The Psalms of David in Meeter [Kirk of Scotland] (1650)
Sermons on Sacramental Occasions (1739)
Pastoral Letter From the Synod of New-York and Philadelphia (1775)
A Display of the Religious Principles of the Associate Synod of North America (1794, 1823)
A Display of the Religious Principles of the Associate Synod of North America (1794, 1850)
A Display of the Religious Principles of the Associate Synod of North America (1794, 1898)
The Constitution and Standards of the Associate-Reformed Church in North-America (1799)
Reformation Principles Exhibited [RPCNA] (1807)
Reformation Principles Exhibited [RPCNA] (1807, 1849)
The New-Jersey Preacher: or, Sermons on Plain Practical Subjects (1813)
The Constitution of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (1815, 1834)
The Constitution of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America (1815, 1843)
The Southern Preacher: A Collection of Sermons (1824)
Discourses Delivered in Murray Street Church (1830)
The Constitution and Standards of the Associate-Reformed Church in North America (1832)
The Spruce Street Lectures (1833)
Original Sermons by Presbyterian Ministers in the Mississippi Valley (1833)
Catalogue of the Library Belonging to the Union Theological Seminary in Prince Edward, VA (1833)
A History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines (1841)
Devotional Hymns Adapted to Social, Private and Public Worship [Old School PCUSA] (1842)
The Presbyterian Almanac (1843)
Parish Psalmody: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns For Public Worship (1844)
The Presbyterian Almanac (1846)
Theological Essays: Reprinted From the Princeton Review (1846)
Essays, Theological and Miscellaneous, Reprinted From the Princeton Review (Second Series) (1847)
The First Centennial Anniversary of the College of New Jersey (1848)
Brief Memoirs of the Pious (1848)
A Catechism on the Government and Discipline of the Presbyterian Church [PCUSA] (1849)
The Pulpit of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Vol. 1 (1850)
The Pulpit of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Vol. 2 (1851)
The Pulpit of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Vol. 3 (1852)
The Living Pulpit, or Eighteen Sermons by Eminent Living Divines (1853, 1861)
The Man of Business, Considered in His Various Relations (1857)
The New York Pulpit in the Revival of 1858 (1858)
The Testimony of the United Presbyterian Church of North America (1858)
Scriptural Duties of Masters (1858)
An Historical Sketch of the College of New Jersey (1859)
Manual For the Members of the Presbyterian Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia (1860)
Fast Day Sermons: or, The Pulpit on the State of the Country (1861)
The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States [PCUS] (1861, 1900)
The Christian Sabbath: Its History, Authority, Duties, Benefits, and Civil Relations (1863)
Address to Christians Throughout the World by the Clergy of the Confederate States of America (1863)
Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church [PCUSA] (1867)
Proceedings of the Semicentenary Celebration of the Presbyterian Board of Education (1869)
Successful Preaching: Addresses to Theological Students (1870)
The Covenant of 1871 [RPCNA] (1871, 1888)
The Book of Psalms [UPCNA] (1871)
Memorial Volume, Covenant Renovation [RPCNA] (1872)
Constitution and Charter of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in the North-West (1872)
History and Distinctive Principles of the United Presbyterian Church of North America (1873)
The Presbyterian Hymnal [PCUSA, music and words] (1874)
The Presbyterian Hymnal [PCUSA, words only] (1874)
How To Teach the Little Folks (1875)
Centennial Historical Discourses (1876)
Descriptive Catalogue of the Publications of the Presbyterian Board of Publication (1880)
The Book of Church Order of the Presbyterian Church in the United States [PCUS] (1881)
History of the Independent Presbyterian Church and Sunday School, Savannah, GA (1882)
Half Hours With the Lessons of 1883 (1882)
Half Hours With the Lessons of 1884 (1883)
Centennial of Presbyterianism in Kentucky (1883)
Memorial Volume of the Columbia Theological Seminary (1884)
Centennial Volume of the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh, Pa., 1784-1884 (1884)
The Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church of North America [UPCNA] (1887)
First Semi-Centenary Celebration of Davidson College (1888)
Women and the Deacon’s Office [RPCNA] (1888)
A Historical Sketch of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1837-1888 (1888)
The Psalms: A Revision of the Scottish Metrical Version With Additional Versions [RPCNA] (1888)
One Hundred Years of Presbyterianism in the Ohio Valley (1890)
Contributions to the History of the Synod of Virginia (1890)
The Psalter: With Music [RPCNA] (1890)
Quarter-Centennial of the Pittsburgh Congregation of the Covenanter Church, 1866 to 1891 (1891)
The Centennial of the Beginning of Presbyterianism in the City of Washington (1895)
Southern Presbyterian Pulpit: A Collection of Sermons (1896)
A Handbook of Princeton (1896)
Memorial Volume of the Westminster Assembly (1897)
The Presbyterian Pulpit, A Volume of Sermons by Ministers of the Synod of Michigan (1898)
The Diamond Anniversary Volume, 1824-1899, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (1899)
The Sphere and Rights of Woman in the Church [PCUS] (1899)
The Psalter With Music [UPCNA] (1900)
Historical Sketch of the Missions in China (1901)
Historical Sketch of the Missions in Syria (1901)
The New Psalms and Hymns [PCUS] (1901)
Centennial of Home Missions [PCUSA] (1902)
Twentieth Century Addresses (1902)
Historical Sketch of the Missions in Africa (1902)
Historical Sketch of the Missions in Japan (1902)
Historical Sketch of the Missions in Persia (1903)
Historical Sketch of the Missions in Siam and Laos (1903)
Historical Sketch of the Missions in South America (1903)
Historical Sketch of the Missions in Mexico and Guatemala (1904)
Historical Sketch of the Freedmen’s Missions of the United Presbyterian Church, 1862-1904 (1904)
Counsel to New Missionaries From Older Missionaries of the Presbyterian Church (1905)
The Psalms in Meter [Joint Committee] (1905)
The Book of Common Worship [PCUSA] (1906)
Calvin Memorial Addresses (1909)
The New Metrical Version of the Psalms [Joint Committee] (1909)
McCormick Theological Seminary Historical Celebration (1910)
The College of Hampden-Sidney, Calendar of Board Minutes, 1776-1876 (1912)
The Psalter With Responsive Readings [UPCNA] (1912)
The Book of Psalms: Rendered in Metre and Set to Music [RPCNA] (1912)
Centennial Addresses Commemorating the Birth of the Reverend James Henley Thornwell (1913)
Centennial Addresses: Synod of North Carolina (1913)
The Protestant Reformation and Its Influence (1917)
The Semi-Centennial of Mecklenburg Presbytery, 1869-1919 (1919)
The Book of Psalms: Rendered in Metre and Set to Music [RPCNA] (1920)
The Confessional Statement of the United Presbyterian Church of North America (1926)
Presbyterianism in Indiana (1926)
The Psalter Hymnal: The Psalms and Selected Hymns [UPCNA] (1927)
Catalogue of the McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology, Vol. 1 (1927)
Catalogue of the McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology, Vol. 2 (1928)
Catalogue of the McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology, Vol. 3 (1928)
Catalogue of the McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology, Vol. 4 (1929)
A Brief History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church [RPCNA] (1929)
Catalogue of the McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology, Vol. 5 (1930)
Biographical Catalogue of the Princeton Theological Seminary, 1815-1932 (1933)
First Presbyterian Church, 1845-1945, Marion, North Carolina (1945)
One Hundred Fifty Years of Kentucky Presbyterianism, 1802-1952: Sesqui-Centennial Celebration (1952)
The Covenant of 1954 [RPCNA] (1954)
History of the Antioch Presbyterian Church, 1843-1996 (1996)
A transcription of this letter is available here.
