Charles Grandison Finney (1792-1875)
Charles Grandison Finney is buried at Westwood Cemetery, Oberlin, Ohio.
A Sermon, Preached in the Presbyterian Church at Troy, March 4, 1827 (1827)
Lectures on Revivals of Religion (1835)
Sermons on Important Subjects (1836)
Lectures to Professing Christians (1837)
Skeletons of a Course of Theological Lectures (1840)
Views of Sanctification (1840)
Lectures on Systematic Theology (1846)
Lectures on Systematic Theology (1847)
The Reviewer Reviewed; or, Finney's Theology and the Princeton Review (1847)
A Reply to Dr. Duffield’s “Warning Against Error” (1848)
Tracts by President Finney (1850)
Lectures on Systematic Theology (1851)
Lectures on Revivals of Religion (1868)
The Character, Claims, and Practical Workings of Freemasonry (1869)
Memoirs of Rev. Charles G. Finney (1876)
Sermons on Gospel Themes (1876)
Extracts From Walter P. Doe, Eminent Authors on Effective Revival Preaching (1876)
1. Conscious Effects of Faith
2. The Decay of Conscience
3. Enduement of Power From on High
4. The Enduement of the Spirit
5. Hindrances to Revivals
6. How to Overcome Sin
7. How to Preach So As To Convert Nobody
8. How to Win Souls
9. Innocent Amusements
10. Is It a Hard Saying?
11. Power From on High
12. Power From on High: What Is It?
13. Power From on High: Who May Expect the Enduement?
14. Preacher, Save Thyself
15. Prevailing Prayer
16. The Psychology of Faith