Elijah Porter Barrows, jr. (1805-1888)
Elijah Porter Barrows, Jr. is buried at Phillips Academy Cemetery, Andover, Massachusetts.
A View of the American Slavery Question (1836)
The Advancement of Biblical Knowledge (1838)
The Scriptural Method of Reform: A Sermon (1847)
Memoir of Everton Judson (1852)
The Alleged Disagreement Between Paul and Jesus (1852)
Interpretation of the Twenty-Eighth Chapter of Job (1853)
The Indivisible Nature of Revelation (1853)
The Relation of David’s Family to the Messiah (1854)
Our Saviour’s Discourse in the Synagogue at Capernaum (1854)
The Element of Time in Prophecy (1855)
The Mosaic Narrative of the Creation Considered Grammatically and in Its Relations to Science (1856)
The Mosaic Six Days and Geology (1857)
Wisdom as a Person in the Book of Proverbs (1858)
The Scriptural Doctrine of a Future State (1858)
Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Henderson, Author of The Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets (1860)
Saalschütz on Hebrew Servitude (1862)
A New Introduction to the Study of the Bible (1869)
Sacred Geography, and Antiquities (1872)
Revelation and Inspiration (1873)
This hymn was first written in 1846, with six stanzas, but first published in English in 1880, with four stanzas. For more information on this hymn, see here.