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Gardiner Spring is buried at The Evergreens Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.

A Sermon, Preached in the Presbyterian Church in Beekman-Street, New-York, on Wednesday, August 8, 1810, at the Ordination and Installation of the Rev. Gardiner Spring, as Pastor of Said Church (1810)

A Sermon Preached April 21, 1811 For the Benefit of a Society of Ladies, Instituted For the Relief of Poor Widows With Small Children (1811)

An Address, by Several Ministers in New-York, to their Christian Fellow-Citizens, Dissuading Them From Attending Theatrical Representations (1812)

Recommendation to Thomas Halyburton, Natural Religion Insufficient, and Revealed Necessary, to Man's Happiness in His Present State (1812)

Essays on the Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character (1813)

Something Must Be Done: A New Year’s Sermon (1816)

The Doctrine of Election Illustrated and Established in a Sermon Preached on the Evening of the Second Lord’s Day in December, 1816 (1817)

An Oration, Pronounced on the Evening of the 5th February, Before the Alumni of Yale College, Resident in the City of New-York, in Commemoration of Their Late President, Timothy Dwight, D.D., LL.D. (1817)

Memoirs of the Rev. Samuel J. Mills, Late Missionary to the South Western Section of the United States, and Agent of the American Colonization Society, Deputed to Explore the Coast of Africa (1820)

A Tribute to New-England: A Sermon, Delivered Before the New-England Society of the City and State of New-York, on the 22d of December, 1820. Being the Second Centennial Celebration of the Pilgrims at Plymouth (1821)

The Brick Church Hymns, Designed For the Use of Social Prayer Meetings and Families, Selected From the Most Approved Authors and Recommended by Gardiner Spring, D.D., Pastor of Said Church (1823)

An Appeal to the Citizens of New-York, in Behalf of the Christian Sabbath (1823)

A Funeral Sermon, Occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Philip Melancthon Whelpley, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in the City of New-York, Preached in that church on the 26th day of July, 1824, Together With an Address Delivered at His Funeral (1824)

The Excellence and Influence of the Female Character: A Sermon Preached in the Presbyterian Church in Murray-Street, at the Request of the New-York Female Missionary Society (1825)

Internal Evidences of Revelation (1826)

A Dissertation on the Means of Regeneration (1827, 1828)

Wealth a Fearful Snare to the Soul (1830)

Moses on Nebo, or, Death a Duty: a Sermon Occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Joseph S. Christmas, Late Pastor of the Bowery Presbyterian Church, and Preached in That Church on the Evening of the Sabbath After His Interment (1830)

The Importance of Christian Knowledge (1830)

A Tribute to the Memory of the Late Jeremiah Evarts, Esq.: Secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Delivered and pub. at the request of the Executive Committee of the Auxiliary Foreign Missionary Society of New York and Brooklyn (1831)

Introduction to D.R. Thomason, Fashionable Amusements (1831)

God Himself the Ultimate End of All Things (1832)

An Address Delivered at Princeton, New Jersey, at the Annual Examination of the Students of the Theological Seminary (1832)

Hints to Parents: A Sermon on the Religious Education of Children (1833)

A Dissertation on Native Depravity (1833)

The Will of God Performed on Earth: A Sermon Preached at Utica, N.Y. October 8, 1834, Before the American Board of Commissioners For Foreign Missions, at Their Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting (1835)

Memory of Evarts (1835)

The Alarming Power of Sin (1837)

Death and Heaven: A Sermon Preached at Newark, at the Interment of the Rev. Edward D. Griffin, D.D., on the 10th of November, 1837 (1838)

Fragments from the Study of a Pastor (1838)

A Vision of the Church (1839)

The Obligations of the World to the Bible: A Series of Lectures to Young Men (1839)

Introduction to Andrew Reed, The Advancement of Religion the Claim of Times (1843)

A Dissertation on the Rule of Faith (1844)

Introduction to Charles Simmons, A Scripture Manual (1845)

The Attraction of the Cross; Designed to Illustrate the Leading Truths, Obligations and Hopes of Christianity (1846)

The Bible Not of Man: or, The Argument for the Divine Origin of the Sacred Scriptures, Drawn from the Scriptures Themselves (1847)

The Bethel Flag: A Series of Short Discourses to Seamen (1848)

The Power of the Pulpit; or, Thoughts Addressed to Christian Ministers (1848)

A Pastor's Tribute to One of His Flock: The Memoirs of the Late Hannah L. Murray (1849)

Brethren, Pray For Us (1849)

Influence: A Quarter-Century Sermon, Preached in Behalf of the American Tract Society (1850)

The Mercy Seat; Thoughts Suggested By the Lord’s Prayer (1850)

The Doctrine of Election (1851)

First Things: A Series of Lectures on the Great Facts and Moral Lessons First Revealed to Mankind, Vol. 1 (1851)

First Things: A Series of Lectures on the Great Facts and Moral Lessons First Revealed to Mankind, Vol. 2 (1852)

The Glory of Christ: Illustrated in His Character and History, Including the Last Things of His Mediatorial Government, Vol. 1 (1852)

The Glory of Christ: Illustrated in His Character and History, Including the Last Things of His Mediatorial Government, Vol. 2 (1852)

Introduction to F.W. Krummacher, The Early Days of Elisha (1853)

Short Sermons For the People (1854)

Triumph in Suffering (1855)

The Contrast Between Good and Bad Men, Vol. 1 (1855)

The Contrast Between Good and Bad Men, Vol. 2 (1855)

The Old and the New Church (1858)

Installation Services of the Rev. William J. Hoge (1859)

Gardiner Spring Resolutions on the State of the Country (1861, 1862)

Brick Church Memorial (1861)

Preface to I.S. Spencer, The Banqueting House (1861)

Introduction to John M. Mason, The Gospel For the Poor (1861)

Introduction to I.S. Spencer, Discourses on Sacramental Occasions (1861)

State Thanksgiving During the Rebellion, A Sermon (1862)

A Funeral Sermon, Occasioned by the Death of the Late Horace Holden (1862)

The Mission of Sorrow (1863)

Pulpit Ministrations; or, Sabbath Readings: A Series of Discourses on Christian Doctrine and Duty, Vol. 1 (1864)

Pulpit Ministrations; or, Sabbath Readings: A Series of Discourses on Christian Doctrine and Duty, Vol. 2 (1864)

Personal Reminiscences of the Life and Times of Gardiner Spring (1866)

The Sabbath a Blessing to Mankind (n.d.)

The Extent of the Missionary Enterprise (n.d.)

Photo courtesy of Dr. Wayne Sparkman, Director of the PCA Historical Center.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Wayne Sparkman, Director of the PCA Historical Center.

I. The Church in the Wilderness. V. The Panorama. II. Reflections on the New Year. VI. Moral Gradation. III. The Inquiring Meeting. VII. The Useful Christian. IV. Letter to a Young Clergyman.

I. The Church in the Wilderness. V. The Panorama.
II. Reflections on the New Year. VI. Moral Gradation.
III. The Inquiring Meeting. VII. The Useful Christian.
IV. Letter to a Young Clergyman.

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The Complaint and Expostulation of Moses: A Discourse