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Tennent, Gilbert gravestone photo.jpg
Gilbert Tennent is buried at Abington Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Abington, Pennsylvania.

Gilbert Tennent is buried at Abington Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Abington, Pennsylvania.

A Solemn Warning to the Secure World, From the God of Terrible Majesty: Or, the Presumptuous Sinner Detected, His Pleas Consider'd, and His Doom Display'd: Being an Essay, in which the Strong Proneness of Mankind to Entertain a False Confidence is Proved (1735)

The Espousals: or, A Passionate Persuasive to a Marriage With the Lamb of God: In a Sermon Upon Genesis XXIV.49 (1735)

Preface to John Tennent, The Nature of Regeneration Opened (1735)

Sermons on Sacramental Occasions (1739)

December 1, 1739 Letter to George Whitefield (1739, 1754)

January 21, 1740 Letter to the Boston Post-Boy (1740, 1895)

The Danger of An Unconverted Ministry (1740)

A Discourse Upon Christ’s Kingly-Office; Preached at Nottingham, in Pennsylvania, Sept. 24th, 1740 (1741)

April 25, 1741 Letter to George Whitefield (1741, 1754)

A Poem Occasion'd by the Late Powerful and Awakening Preaching of Gilbert Tennant [sic] (1741)

Sermon 1, The Law of God (1742)

February 12, 1742 Letter to Jonathan Dickinson (1742, 1857)

Letter published in the May 3, 1742 Boston Evening-Post (1742, 1895)

The Examiner, Examined (1743)

Some Account of the Principles of the Moravians (1743)

Love to Christ a Necessary Qualification in Order to Feed His Sheep: A Sermon Preached at Neshiminy December 14, 1743, Before the Ordination of the Reverend Mr. Charles Beatty (1744)

August 24, 1744 Letter to Thomas Prince (1744)

Twenty-Three Sermons on Man's Chief End (1744)

Twenty-Three Sermons Upon the Chief End of Man (1744)

A Funeral Sermon Occasion'd by the Death of the Reverend Mr. John Rowland: Who Departed this Life, April the 12th, 1745 (1745)

Discourses on Several Important Subjects (1745)

Preface to George Whitefield, Five Sermons on the Following Subjects… (1746, 1747)

Defensive War Defended (1748)

A Sermon Preached at Philadelphia, July 20, 1748, on a Funeral Occasion, Wherein the Absolute Certainty, and Great Moment, of the Doctrine of the Resurrection are Proved and Illustrated (1749)

The Substance and Scope of Both Testaments; or, The Distinguishing Glory of the Gospel: A Sermon (1749)

A Sermon Preach'd at Burlington in New-Jersey, November 23, 1749. Being the Day Appointed by His Excellency the Governor, With the Advice of His Majesty's Council, For a Provincial Thanksgiving Before the Governor and Others, Upon Texts Chosen By His Excellency (1749)

Irenicum Ecclesiasticum (1749)

A General Account of the Rise and State of the College, Lately Established in the Province of New-Jersey, in America; and of the End and Design of its Institution (1754 ed.)

Record of Contributions to the College of New Jersey (1754, 1841)

Preface to James Davenport, The Faithful Minister Encouraged (1756)

Preface to Samuel Finley, The Curse of Meroz (1757)

Preface to David Bostwick, Self Disclaimed and Christ Exalted (1758)

Preface to Robert Eastburn’s A Faithful Narrative (1758, 1828)

Sermons on Important Subjects (1758)

A Persuasive to the Right Use of the Passions in Religion; or, The Nature of Religious Zeal Explain’d, Its Excellency and Importance Open’d and Urg’d, in a Sermon, on Revelations iii.19. Preached at Philadelphia, January 27th, 1760 (1760)

May 24, 1760 Letter From Eighteen Presbyterian Ministers to the Archbishop of Canterbury (1760, 1880)

March 30, 1764 Circular on Royalization (1764)

The Blessedness of Peace-Makers Represented; and the Danger of Persecution Considered (1765)

The Rev. Gilbert Tennent (1805)

Memoir of Rev. Gilbert Tennent (1845)

The Justice of God (1855)

The Divine Mercy (1855)

The Grace of God (1855)

The Wisdom of God in Redemption (1855)

Walking With God (1855)

Biographical Sketch of Gilbert Tennent (1855)

Gilbert Tennent (1857)

Gilbert Tennent (1858)

Rev. Gilbert Tennent (1884)

Sermons by Gilbert Tennent include The Unsearchable Riches of Christ (2 sermons); The Duty of Self-Examination; The Divinity of the Sacred Scriptures Considered; The Legal Bow Bent (2 sermons); The Solemn Scene of the Last Judgment; The Preciousness of Christ to Believers; as well as additional sermons by Samuel Blair, Sr. and William Tennent, Jr.

This poem was a tribute written by others about the ministry of Gilbert Tennent.

Source: Philadelphia Congregations Early Records / Presbyterian Historical Society.

Source: Philadelphia Congregations Early Records / Presbyterian Historical Society. Transcription available here.

An account of revival.

This book is missing the title page and first sermon.

This book is missing the title page and first sermon.