George Price Hays (1838-1897)
George Price Hays is buried at Washington Cemetery, Washington, Pennsylvania.
The Corporate Life of the Church: Abstract of a Sermon (1873, 1874)
The Individual Life of the Nation (1874)
History of the Second Presbyterian Church, Washington, Penn'a (1876)
Every-Day Reasoning; or, The Science of Inductive Logic (1877)
Our Pit and Our Rock; or, The Presbyterian Church a Fruit of Missions (1885)
How Long Halt Ye Between Two Opinions? (1889)
May Women Speak? A Bible Study (1889)
Institutional Mission Work (1890)
Presbyterian General Assembly (1891)
Organic Union vs. Inter-Denominational Fraternity (1891)
Presbyterians: A Popular Narrative of Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Achievements (1892)