Dissertations, Theses, & Papers
A History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church (Nancy Elizabeth Clark, 1966)
John Thomson: A Man With a Mission (Alex T. Crockett, 1985)
Benjamin Morgan Palmer: Southern Presbyterian Divine (Christopher Duncan, 2008)
Samuel Eusebius McCorkle: North Carolina Educator (William Randolph Enger, 1973)
John L. Girardeau’s Doctrine of Adoption: A Systematic and Biblical Defense (Travis Fentiman, 2014)
James Henley Thornwell: Presbyterian Defender of the Old South (Paul Leslie Garber, 1939, 1943)
The Southern Dissenting Clergy and the American Revolution (Cline Edwin Hall, 1975)
Walter Lowrie (1784-1868): Champion of Presbyterian Missions (Rob Hill, 2014)
The History of the Presbyterian Church in Oxford, Mississippi (Hugh Stephens, 2016)
The Elements of Power in the Sermons of Samuel Davies (Alton Corliss Trivette, 1956)
Divine Passibility and Impassibility in Nineteenth-Century American Confessional Presbyterian Theologians (J. Ligon Duncan III) - Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology, 1990.
James Henley Thornwell: Presbyterian Defender of the Old South (Paul Leslie Garber)
This is a portion of his 1939 Ph.D. thesis, reprinted in 1943.
Robert J. Breckinridge and the Slavery Aspect of the Presbyterian Schism of 1837 (Edmund Arthur Moore)
The History of the Presbyterian Church in Oxford, Mississippi (Hugh Stephens)
The Doctrine of the Spirituality of the Church in the Theology of Charles Hodge (Alan D. Strange) - MidAmerica Journal of Theology (2014): 101-116
The History of a Confessional Sentence (Barry Waugh)
Find more writings of Barry Waugh on www.presbyteriansofthepast.com