Charles Augustus Briggs (1841-1913)
Charles Augustus Briggs is buried at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.
Exegetical Theology, Especially of the Old Testament (1877)
The Ante-Nicene Church and Premillenarianism (1879)
The Idea and Aims of the Presbyterian Review (1880)
The Documentary History of the Westminster Assembly (1880)
The Provincial Assembly of London, 1647-1660 (1881)
Critical Theories of the Sacred Scriptures in Relation to Their Inspiration (1881)
The Little Book of the Covenant (1883)
The Hebrew Poem of the Creation (1884)
The Principles of Puritanism (1884)
Puritanism in New York: Its Origin and Growth Until the Middle of the XVIII Century (1885)
The Revised English Version of the Old Testament (1885)
The Old and New Theology (1885)
Our Book Table: Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (1885)
Dr. Green’s Defence of the Revised Version (1885)
The Poem of the Fall of Man (1885)
American Presbyterianism (1885)
Terms of Christian Union (1887)
The Barriers to Christian Union (1887)
The New Theory of the Apocalypse (1888)
The Apocalypse of Jesus (1888)
A Plea For an American Alliance of the Reformed Churches (1888)
Defects in American Presbyterianism (1888)
An Ancient Type of Presbyterianism (1888)
The Study of the English Bible in Theological Seminaries (1889)
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (1889)
The Westminster Standards (1889)
Whither? A Theological Question for the Times (1889)
The Westminster Confession and the Traditional Dogma (1889)
The Westminster Creed: The Difficulty With the Third Chapter (1889)
The Terms of Subscription of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. (1889)
Subscription and Revision (1889)
The Middle State in the Old Testament (1890)
Revision of the Westminster Confession (1890)
Review of A.B. Bruce, The Kingdom of God (1890)
The Test of the Apostles’ Creed (1890)
The Historic Episcopate as a Basis of Reunion (1890)
The Westminster Confession and the Old Testament (1890)
How Shall We Revise the Westminster Confession of Faith? (1890)
Have the Quakers Prevailed? (1890)
The Advance Toward Church Unity (1891)
The Higher Criticism: The Old Testament as Read in Its Light (1891)
Prof. Briggs Replies to Questions (1891)
The Authority of Holy Scripture: An Inaugural Address (1891)
Response to the Charges and Specifications Submitted to the Presbytery of New York (1891)
The Edward Robinson Chair of Biblical Theology in the Union Theological Seminary, New York (1891)
Theological Education and Its Needs (1892)
The Proposed Revision of the Westminster Confession (1892)
The Future of Religion in America (1892)
The Bible, the Church, and the Reason: The Three Great Fountains of Divine Authority (1892)
The Higher Criticism of the Hexateuch (1892, 1897)
Professor Briggs To His Friends (1893)
The Future of Presbyterianism in the United States (1893)
The Truthfulness of Holy Scripture (1893)
The Alienation of Church and People (1893)
The Sunday-School and Modern Biblical Criticism (1894)
The Messiah of the Gospels (1894)
The Messiah of the Apostles (1895)
The One Flock of Christ (1896)
The Wisdom of Jesus the Messiah (1896-1897)
The Scope of Theology and Its Place in the University (1897)
Works of the Imagination in the Old Testament (1897)
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in Its Relation to Church Unity (1897)
The Use of Nephesh in the Old Testament (1897)
The Westminster Assembly (1897)
Letter Apostolic of His Holiness Leo XIII. (1897)
The Institution of the Lord’s Supper (1898)
An Inductive Study of Selah (1899)
New Light on the Life of Jesus (1904)
The Ethical Teaching of Jesus (1904)
A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament [Brown-Driver-Briggs] (1906)
The Papal Commission and the Pentateuch (1906)
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Psalms, Vol. 1 (1906)
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Psalms, Vol. 2 (1907)
An Analysis of Isaiah 40-62 (1908)
The Virgin Birth of Our Lord (1909)
Church Unity: Studies of Its Most Important Problems (1909)
Millennium, Millenarianism (1910)
A Volume in Honor of Professor Toy (1913)
Charles Augustus Briggs (1913)
Qualifications For Church Membership (1914)