Charles Lemuel Thompson (1839-1924)

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Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City, NY, where Thompson pastored before taking over as the leader of the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions at the turn of the 20th century.

Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City, NY, where Thompson pastored before taking over as the leader of the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions at the turn of the 20th century.

Charles Lemuel Thompson is buried at Prairie Home Cemetery, Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Charles Lemuel Thompson is buried at Prairie Home Cemetery, Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Address of Rev. Dr. Thompson in Reference to the Death of Hon. Edwin M. Stanton (1870)

Paul at Athens (1872)

The Great Presbyterian Conflict: Patton vs. Swing (1874)

Times of Refreshing: A History of American Revivals from 1740-1877, With Their Philosophy and Methods (1877)

The House-Top Walk (1888)

Historic Presbyterian Characters (1888)

Lord, Increase Our Faith (1889)

Etchings in Verse (1890)

A New Creed (1890)

The Christian Church and the Hospital (1891)

A Monument (1893)

Black Bass and the Storm-Proof (1893)

End of the Camp (1893)

In Memoriam of Philip Schaff (1893)

My Prayer (1893)

Presbyterianism and the Nation (1895)

Introduction to George W. Mead, Modern Methods in Church Work (1897)

Fac-Simile of the Shorter Catechism (1898)

Home Missions in the United States (1899)

Review and Outlook (1901)

Our Captain: To Theodore Ledyard Cuyler - Read at a Celebration of His Eightieth Anniversary (1902)

Centennial of Home Missions (1902)

Home Mission Centennial: A Backward Glance Over the Work Accomplished (1902)

Our Missionary Destiny: Problems Before the American People (1902)

Three Years in Porto Rico (1902)

The Perspective of Missions: An Address Before the General Assembly in Los Angeles, California, May Twenty-Sixth, Nineteen Hundred and Three (1903)

The Presbyterians (1903)

The Institutional Church (1904)

America’s Position and Prestige (1906)

At the Gateway (1906)

George Fletcher McAfee, D.D.: In Memoriam (1907)

Christian Conservation (1911)

Home Missions as a Social Force (1915)

The Latin-American Congress (1915)

The Religious Foundations of America (1917)

The Soul of America: The Contribution of Presbyterian Home Missions (1919)

God With Us (1920)

Gray of the Interior (1920)

Charles Lemuel Thompson: An Autobiography (1924)

Charles Lemuel Thompson, D.D., LL.D. (1925)

Courtesy of Dr. Wayne Sparkman, PCA Historical Center.

Courtesy of Dr. Wayne Sparkman, PCA Historical Center.

Rev. Thompson wrote the preface and delivered an address titled “A Vision of the Future.”