Gardiner Spring (1785-1873)
Gardiner Spring is buried at The Evergreens Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.
Essays on the Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character (1813)
Something Must Be Done: A New Year’s Sermon (1816)
An Appeal to the Citizens of New-York, in Behalf of the Christian Sabbath (1823)
Internal Evidences of Revelation (1826)
A Dissertation on the Means of Regeneration (1827, 1828)
Wealth a Fearful Snare to the Soul (1830)
The Importance of Christian Knowledge (1830)
Introduction to D.R. Thomason, Fashionable Amusements (1831)
God Himself the Ultimate End of All Things (1832)
Hints to Parents: A Sermon on the Religious Education of Children (1833)
A Dissertation on Native Depravity (1833)
The Alarming Power of Sin (1837)
Fragments from the Study of a Pastor (1838)
The Obligations of the World to the Bible: A Series of Lectures to Young Men (1839)
Introduction to Andrew Reed, The Advancement of Religion the Claim of Times (1843)
A Dissertation on the Rule of Faith (1844)
Introduction to Charles Simmons, A Scripture Manual (1845)
The Bethel Flag: A Series of Short Discourses to Seamen (1848)
The Power of the Pulpit; or, Thoughts Addressed to Christian Ministers (1848)
A Pastor's Tribute to One of His Flock: The Memoirs of the Late Hannah L. Murray (1849)
Influence: A Quarter-Century Sermon, Preached in Behalf of the American Tract Society (1850)
The Mercy Seat; Thoughts Suggested By the Lord’s Prayer (1850)
The Doctrine of Election (1851)
Introduction to F.W. Krummacher, The Early Days of Elisha (1853)
Short Sermons For the People (1854)
The Contrast Between Good and Bad Men, Vol. 1 (1855)
The Contrast Between Good and Bad Men, Vol. 2 (1855)
The Old and the New Church (1858)
Installation Services of the Rev. William J. Hoge (1859)
Gardiner Spring Resolutions on the State of the Country (1861, 1862)
Preface to I.S. Spencer, The Banqueting House (1861)
Introduction to John M. Mason, The Gospel For the Poor (1861)
Introduction to I.S. Spencer, Discourses on Sacramental Occasions (1861)
State Thanksgiving During the Rebellion, A Sermon (1862)
A Funeral Sermon, Occasioned by the Death of the Late Horace Holden (1862)
Personal Reminiscences of the Life and Times of Gardiner Spring (1866)