Faith the Principle of a Holy Life - Samuel Stanhope Smith
On Experimental Religion - John McDowell
An Ordination Sermon - John Woodhull
The Influence of Faith in Producing Holy Obedience - Amzi Armstrong
On Attending the Public Worship of God - James Richards
The Sinner Blinded to Truth - Samuel Stanhope Smith
The Disciples of Christ, the Light of the World - Robert Finley
The Smitten Rock - Solomon Fraeligh
On the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper - Charles H. Wharton
The Danger and Folly of Indulging a Covetous Temper - James Richards
On the Benefits of Affliction - Thomas Pieton
On Resignation - John McDowell
Justification, With Some of Its Precious Fruits - Peter Studdiford
The True and False Grounds of Religion - Joseph Clark
On a Death-Bed Repentance - Samuel Stanhope Smith
Warning Against Self-Deception - Uzal Ogden
On the Dissolution of the World - Thomas Pieton
The Excellence of the Knowledge of Christ - Enoch Burt
The Benefits Resulting From Being Found in Christ - Robert Finley
Destruction of the Wicked - Samuel Fisher
Triumph of the Righteous - Samuel Fisher
Wisdom Resulting From Numbering Our Days - Amzi Armstrong
Joy in Heaven Over a Repenting Sinner - Enoch Burt
On the Perfection of the Divine Law - Joseph Caldwell
On the Guilt and Danger of Delaying to Keep God’s Commandments - Adam Empie
On Keeping the Heart - Joseph Caldwell
On the Atonement - Joseph Caldwell
On the Deceitfulness and Wickedness of the Heart - William Hooper
On the Way of Acceptance, as Announced in the Gospel - William Hooper
On the Doctrine of a Particular Providence - Arthur Buist
On the Character and Doom of the Wicked - Adam Empie
On the Vanity of Life, and the Folly of the Worldling - Adam Empie
On the Necessity of Preparation for Death - John S. Capers
On the Blessedness of Not Being Offended in Christ - Eleazer Harris
On the Reasons which Christians Have, for Mourning the Sudden Removal of Men, Who Have Been Distinguished, for the Excellence of Their Characters, and the Usefulness of Their Lives — Benjamin M. Palmer
On Repentance - Andrew Flinn
On Regeneration - Benjamin Gilderslieve
On True Greatness of Mind, as Exemplified in the Character of the Bereans - Oliver Hulberd
On the Redeemer’s Benevolence, in the Salvation of Lost Sinners - Oliver Hulberd
On Early Piety - Nathan S.S. Beman
On the Proper Agency of Reason, in Matters of Religion - Aaron W. Leland
On the Boundaries Which Limit the Inquiries of Reason, in Matters of Religion - Aaron W. Leland
On the Resurrection of the Body - Allan M’Dougald
On the Consequence of Unbelief - Benjamin M. Palmer
On the Admonition Administered to Elijah, for his Despondency - Benjamin M. Palmer
On the Curse Pronounced Against the Serpent; Including the First Promise of a Saviour, Made to Our First Parents - Francis Cummins
On Buying, and Not Selling the Truth - Francis Cummins
On the Analogy Between the Dispensations of Grace by the Gospel, and a Royal Marriage Feast - Richard Furman
1. The Importance of Christian Knowledge, by Gardiner Spring
2. The Law of God, by Samuel H. Cox
3. Human Depravity, or Man a Fallen Being, by Thomas H. Skinner
4. The Necessity of the Atonement, by John De Witt
5. The Enmity of the Human Heart Against the Character and Government of God, by John Woodbridge
6. The Rejection of Revealed Truth Referable to Moral Depravity, by Samuel Miller
7. Revealed Religion, the Only Source of True Happiness, by William B. Sprague
8. The Divine Testimony to the Resurrection of Christ, by James Carnahan
9. The Glory of the Gospel, by John Holt Rice
10. The Province of Reason in Matters of Religion, by Leonard Woods
11. The Certain Triumph of the Redeemer, by Francis Wayland
12. The Triumphs of the Redemption Over the Apostacy, by William D. Snodgrass
13. The Effect of the Gospel, in Exalting the Creator, and Humbling the Creature, by Edward D. Griffin
1. Introductory Address - John Breckinridge
2. Scripture Doctrine of a Call to the Work of the Gospel Ministry - William S. Plumer
3. The Importance of a Thorough and Adequate Course of Preparatory Study For the Holy Ministry - Samuel Miller
4. Address to Students of Divinity - John Brown of Haddington
5. Considerations on Foreign Missions: Addressed to Candidates For the Holy Ministry - James W. Alexander
6. Address to the St. Andrew’s University Missionary Society, on the Duty of Personal Engagement in the Work of Missions - John Urquhart
7. An Address to Candidates For the Ministry on the Importance of Aiming at Eminent Piety in Making Their Preparation For the Sacred Office - Archibald Alexander
8. On the Necessity of a Knowledge of the Original Languages of the Scriptures - Charles Hodge
9. Literary Diligence Recommended: A Baccalaureate Discourse Delivered to the Candidates For Degrees in the College of New Jersey, on the Sabbath Immediately Preceding the Annual Commencement in 1820 - Ashbel Green
10. Essay on the Wants of the World, an the Way to Relieve Them - William Nevins
11. Biographical Sketch and Obituary of John S. Newbold
12. Biographical Sketch and Obituary of Rev. Sylvester Larned
13. An Address Delivered at Princeton, New Jersey, at the Annual Examination of the Students of the Theological Seminary, May, 1832 - Gardiner Spring
Introduction - Dr. Ashbel Green
The Inability of Sinners Considered - Dr. Ezra Fisk
The Fall of Man and Its Effects - Dr. J. J. Janeway
The Use of the Means of Grace - Dr. Samuel Howe
Of Church Discipline - Rev. Alexander McFarlane
The Nature of the Atonement - Rev. Charles Hodge
Ecclesiastical Polity - Dr. Samuel Miller
On Regeneration - Dr. Samuel Martin
Christian Missions - Rev. John Breckinridge
The Utility and Importance of Creeds and Confessions (revised edition of 1833) - Dr. Samuel Miller
Methods of Peace - J.L. Wilson
The Character of Man - J.L. Wilson
The Way of Salvation - Sayrs Gazlay
Seasonable Admonition - Daniel Hayden
Fulfilment of the Ministry - J.H. Brookes
Gospel Doctrine and Christian Duty - James Blythe
Justification by Faith - David Monfort
Christian Confidence and Security - David Monfort
Blessedness of Justification - Reuben Frame
Hearers Classified - Joshua T. Russell
Hearers Instructed - Joshua T. Russell
Unity of Christ and the Church - John Matthews
Redemption - A. M’Farlane
The Sanctuary Polluted - J.L. Wilson
The Sanctuary Cleansed - J.L. Wilson
I. Presbyterianism the truly Primitive and Apostolical Constitution of the Church of Christ; by the Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D.
