Francis Robert Beattie (1848-1906)
Francis Robert Beattie is buried at Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky.
An Examination of the Utilitarian Theory of Morals (1885)
Bible Giving: Its Nature and Rule (1888)
Shields’s “Philosophia Ultima” (1890)
Dawson’s Modern Science in Bible Lands (1890)
Bixby’s “Religion and Science as Allies” (1890)
Cobbe’s “Scientific Spirit of the Age,” Etc. (1890)
Christian Apologetics: Inaugural Address (1890)
The Inauguration of Dr. C.A. Briggs at Union Seminary, New York (1891)
Schurman’s Belief in God (1891)
Stearns’ Evidence of Christian Experience (1891)
Musick’s Genesis of Nature (1891)
Morris’s Calm Review of Briggs’ Inaugural, Etc. (1891)
Taylor’s Origin of the Aryans (1892)
Driver’s Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament (1892)
Briggs’ The Bible, the Church, and the Reason (1892)
Muller’s Natural Religion (1892)
The Toronto Council of the Alliance of the Reformed Churches Holding the Presbyterian System (1893)
General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (1893)
Baird’s “The Great Baptizer” (1893)
Robertson’s Early Religion of Israel (1893)
Cocke’s Studies in Ephesians (1893)
Shedd’s Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy (1894)
Watts’ Northrup’s “Sovereignty of God” (1895)
Vaughan’s “Gifts of the Holy Spirit” (1895)
Cocke’s Studies in John’s Epistles (1895)
Drummond’s “Ascent of Man” (1895)
Beyschlag’s New Testament Theology (1896)
Balfour’s Foundations of Belief (1896)
The Claims of Systematic Theology Upon the Student of Theology (1896)
Introduction to J.M.P. Otts’ Christ and the Cherubim (1896)
Johnston’s Systematic Theology (1897)
Schurman’s Agnosticism and Religion (1897)
Ritter’s Moral and Civil Law (1897)
Memorial Volume of the Westminster Assembly, 1647-1897 (1897)
Jevons’ Introduction to the History of Religion (1898)
Lindsay’s Recent Advances in Theistic Philosophy of Religion (1898)
Wenley’s Preparation For Christianity in the Ancient World (1898)
Genesis of the Westminster Assembly (1899)
Some Salient Features of Presbyterian Doctrine (1899)
A Message to the Young Minister (1899)
The Late Rev. Thomas Dwight Witherspoon, D.D., LL.D., as a Preacher (1900)
Kuyper’s Work of the Holy Spirit (1900)
The Empty Tomb and the Risen Jesus (1901)
The General Assembly [of 1901] of the Presbyterian Church in the United States (1901)
Calvinism and Modern Thought (1901)
“The Egyptian Book of the Dead” (1902)
Confessional Revision in the Presbyterian Church, North (1902)
Presbyterian Educational Work in Kentucky (1903)
Robbins’ “Christian Apologetic” (1903)
Apologetics or The Rational Vindication of Christianity (1903)
Proudfoot’s “Systematic Homiletics” (1904)
Coleman’s “Social Ethics” (1904)
The Place and Use of the Bible in the Public Schools of the United States (1904)
Denney’s “The Atonement and the Modern Mind” (1904)
Orr’s “David Hume and His Influence on Philosophy and Theology” (1904)