Bennett Henderson Young (1843-1919)
An historical marker for Youngland, the home of Bennett H. Young, is located in Shively, Kentucky.
Bennett Henderson Young is buried at Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky.
Lay Effort Among the Masses (1888)
History and Texts of the Three Constitutions of Kentucky (1890)
Eight Years of Presbyterian Evangelistic Work in Kentucky (1890)
The Ninth Year of Evangelistic Work in Kentucky (1891)
Division of the Presbyterian Church in Kentucky (1892)
History of the Battle of Blue Licks (1897)
A History of Jessamine County, Kentucky, From Its Earliest Settlement to 1898 (1898)
Dr. S.M. Neel, the Self-Appointed Moses of the Southern Church (1907)
Kentucky Eloquence, Past and Present (1907)
The Prehistoric Men of Kentucky (1910)