II. Qualifications and Duties of Ruling Elders in the Presbyterian Church; by the Rev. William M. Engles.
III. The Scriptural Doctrine of the Atonement Illustrated and Defended; by the Rev. J. J. Janeway, D.D.
IV. The Duty of Catechetical Instruction; by Archibald Alexander, D.D.
VI. Love to the Doctrines of the Bible an Essential Element of Christian Character; by the Rev. Edward W. Hooker.
VII. The Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints Illustrated, Proved, and Applied; by the Rev. Sheppard K. Kollock.
VIII. Infant Baptism Scriptural and Reasonable, and Baptism by Sprinkling or Affusion' the most Suitable and Edifying Mode; by the Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D.
IX. The Sinner's Inability is no Excuse for his Impenitency; by the Rev. S.G. Winchester.
X. The Sabbath at Home; by the Rev. Silas M. Andrews.
I. A Caution against Prevailing Errors ; being a Conversation between a Presbyterian Pastor, and his Parishioner; by William M. Engles, D.D.
II. A Treatise on Justification by Faith; by Archibald Alexander, D.D.
III. The Necessity of Atonement; by the Rev. Wm. Symington.
IV. The Nature, Extent, and Results of the Atonement; by the Rev. William Symington.
V. On the Intercession of Jesus Christ; by the Rev. William Symington.
VI. Christ's Gracious Invitation to the Labouring and Heavy Laden; by Archibald Alexander, D.D.
VII. Claims of the Gospel Ministry to an Adequate Support.
VIII. The Importance of Doctrinal and Instructive Preaching; by the Rev. S. G. Winchester.
IX. The Missionary's Wife; or a Brief Account of Mrs. Loveless, of Madras, the first American Missionary to Foreign Lands ; by Richard Knill.
X. A Brief View of the Proper Subjects and True Mode of Christian Baptism ; by the Rev. James Wharey.
I. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God; by the Rev. President Edwards.
II. The Sin and Danger of neglecting the Saviour.
III. Grace to the Chief of Sinners; by the Rev. B. Grosvenor, D.D.
IV. The Federal Character of Adam; by the Rev. Willis Lord.
V. Christ Precious to all True Believers; by President Davies.
VI. The Bible a Revelation from God; by the Rev. Thomas Scott, D.D.
VII. Conversion of the Earl of Rochester.
VIII. Jesus Christ the only Foundation; by President Davies. The Foundation Stone; by the Rev. Robert Hall, M.A.
IX. A Brief Exposition and Vindication of the Doctrine of the Divine Decrees; by the Rev. G. W. Musgrave, D.D.
X. An Apology for not joining the Protestant Episcopal Church; by a Presbyter.
XI. History of a Church in the South; by the Rev. N Hoyt, D.D.
XII. The Immediate Choice; by the Rev. A. Alexander, D.D.
XIII. The Parity of the Ministry; by the Rev. C.C. Cuyler, D.D.
XIV. The Refuge of Lies; by the Rev. A. Alexander, D.D.
XV. The Sum of Saving Knowledge.
XVI. An Address to the Head of a Family; by the Rev. P. Doddridge, D.D.
XVII. The Evidences of a Gracious State; by the Rev. C. C. Cuyler, D.D.
I. The Anglican Reformation, or the Church of England but half reformed.
II. History of the Early Rise of Prelacy, by the Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D.
III. Permanent Sabbath Documents, or a Plea for the Sabbath enforced by Facts, by the Rev. Justin Edwards, D.D.
IV. Relative Influence of Presbytery and Prelacy, on Civil and Ecclesiastical Liberty, by the Rev. T. V. Moore.
V. The Duty of Prayer for Ministers, by the Rev. W. J. McCord.
VI. A Plea for Presbyterianism, by the Rev. Robert Davidson, D.D.
VII. A Castaway, by the Rev. R. M. McCheyne.
VIII. Systematic Benevolence, by the Rev. D.V. Smock.
IX. The Work of the Holy Spirit, on the Hearts of Men, by the Rev. J. S. Armistead.
X. The Exclusive Claims of Prelacy stated and refuted, by the Rev. B.M. Smith.
XI. Inattention to Religion Wonderful, by the Rev. W. J. McCord.
XII. The Gospel Call, or Look and Be Saved.
XIII. What is Faith? — A Letter to a Friend.
XIV. A Refuge From the Storm.
I. Experimental Religion a rational thing, by the Rev. Jonathan Greenleaf.
II. A Traveler's Hints on subjects of practical importance, by W.M. Engles, D.D.
III. Advice to sinners under conviction, by the Rev. Samuel Corbyn.
IV. Certain rich men, a series of portraits, by W.M. Engles, D.D.
V. To an old disciple, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
VI. To an old person who has no hope in Christ, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
VII. How to bring up children, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
VIII. Jehovah our Righteousness, by George Whitefield.
IX. Words of Warning.
X. Now!
XI. Luther’s Conversion.
XII. Sin our Enemy, God our Friend.
XIII. Anchor of the Soul.
XIV. Do you go to the Prayer Meeting?
XV. Night, Day-break, and Clear Day.
XVI. Who Shall Dwell With the Devouring Fire?
XVII. Without God.
XVIII. The False Peace and the True.
XIX. God’s Purpose of Grace.
XX. The Sin-bearer.
XXI. The Sovereignty of God explained and vindicated, by Daniel Baker, D. D.
XXII. A Message from God, by the Rev. W. J. McCord.
XXIII. Stop!
XXIV. The blood upon the door-posts, or means of safety in the time of pestilence.
XXV. To a young disciple.
XXVI. William and his mother, or What is true Repentance?
XXVII. Scarcely Saved, by the Rev. W. J. McCord
XXVIII. Sin must die, or the soul must die, by W. S. Plumer, D.D.
XXIX. Thou must die - To die is gain.
XXX. The Standards of the Presbyterian Church, a faithful mirror of Bible truth, by Daniel Baker, D. D.
XXXI. The difference between Popery and Protestantism in a letter to an inquiring friend, by "Kirwan" (Rev. Nicholas Murray, D. D.)
