Benjamin Mosby Smith (1811-1893)
Benjamin Mosby Smith is buried at Union Theological Seminary Cemetery, Hampden Sydney, Virginia.
The Use of Wine in the Bible (1835)
Importance and Ends of Doctrinal Knowledge and Preaching (1838)
Anecdote of the Rev. Messrs. Lacy and Turner (1838)
A Tribute to the Memory of our Ancestors (1843)
The Exclusive Claims of Prelacy, Stated and Refuted (1844)
Washington College, Lexington, VA. (1846, 1892)
Popular Objections to Christianity (1853)
March 11, 1857 Letter to William B. Sprague (1857, 1858)
The Poetical Books of the Holy Scriptures: With a Critical and Explanatory Commentary (1859, 1867)
How Shall the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the C. States Be Organized? (1861)
The Brethren of Our Lord (1879)
The Sacraments of the New Testament (1880)
Benjamin M. Smith, D.D. (1884)
Memorial Tablet in Honor of the Rev. John Holt Rice, D. D. (1885)