929)

The Works of Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, Vol. 4: Studies in Tertullian and Augustine (1930)

The Works of Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, Vol. 9: Studies in Theology (1932)

The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible (1948, 1970)

The Person and Work of Christ (1950)

Biblical and Theological Studies (1952)

Limited Inspiration (1961)

B.B. Warfield on Women Deacons (1985)

Note: This is the main page for B.B. Warfield’s primary writings (articles, books, etc.). For his book reviews, see here.

The Jewish Thermopylae (1870)

Included are: 1) The Greek Testament of Westcott and Hort (1882); 2) Professor Warfield's Syllabus on the Canon of the New Testament in the Second Century (1881); 3) The Canonicity of Second Peter (1882); 4) Dr. Edwin A. Abbott on the Genuineness of…

Included are: 1) The Greek Testament of Westcott and Hort (1882); 2) Professor Warfield's Syllabus on the Canon of the New Testament in the Second Century (1881); 3) The Canonicity of Second Peter (1882); 4) Dr. Edwin A. Abbott on the Genuineness of Second Peter (1883); and 5) On the Post-Exilian Portion of our Lord's Genealogy (1881).

Extracted from Alfred Nevin, Encyclopedia of the Presbyterian Church.

Extracted from Alfred Nevin, Encyclopedia of the Presbyterian Church.

This 2-part article appeared in the October and November 1885 issues of The Expositor.

From the Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Jun., 1886).

Warfield was also responsible for the revision of the translation of Augustine.

Warfield was also responsible for the revision of the translation of Augustine.

This 2-part article appeared in the January 20 and 27, 1887 issues of The Independent.

This 2-part article appeared in the July and October 1887 issues of The Presbyterian Review.

This 5-part article, an expansion of the earlier 1891 work, appeared in the March, April, May, June, July and August 1897 issues of Christian Literature.

Warfield edited this volume, wrote the preface, and contributed two sermons (see Selected Shorter Writings of Benjamin B. Warfield, Vol. 2, p. 455).

This article was first published A.A. Hodge and later revised by B.B. Warfield.

This 2-part article appeared in the January and April 1895 issue of The Presbyterian Quarterly.

This 2-part article appeared in the January and April 1895 issue of The Presbyterian Quarterly.

Included is a bibliography of the works of William Henry Green.

Included is a bibliography of the works of William Henry Green.

This 2-part article appeared in the July 30 and August 20, 1896 issues of The Independent.

A letter concerning Dr. James H. Brookes.

This piece is a translation by Warfield of an article by W.H. de Savornin Lohman.

This piece is a translation by Warfield of an article by W.H. de Savornin Lohman.

Dr. Warfield’s handwritten notes explain who translated which portions of Abraham Kuyper’s Stone Lectures on Calvinism from Dutch into English.

Dr. Warfield’s handwritten notes explain who translated which portions of Abraham Kuyper’s Stone Lectures on Calvinism from Dutch into English.

This hymn was composed for the inauguration of Robert Dick Wilson.

This hymn was composed for the inauguration of Robert Dick Wilson.

This 2-part article appeared in the October 1901 and January 1902 issues of The Presbyterian and Reformed Review.

This 5-part article appeared in the October 1901 and January, April, July and October 1902 issues of The Presbyterian and Reformed Review.

Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge, Some Characteristics of the Book of Acts Title Page.jpg

This 3-part article appeared in the January, February and March 1902 issues of The Bible Student.

This 2-part article appeared in the November 1902 and the January 1903 issues of The Bible Student.

This 2-part article appeared in the November 1902 and the January 1903 issues of The Bible Student.

This 4-part article appeared in the March, April, May and June 1903 issues of The Bible Student.

This 4-part article appeared in the March, April, May and June 1903 issues of The Bible Student.

The original title of this article was “Hosea VI.7: Adam or Man?”

The original title of this article was “Hosea VI.7: Adam or Man?”

This is a 3-part article which appeared in the October 1905 and January-April 1906 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This is a 3-part article which appeared in the October 1905 and January-April 1906 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This 2-part article appeared in the July and October 1907 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This 2-part article appeared in the July and October 1907 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This article is in German.

This PDF contains both parts of this article, published originally in the Princeton Theological Review (VI.2 - April 1908; and VI.3 - July 1908)

This 2-part article appeared in the April and July 1908 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

An address by Émile Doumergue, translated by B.B. Warfield.

An address by Émile Doumergue, translated by B.B. Warfield.

Translation by Warfield.

Translation by Warfield.

Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge, Concerning Schmiedel's Pillar Passages Title Page.jpg

This article appeared in the April 1913 issue of The Princeton Theological Review.

This 2-part article appeared in the November and December 1913 issues of The Expository Times.

This 2-part article appeared in the November and December 1913 issues of The Expository Times.

This 2-part article appeared in the April 12, and April 19, 1916 issues of Princeton Alumni Weekly.

This 2-part article appeared in the April 12 and April 19, 1916 issues of Princeton Alumni Weekly.

This is a 2-part article which appeared in the January and April 1918 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This is a 2-part article which appeared in the January and April 1918 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This is a 2-part article article which appeared in the October 1918 and January 1919 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This is a 2-part article article which appeared in the October 1918 and January 1919 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This 2-part article appeared in the July and October 1919 issues of The Biblical Review.

This 2-part article appeared in the October 1919 and January 1920 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This 2-part article appeared in the October 1919 and January 1920 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This is a 3-part article which appeared in the April, July and October 1920 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This is a 3-part article which appeared in the April, July and October 1920 issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This 4-part article appeared in the January, April, July  and October 1921 issues of The Union Seminary Review.

This 4-part article appeared in the January, April, July and October 1921 issues of The Union Seminary Review.

This 4-part article appeared in the January, April, July and October issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This 4-part article appeared in the January, April, July and October issues of The Princeton Theological Review.

This is a 3-part article which appeared in the January, April and July 1921 issues of the Bibliotheca Sacra

This is a 3-part article which appeared in the January, April and July 1921 issues of the Bibliotheca Sacra