XXXII. The Western Patriarch, an authentic narrative, by W. S. Plumer, D. D.
XXXIII. Parity admitted by Prelatists.
I. Ruth the Moabitess, or the Power of True Religion, by the Rev. A. Alexander, D.D.
II. Love to an unseen Saviour. By the Rev. A. Alexander, D. D.
III. The Lord will give Grace and Glory. By the Rev. W. S. Plumer, D. D.
IV. The Spiritual Office of the Deacon.
V. On Backsliding.
VI. The Duty of Family Religious Instruction. By the Rev. J.P. Carter.
VII. The Light-House, or Jesus Christ the Light of the World.
VIII. Soliloquy of an Injured Christian.
IX. A Word of Counsel to Professors on Moral Honesty.
X. Love Not the World.
XI. Sympathy With an Afflicted Christian.
XII. How to use the Bible. By the Rev. W. S. Plumer, D.D.
XIII. How Sinners are Accepted.
XIV. On Union with Christ.
XV. The Application of Redemption, or What is Effectual Calling? From Dr. Green's Lectures on the Shorter Catechism.
XVI. On Brotherly Love. From James's Christian Professor.
XVII. Come to Jesus. By Newman Hall, B. A.
XVIII. It is I, or the Voice of Jesus in the Storm. By Newman Hall, B.A.
XIX. What Presbyterians believe. By the Rev. A. G. Fairchild, D. D., author of the "Great Supper"
XX. Plain Divinity or a brief Sketch of the Doctrines of Revelation. By James McEwen.
XXI. The Young Convert Instructed.
I. Letters to the Aged—Extracted from “Thoughts on Religious Experience." By A. Alexander, D.D.
II. The Danger of Self-Deception—From James's "Christian Professor."
III. The Dying Professor—From James's "Christian Professor."
IV. Communion with God, the best succour in the worst seasons.
V. What think ye of Christ?
VI. A Remarkable Experience, in a Letter to a Friend. By the Rev. A. Fuller, D. D.
VII. The First-day Sabbath, or the Lord's-day the Christian Sabbath.
VIII. The Sympathy of Jesus.
IX. Who shall dwell in Heaven?
X. Comforts and Counsels for the Afflicted.
XI. What shall I do?
XII. A Plea for Sabbath Afternoon. By H.A. Boardman.
XIII. Noah’s Carpenters.
XIV. Are you holy?
XV. A Question for All, or “Lord, is it I?
XVI. Time Lost.
XVII. A Dream of the Dying, or the White Ticket, and the Strait Gate.
XVIII. A Friendly Letter to a Young Man. By W.S. Plumer, D.D.
XIX. The New Jerusalem, or the Soul's Breathings after her Heavenly Country. By the Rev. David Dickson.
XX. Salvation by Grace.
XXI. Are Infants Saved? By Rev. David M'Conoughy, D.D.
XXII. The Doctrine of the Trinity stated and defended. By the Rev. David M'Conoughy, D.D.
XXIII. On Family Government. By the Rev. W.H. Bulkeley.
XXIV. Sins of the Tongue, with Rules and Reasons for avoiding them. By the Rev. W. S. Plumer, D.D.
XXV. How Stands my Case with God? A Help to Self-Examination. By the Rev. W. S. Plumer, D.D.
I. The Posture in Prayer, or God to be worshipped with the body as well as the mind. By the Rev. Isaac Todd.
II. Old Age anticipated and realized. By the Rev .Reuben Smith.
III. Paul’s Inquiry.
IV. Emily J —, or the Danger of Worldly Conformity.
V. The Universalist.
VI. Qualifications of a Sabbath-School Teacher. By the Rev. James Hamilton, London.
VII. The Day of Judgment. Written by the Board.
VIII. On Worldly Conformity. By the Rev. J. M. Brown.
IX. What do you wish for?
X. The Value of the Shorter Catechism, as a text-book for Sabbath-schools. A Lecture for Sabbath-school Teachers. By the Rev. William Nicholson.
XI. Uses of a stormy Sabbath. By the Rev. B. F. Stead.
XII. The Spirit quenched and the Soul lost.
XIII. “Right Soon.” By the Rev. S.M. Andrews.
XIV. Scripture Evidences of a Future State. Found among the papers of an aged Christian lady.
XV. Blessedness and Efficacy of Family Prayer.
XVI. Do you Pray? By the Rev. J.C. Ryle.
XVII. True Philosophy for the Mechanic.
XVIII. Family Religion. By the Rev. James R. Hughes.
XIX. The Light of the World or the Character—Office- Resources—and Responsibilities of the Chuirch. By the Rev. Isaac Cochran.
XX. Respect for the Aged. By the Rev. Reuben Smith.
XXI. The Bank is Closed. The Disappointed Student.
XXII. The Conversion and Character of Col. William Yeadon. By the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
XXIII. The Bible the Basis of Moral Character—a tract for Young Men. By the Rev. David Elliott, D.D
XXIV. The College Student, or how to promote a revival of religion.
XXV. Shall I go to the Lord's Supper? or the duty and privilege of making a public profession of religion. By the Rev. Jonathan Greenleaf.
XXVI. The Cross. By the Rev. J.C. Ryle.
XXVII. Infant Membership secured by the Abrahamic Covenant. By the Rev. N. Hoyt, D.D., Athens, Ga.
XXVIII. Individual Responsibility. By the Rev. John Leyburn, D.D.
XXIX. A Friend Indeed.
I. The Pious Artificer. By a retired Officer of the U.S. Army.
II. Why are you not a communicant?
III. A Sabbath well spent. by J. Hamilton.
IV. Last Hours of E. C Rowe.
V. Jonah, or the Sleeper Awakened. By the Rev. J. A. Wallace.
VI. A Wife’s Influence.
VII. The Worship of the Presbyterian Church. By Samuel Miller, D. D.
VIII. Before and after church.
IX. Why are you not a Christian? By the Rev. J.N. Lewis.
X. O! Don’t swear.
XI. Let go that stern-line.
XII. Sons to be trained for the Gospel Ministry, by M.W. Jacobus.
XIII. The Persecuted Wife.
XIV. Are you on the Lord’s side?
XV. Pay Your Church Dues.
XVI. What can I do?
XVII. Misrepresentations of Calvinism.
XVIII. Will you have this Christ? by W.S. Plumer.
XIX. The Old Man and his Grand-daughter. By the Rev. J.H. Evans.
XX. The Hebrew Inquirer.
XXI. The Confession of Faith and Shorter Catechism.
XXII. Hearing, or Hardening.
XXIII. Loss and Gain. By the Rev. W. J. McCord.
XXIV. Future Destiny of the Wicked.
XXV. Christian Forbearance. By W. P. Carson.
XXVI. The Evil of Intemperance. By W.J. Findley.
XXVII. Universalism Renounced.
XXVIII. Where’s the Harm?
XXIX. Do you love the Sanctuary?
XXX. Peace of Mind.
XXXI. The Burning Amazon.
I. The Christian’s Hope by Joseph M’Carrell
II. The Grace of Christ by J.T. Pressly
III. Sin and Death, or Grace and Life by John M’Jimsey
IV. The Lord Doeth All Things Well by Samuel Findley
V. A Prospect for the Unconverted by James Grier
VI. Early Piety by Robert C. Grier
VII. The Glory of the Church by David L. Proudfit
VIII. Calling a Minister by D.G. Phillips
IX. The Love of the Spirit by Joseph Claybaugh
X. The Attitude of the Church, in the Work of Missions by H.H. Johnson
XI. The Glorious Change on Beholding the Glory of the Lord by David Currie
XII. The End of Righteous and the Wicked by William Burnett
XIII. The Holiness Which Becometh God’s House by William Davidson
XIV. Spiritual Life by J.B. Scouller
XV. The Strait Gate, and the Necessity of Being Earnest to Gain Admission by Henry Allen
XVI. The Gospel of the Kingdom by N.M. Gordon
XVII. The Triumphant Christian by Andrew Bower
XVIII. The Self-Evidencing Power of the Holy Scriptures by William Davidson
XIX. The Final Judgment by Joseph Osborn
XX. The Believer’s Fellowship With Christ in His Death and Resurrection
XXI. The Sons of God by Samuel P. Berry
XXII. The Value of the World, When the Soul is Lost by C.T. M’Caughan
XXIII. A Learned Ministry by W.R. Hemphill
XXIV. The Present Sufferings and Future Glory of the People of God by James Caskey
XXV. The Victory of the Child of God by Faith by John Ekin
XXVI. A Great Saviour, and a Great Salvation by R.E. Stewart
XXVII. The Christian Complete in Christ by John Milligan
XXVIII. The Rich Hardly Saved by J. Oliver Lindsay
I. The Union Between Christ and the Believer by John Riddell
II. Christ Forsaken on the Cross by James Scrimgeour
III. Great Encouragement to Perseverance in Missionary Labors by Robert Forrest
IV. Let Me Die the Death of the Righteous by John Lind
V. The Life and Character of Enoch by James Gray
VI. The Just Suffered Once for the Unjust by Alexander Porter
VII. Fishers of Men by John Forsyth
VIII. Christ’s Peace the Legacy of the Church by Robert Proudfit
IX. Religion in the Family by Joseph Claybaugh
X. The Covenant of Works by David Proudfit
XI. The Covenant of Grace by David Proudfit
XII. The Condemnation by Robert Reid
XIII. Godliness is Profitable by Samuel P. Magaw
XIV. Who is Sufficient For These Things? by John Reynolds
XV. Mighty to Save by Wm. Wallace
XVI. The Person and Work of Christ by Charles Strong
XVII. The Gospel Propagated in Peace by Samuel Findley
XVIII. Rest for the Weary by Matthew Henderson
XIX. God’s Law is To Be Remembered by Joseph Kerr
XX. Immorality of Dueling by Joseph R. Kerr
XXI. The Present Duty of the Church and Her Ability to Perform It by Leander H. Long
XXII. True Human Greatness by Samuel P. Pressly
XXIII. Gospel Feast by William Baldridge
XXIV. The Savior Ever-Living and Able to Save by John Graham
XXV. The Church, the Light of the World by William T. Findley
I. The Savior’s Humiliation and Exaltation by Moses Kerr
II. Finding Christ by James Walker
III. The Hour and Its Results by James Worth
IV. The Yoke, the Burden, and the Rest by Stephen L. Haft
V. The Foundation and Security of the Church by John MacDill
VI. The Savior’s Gift — Permanent Peace by John Hemphill
VII. The Sufferings of Christ Necessary by Thomas Palmer
VIII. Not included
IX. The Evangelization of the World by William Davidson
X. Breach of the Covenant, and Its Consequences by J.S. Cowper
XI. Apostacy — What Is It? by William Caskey
XII. Confession of Christ by David Pressly
XIII. The Shulamite — The Believer in Christ by John W. Duff
XIV. The Christian, a Living Sacrifice by Vincent Cockins
XV. Consecration to God by A.G. Fergus
XVI. The Christian Ministry by David MacDill
XVII. The Importance of Personal Piety in the Christian Ministry by Robert D. Harper
XVIII. The Lord, the Rock, and Perfect by Robert Stewart
XIX. Assurance of Gospel Success by Robert E. Stewart
XX. The Lamb That Was Slain by J. Boyce
XXI. The Resurrection by William M’Millan
XXII. Freedom From Condemnation by John Pinkerton
XXIII. Love Inconsistent With Fear by George Stewart
XXIV. The Union of Christ and Believers by Samuel Findley, Jr.
XXV. The World Turned Upside Down by Thomas L. Speer
XXVI. Jesus, the Believer’s Invaluable Treasure by Marion Morrison
XXVII. Civil Magistracy by Benjamin Waddle
XXVIII. The Purpose of God by Henry Allen
XXIX. The Terror of the Wicked on the Day of Judgment by John H. Bonner
The Appropriate Duty and Ornament of the Female Sex by Samuel Miller
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth by Archibald Alexander
A Baccalaureate Discourse by James Carnahan
Faith in Christ, the Source of Spiritual Life by Charles Hodge
Filial Piety by John Maclean
Sorrow Better Than Laughter by James W. Alexander
Looking at the Things Which are Not Seen by Albert B. Dod
The Christian Philosophy of Revolution by M.B. Hope
The Power and Perpetuity of Law by John Forsyth
The Work of God by J. Addison Alexander
God, the Guide of His Blind People by William E. Schenck
Christ, the Manifestation of God by William Henry Green
Religious Retirement by George M. Giger
Search the Scriptures by Thomas W. Cattell
The Position of the Human Race in the Divine Economy by John T. Duffield
I. Man Responsible for His Belief by William S. Plumer
II. The Necessity of a Revelation: and the Condition of Man Without It by A.B. Van Zandt
III. Miracles, Considered as an Evidence of Christianity by Henry Ruffner
IV. Prophecy by Alexander T. M’Gill
V. The Authority of the Sacred Canon and the Integrity of the Sacred Text by F.S. Sampson
VI. The Character of Jesus Christ, An Argument for the Divine Origin of Christianity by James W. Alexander
VII. The Success of Christianity an Evidence of its Divine Origin; With Some Observations on the Celebrated Secondary Cause of Mr. Gibbon by Moses D. Hoge
VIII. Inspiration of the Scriptures: Morell’s Theory Discussed and Refuted by T.V. Moore
IX. The Nature of Christianity, as Shown to be a Perfect and Final System of Faith and Practice, and Not a Form in Transitu to Higher and More Complete Development of the Religious Idea by John Miller
X. General Internal Evidence of Christianity by Robert J. Breckinridge
XI. Popular Objections to Christianity by B.M. Smith
XII. The Ethnological Objection: The Unity of the Human Race by T.V. Moore
XIII. The Harmony of Revelation and Natural Science: With Special Reference to Geology by L.W. Green
XIV. The Difficulties of Infidelity by Stuart Robinson
XV. The Moral Effects of Christianity by N.L. Rice
1. The Folly of Doubting the Execution of God’s Threatenings by E. Wilson
2. Worth of the Soul by J.T. Smith
3. The Faithful Saying by Willis Lord
4. The Ruling Passion by W.B. Sprague
5. Supremacy of the Moral Law by J.W. Yeoman
6. Distrust of the Word by J.W. Alexander
7. Consistency of the Divine Government by Geo. Junkin
8. Efficiency of Christian Principle by Thos. Smyth
9. The Good Man by John M’Dowell
10. The House of God by W.A. Scott
11. Perpetuity of the Church by J.C. Lord
12. Seeing Things Invisible by J.H. Jones
13. Christ the Life of His People by Robert J. Breckinridge
14. Faith and Sight Contrasted by A.T. M’Gill
15. Catholicity of the Gospel by Charles Hodge
16. Christian Submission by H.A. Boardman
17. The Prodigal by John Leyburn
18. The Tree Known By Its Fruits by E.P. Humphrey
The Merchant's Clerk Cheered and Counselled, by James W. Alexander
Men of Business: Their Position, Influence, and Duties, to Themselves, to Society, and Especially to Their Employees, by John Todd
Men of Business: Their Responsibility in Respect to Governments, Churches, and Benevolent Institutions, by William B. Sprague
Men of Business: Their Perplexities and Temptations, by Stephen H. Tyng
Men of Business: Their Home Responsibilities, by Isaac Ferris
Men of Business: Their Intellectual Culture, by Jonathan F. Stearns
Our National Sins by J.H. Thornwell
Slavery a Divine Trust by B.M. Palmer
The Christian’s Best Motive for Patriotism by Robert L. Dabney
The Union to be Preserved by Robert J. Breckinridge
The Character and Influence of Abolitionism by Henry J. Van Dyke, Sr.
Patriarchal and Jewish Servitude No Argument For Slavery by Tayler Lewis
Bible View of Slavery by M.J. Raphall
Fanaticism Rebuked by Francis Vinton
Peace, Be Still by Henry Ward Beecher
The Crisis of Our National Disease by Henry W. Bellows
Prayers for Rulers; or, Duty of Christian Patriots by William Adams
Historical Review of the Church (Old School Branch), by Samuel Miller, Jr.
Historical Review of the Church (New School Branch), by Jonathan F. Stearns
Biographical Sketches (Old School Branch), by William B. Sprague
Biographical Sketches (New School Branch), by Z.M. Humphrey
The Reunion, by William Adams
The Assemblies of 1869, by M.W. Jacobus
Additional Impressions, by P.H. Fowler
The Reconstruction, by G.S. Plumley
The Future Church, by John Hall
Statistics of the Church (Old School Branch) since 1837, by David Irving
Statistics of the Church (New School Branch) since 1837, by Edwin F. Hatfield
Brief Sketches of the Members of the Reunion Committee, by James H.M. Knox
Documents, etc
1. Introduction
2. Life and Labors of the Rev. John McMillan, D.D.: The Gospel he Preached, and its Influence on the Civilization of Western Pennsylvania by David X. Junkin
3. The Religious History: Early Revivals; The “Falling Work;” Lay-Helpers; etc. by Aaron Williams
4. The Educational History: Colleges, Academies, and Female Seminaries. Also, The History of the Western Theological Seminary by James I. Brownson
5. The Missionary History, Domestic and Foreign; with Biographical Sketches of Missionaries by Elliot E. Swift
6. The Ecclesiastical History: Organization of Presbyteries and Synods; with Notices of the Earlier Ministers by Samuel J.M. Eaton
7. Pittsburgh in the Last Century: With the Early History of the First Presbyterian Church by William M. Darlington
8. The Secular History, its Connection with the Early Presbyterian Church History of South-western Pennsylvania by James Veech
9. Closing Address: The Future in the Light of the Past by Samuel J. Wilson
1. The Period from the Founding of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America to the Commencement of the War of the Revolution, by Alexander T. McGill
2. The Period from the War of the Revolution to the Adoption of the "Presbyterian Form of Government " (1786), by Samuel M. Hopkins
3. The Period from the Adoption of the Presbyterian Form of Government to the Present Time, by Samuel J. Wilson
4. The Present Condition, Prospects, Beneficent Work, Needs and Obligations of the Presbyterian Church, by Edward P. Humphrey
5. American Presbyterianism : Its Past and its Future. The Moderator's Sermon before the General Assembly of 1876, by Edward D. Morris
I. Historical
History of the College of New Jersey by William Henry Hornblower
College Presidents by William A. Packard
Princeton and the Church by Henry J. Van Dyke
Princeton and the State by Henry J. Van Dyke
Princeton and Science by S.B. Dod
Princeton and Literature by William M. Baker
II. Organization
Course of Study in the Academical Department by James McCosh
The Faculty by Addison Atwater
The Treasurer by William Harris
The Librarian by Frederic Vinton
Commencement Day by Henry Alfred Todd
The American Whig Society by H.C. Cameron
Cliosophic Society by Melancthon W. Jacobus
The Philadelphian Society by John Thomas Duffield
The Nassau Hall Bible Society by George Sheldon
The St. Paul’s Society by Arthur B. Turnure
Class Meetings and Alumni Associations by George W. Sheldon
III. Buildings
Nassau Hall by John P. Campbell
Dickinson Hall by Edward D. Lindsey
The College Chapel by Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater
The College Library by Frederic Vinton
The Halsted Observatory by Stephen Alexander
The Working Observatory by C.A. Young
The Museum of Geology and Archaeology by Arnold Henry Guyot
The Gymnasium by Allan Marquand
Witherspoon Hall by William Harris
Reunion Hall by William Harris
East and West Colleges by William Harris
IV. The School of Science
The John C. Green School of Science by Henry B. Cornwall
V. The Theological Seminary
The Theological Seminary by George T. Purves
Library of the Theological Seminary by Wm. H. Roberts
VI. The Town
The Battle of Princeton by James C. Moffat
The First Church by Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater
The Princeton Graveyard by William Brenton Greene, Jr.
Tusculum by William Brenton Greene, Jr.
Morven by Bayard Stockton
Prospect by Bayard Stockton
Trinity Church by Bayard Stockton
Ivy Hall by Bayard Stockton
The University Hotel by William Harris
VII. Miscellaneous
On the Campus by Henry J. Van Dyke, Jr.
College Oratory by Simon J. McPherson
The Princeton Journals by Henry F. Osborn
Glee and Instrumental Clubs by Alfred L. Dennis, Jr.
History of Base Ball by Wilton Merle Smith
Foot-Ball by David Stewart
Athletic Notes by Allan Marquand
VIII. Statistics by William B. Scott
I. Statistics of Professions of Graduates
II. List of Presidents and Professors
First Quarter
1. The Ascending Lord (Acts 1:1-14) by John DeWitt
2. The Descending Spirit (Acts 2:1-16) by C.H. Parkhurst
3. The Believing People (Acts 2:37-47) by D.W. Poor
4. The Healing Power (Acts 3:1-11) by William E. Boggs
5. The Prince of Life (Acts 3:12-21) by J.T. McCrory
6. None Other Name (Acts 4:1-14) by Herrick Johnson
7. Christian Courage (Acts 4:18-31) by William E. Knox
8. Ananias and Saphhira (Acts 5:1-11) by W.G. Moorehead
9. Persecution Renewed (Acts 5:17-32) by Samuel J. Niccolls
10. The Seven Chosen (Acts 6:1-15) by Hervey D. Ganse
11. The First Christian Martyr (Acts 7:54-60 and 8:1-14) by Hanford A. Edson
Second Quarter
1. Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:14-25) by Howard Crosby
2. Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8:26-40) by Robert Russell Booth
3. Saul’s Conversion (Acts 9:1-18) by Charles H. Read
4. Saul Preaching Christ (Acts 9:19-31) by T.D. Witherspoon
5. Peter Working Miracles (Acts 9:32-43) by George C. Heckman
6. Peter Preaching to the Gentiles (Acts 10:30-44) by Henry A. Nelson
7. The Spread of the Gospel (Acts 11:19-30) by Theodore L. Cuyler
8. Herod and Peter (Acts 12:1-17) by Willis G. Craig
9. Paul and Barnabas in Cyprus (Acts 13:1-12) by John Hall
10. At Antioch (Acts 13:13-16 and 43-52) by Arthur Mitchell
11. At Iconium and Lystra (Acts 14:1-18) by Thomas H. Hanna
12. End of First Missionary Journey (Acts 14:19-28) by Arthur T. Pierson
Third Quarter
1. Joshua, Successor to Moses (Josh. 1:1-19) by Howard Crosby
2. Passing Over Jordan (Josh. 3:5-17) by Charles H. Parkhurst
3. The Plains of Jericho (Josh. 5:10-15 and 6:1-5) by Daniel W. Poor
4. Israel Defeated at Ai (Josh. 7:10-26) by William E. Boggs
5. The Reading of the Law (Josh. 8:30-35) by J.T. McCrory
6. The Cities of Refuge (Josh. 20:1-9) by Herrick Johnson
7. The Last Days of Joshua (Josh. 24:14-29) by William E. Knox
8. Israel Forsaking God (Judg. 2:6-16) by W.G. Moorehead
9. Gideon’s Army (Judg. 7:1-8) by Samuel J. Niccolls
10. The Death of Samson (Judg. 16:21-31) by Hervey D. Ganse
11. Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1:14-22) by Hanford A. Edson
12. A Praying Mother (1 Sam. 1:21-28) by Robert Russell Booth
13. The Child Samuel (1 Sam. 3:1-19) by Howard Crosby
Fourth Quarter
1. Eli’s Death (1 Sam. 4:10-18) by Theodore L. Cuyler
2. Samuel the Judge (1 Sam. 7:3-17) by T.D. Witherspoon
3. Asking For a King (1 Sam. 8:1-10) by George C. Heckman
4. Saul Chosen King (1 Sam. 10:17-27) by Henry A. Nelson
5. Samuel’s Farewell Address (1 Sam. 12:13-25) by Charles H. Read
6. Saul Rejected (1 Sam. 15:12-26) by Willis G. Craig
7. David Anointed (1 Sam. 16:1-13) by John Hall
8. David and Goliath (1 Sam. 17:38-51) by Arthur Mitchell
9. David’s Enemy - Saul (1 Sam. 18:1-16) by Thomas H. Hanna
10. David’s Friend - Jonathan (1 Sam. 20:32-42) by Arthur T. Pierson
11. David Sparing His Enemy (1 Sam. 24:1-17) by T.W. Hooper
12. Death of Saul and Jonathan (1 Sam. 31-1-13) by T.W. Hooper
First Quarter
1. The Conference at Jerusalem (Acts 15:1-11) by John Hall
2. Hearing and Doing (Jas. 1:16-27) by John S. MacIntosh
3. The Power of the Tongue (Jas. 3:1-18) by James B. Shaw
4. Living as in God’s Sight (Jas. 4:7-17) by Howard Crosby
5. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15:35-41 and 16:1-10) by Arthur Mitchell
6. The Conversion of Lydia (Acts 16:11-24) by Abbott E. Kittredge
7. The Conversion of the Jailer (Acts 16:25-40) by A.W. Pitzer
8. Thessalonians and Bereans (Acts 17:1-14) by S.J. Niccolls
9. Paul at Athens (Acts 17:22-34) by Moses D. Hoge
10. Paul at Corinth (Acts 18:1-17) by T.D. Witherspoon
11. The Coming of the Lord (1 Thess. 4:13-18 and 5:1-8) by Marvin R. Vincent
12. Christian Diligence (2 Thess. 3:18) by Theodore L. Cuyler
Second Quarter
1. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey (Acts 18:23-28 and 19:1-7) by Arthur T. Pierson
2. Paul at Ephesus (Acts 19:8-22) by S.J. Wilson
3. Paul’s Preaching (1 Cor. 1:17-31) by James Eells
4. Abstinence For the Sake of Others (1 Cor. 8:1-13) by Hanford A. Edson
5. Christian Love (1 Cor. 13:1-13) by Henry A. Nelson
6. Victory Over Death (1 Cor. 15:50-58) by Hervey D. Ganse
7. The Uproar at Ephesus (Acts 19:23-41 and 20:1-2) by Charles Cuthbert Hall
8. Liberal Giving (2 Cor. 9:1-15) by Thomas H. Robinson
9. Christian Liberty (Gal. 4:1-16) by S.J. McPherson
10. Justification By Faith (Rom. 3:19-31) by Erskine N. White
11. The Blessedness of Believers (Rom. 8:28-39) by Charles L. Thompson
12. Obedience to Law (Rom. 13:1-10) by Henry M. Booth
Third Quarter
1. David King Over All Israel (2 Sam. 5:1-12) by Abbott E. Kittredge
2. The Ark in the House (2 Sam. 6:1-12) by Arthur Mitchell
3. God’s Covenant With David (2 Sam. 7:1-16) by James B. Shaw
4. Kindness to Jonathan’s Sons (2 Sam. 9:1-13) by A.W. Pitzer
5. David’s Repentance (Ps. 51:1-19) by John S. McIntosh
6. Absalom’s Rebellion (2 Sam. 15:1-14) by John Hall
7. Absalom’s Death (2 Sam. 18:24-33) by Theodore L. Cuyler
8. The Plague Stayed (2 Sam. 24:15-25) by S.J. Niccolls
9. God’s Works and Word (Ps. 19:1-14) by Hanford A. Edson
10. Confidence in God (Ps. 27:1-14) by T.D. Witherspoon
11. Waiting For the Lord (Ps. 40:1-17) by Moses D. Hoge
12. A Song of Praise (Ps. 103:1-22) by Marvin R. Vincent
Fourth Quarter
1. Solomon’s Succeeding David (1 Kings 1:22-35) by Arthur T. Pierson
2. David’s Charge to Solomon (1 Chron. 22:6-19) by S.J. Wilson
3. Solomon’s Choice (1 Kings 3:5-15) by James Eells
4. The Temple Built (1 Kings 6:1-14) by Henry A. Nelson
5. The Temple Dedicated (1 Kings 8:22-26) by S.J. McPherson
6. The Wisdom of Solomon (1 Kings 10:1-13) by Hervey D. Ganse
7. Solomon’s Sin (1 Kings 11:4-13) by Howard Crosby
8. Proverbs of Solomon (Prov. 1:1-16) by Charles Cuthbert Hall
9. True Wisdom (Prov. 8:1-17) by Thomas H. Robinson
10. Drunkenness (Prov. 23:29-35) by Erskine N. White
11. Vanity of Worldly Pleasure (Eccles. 2:1-13) by Charles L. Thompson
12. The Creator Remembered (Eccles. 12:1-14) by Henry M. Booth
1. Proceedings of the United Presbyterian Convention 3
2. History of the Doctrine & Service of Praise as it Relates to the U.P.C. – G.C. Vincent 9
3. The History of the Introduction of Instruments in the Reformed Churches – W.W. Barr 20
4. The Exclusiveness of Divine Authority – J.G. Carson 37
5. What the Grounds of Convictions? Can We Yield Them? – D.S. Littell 46
6. Powers & Duties of the General Assembly – D.S. Kennedy 56
7. The Judgment of the Church in 1882 on Instrumental Music – D.N. Dick 71
8. Reason Why We Should Not Take a Step Toward Ritualism – S.F. Marrow 77
9. The Simplicity of Worship Required in the New Testament Church – D.W. Carson 84
10. Instrumental Worship not an Incident of Worship – James Harper 102
11. Forbearance in Love. When Applicable? – James Lytle 119
12. Actualities and Possibilities of Mischief in the U.P.C. – R.A. Browne 132
13. Our Only Need as a Church for Mission Work – James Brown 141
14. Summary of Arguments Against Instrumental Music in the Testament Worship – William Wishart 150
1. Historical Address, by Theodore Cuyler
2. The Work of Presbyterianism for the Future, by Thomas Dwight Witherspoon
3. Calvinism and Religious Liberty, by William C. P. Breckinridge
4. Presbyterianism and Biblical Scholarship, by Howard Crosby
5. The Adaptation of Presbyterianism to the Masses, by John Randolph Tucker
6. Presbyterianism and Education, by Simon J. McPherson
7. Calvinism and Human Progress, by James S. Cothran
8. Presbyterianism and Republican Government, by Samuel J. R. McMillan
9. City Evangelization - Its Necessity, by John Hall
10. City Evangelization - Its Methods, by Moses Drury Hoge
11. Preaching to the Masses, by Samuel J. Niccolls
12. Lay Effort Among the Masses, by Bennett H. Young
13. Home Missions, by George P. Hays
14. Foreign Missions, by Matthew Hale Houston
15. Historic Presbyterian Characters, by Charles L. Thompson
16. Closing Address, by Jerry Witherspoon
17. Home Missions, by Walter W. Moore
18. Foreign Missions, by Charles S. Pomeroy
19. The Children of the Covenant, by Givens B. Strickler
20. Memories and Duties, by William P. Breed
Basis of Reunion, 1869
The Reunion Convention, 1869
Action of the General Assembly, 1895
The Fundamental Doctrines of the Presbyterian Church by Rev. Francis Landey Patton
The Influence of the Presbyterian Church Upon Other Churches by Rev. Henry Matthias Booth
The Growth and Future of the Reunited Church by Rev. William Henry Roberts
Introduction by William Henry Green
Review of the Nineteenth Century by Willis Green Craig
Progressive Development of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. by Henry Christopher McCook
The Divine Purpose Developed in the Progress of Time by Henry Collin Minton
The Problems of the Twentieth Century by George Tybout Purves
The Speedy Bringing of the World to Christ by Robert Eliot Speer
The Twentieth Century Movement. Report on the Memorial Fund.
Address on the Twentieth Century Fund by Marcus Acheson Brownson
The Duty and Opportunities of the Presbyterian Church in the Twentieth Century by Samuel Jack Niccolls
Moderator’s Sermon - “Fellow-Workers Unto the Kingdom of God” by Charles Andrews Dickey
I. The Consciousness of Divine Vocation by Rev. Daniel McGilvary
II. The Relation of the Missionary to His Fellow-Workers by Rev. J.J. Lucas
III. Missionaries and the Language by Rev. Calvin W. Mateer
IV. The Spirit and Methods of Evangelization by Rev. Hunter Corbett
V. Pre-requisities and Principles of Evangelization by Rev. S.A. Moffett
VI. The Home Life of Missionaries by Mrs. Helen S.C. Nevius
VII. Some Counsel to Women Teachers by Miss Hattie V. Noyes
VIII. Observations Upon Influences Affecting the Health and Efficiency of Missionary Laborers by George W. Holmes, M.D.
IX. Medical Advice to New Missionaries by W.J. Wanless, M.D.
X. Special Medical Counsel to Women Missionaries by Bertha Caldwell, M.D.
XI. Sundry Practical Suggestions by Rev. H.H. Jessup
This psalter was the joint production of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America [PCUSA]; the Presbyterian Church in Canada; the United Presbyterian Church in North America [UPCNA]; the Reformed Presbyterian Church (Synod); the Reformed Presbyterian Church (General Synod); the Reformed Church in America (Dutch); the Christian Reformed Church in North America; the Associate Presbyterian Church; and the Associate Reformed Presbyterian (South).
The 1909 Union Psalter was prepared by a Joint Committee representing the following churches: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Presbyterian Church in Canada, United Presbyterian Church in North America, Reformed Presbyterian Church (Synod), Reformed Presbyterian Church (General Synod), Reformed Church in America (Dutch), Christian Reformed Church in North America, Associate Presbyterian Church, and Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (South).
The Story of the Seminary - Daniel W. Fisher
Prayer at the Opening of the Celebration - John Balcolm Shaw
Historical Address in Appreciation of the Life and Work of Cyrus H. McCormick - Walter W. Moore
The Ideals of the Theological Seminary for Usefulness in the Coming Half-Century - A. H. Strong, Robert W. Rogers, Williston Walker
Ministerial Leadership - J. Ross Stevenson, Edward Yates Hill, Charles L. Thompson
The Ministry and the Individual - President Woodrow Wilson
1. The Brotherhood of the Body of Christ by William Hiram Foulkes
2. In Memory of Our Brethren Departed by Harris H. Gregg
3. The Communion Service by Charles Little
4. The Men and Religion Forward Movement by Clarence A. Barbour
5. Men and the Kingdom by James I. Vance
6. Open Conference by Judge Selden P. Spencer
7. Prayer and Intercession by John Timothy Stone
8. The Brotherhood and Individual Responsibility in the Church by Maitland Alexander
9. The Farmer’s Club in the Country Church by Warren H. Wilson
10. Report of the National Council by Charles S. Holt
11. Things Accomplished by Ira Landrith
12. Brotherhood Ideals by W.E. Jones
13. Present Day Problems by Thomas E. Hodges
14. The Brotherhood and the Bible by Charles R. Erdman
15. The Life That Wins by Charles Gallaudet Trumbull
16. The Errand of America by James D. Rankin
17. The Fruits of the Tree by William J. Bryan
18. The Boy Problem by Eugence C. Foster
19. Open Conference on Boys’ Work by Eugene C. Foster
20. The Distinctive Truth of Christianity by Andrew V.V. Raymond
21. The Missionary Appeal by A.W. Halsey
22. Christian Civilization by Chase S. Osborn
23. Harvesting the Results of the Convention by Nolan Rice Best
24. The Future of the Brotherhood by Walter Getty
25. The Conversion of Power into Work by John Douglas Adam
Welcome Address
The Beginnings and Development of the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina to 1863—Rev. W. W. Moore, LL. D
The Beginnings and Development of Presbyterianism in North Carolina to 1863—Prof. Walter L. Lingle, D.D
The Personnel of the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina to 1838—Rev. D. I. Craig, D.D
The Personnel of the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina from 1838 to 1863—Rev. H. G. Hill, D.D
The Last Fifty Years—The Presbyterian Church an Evangelistic Agency—Rev. E. F. Campbell, D.D
The Last Fifty Years—The Presbyterian Church an Evangelistic Agency — Rev. J. M. Rose, D.D
Presbyterians in Educational Work in North Carolina During the Century — Prof. C. Alphonso Smith
R.A. Webb, The Christian’s Hope
J.S. Foster, Presbyterian Elements in History
A.W. Blackwood, Bird’s Eye View of the Prophets
Theron H. Rice, Evangelism
C.W. Grafton, Bible Ethics (Sabbath)
R.V. Lancaster, The Unlovely Christ
L.E. McNair, Social Service
L.E. McNair, An Aggressive Missionary Campaign
A.A. Little, Home Missions
Hon. J.F. Frierson, Robert Burns, Democrat
The Origin and Purpose of the Protestant Reformation, by David Schley Schaff
The Reformation: A Revival of Religion, by J. Ross Stevenson
The Reformation in Relation to Civil and Religious Liberty, by William Henry Roberts
Messages From Luther for Our Day, by Henry Sloane Coffin
The Influence of the Reformation, by Frederick W. Loetscher
The Reformation and Humanism, by William R. Farmer
The Reformation and Some Vital and Constructive Elements of Modern Life, by William McKibben
The Reformers as Men of Thought and Action, by Andrew C. Zenos
The Protestant Reformation and the Christian Life, by William H. Black