Henry Augustus Boardman (1808-1880)
Henry Augustus Boardman is buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Gall’s Lesson System of Education (1833)
A Treatise on the Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin: With Explanatory Notes (1839)
The Intolerance of the Church of Rome (1844)
The Claims of Religion Upon Medical Men (1844)
The Importance of Religion to the Legal Profession (1849)
Two Discourses on the Popular Objections to the Doctrine of Election (1849)
A Discourse on the Life and Character of Daniel Webster (1852)
The Bible in the Family: or, Hints on Domestic Happiness (1852, 1869)
The Bible in the Counting-House: A Course of Lectures to Merchants (1853)
Christian Submission (1853, 1861)
The Great Question: Will You Consider the Subject of Personal Religion? (1855)
The Gospels: With Moral Reflections on Each Verse (1855)
Memorial of Cortlandt Van Rensselaer (1860)
The Doctrine of Election Neither Derogatory to God, Nor Discouraging to Man (1860)
Introduction to Frederick A. Packard, The Rock (1861)
The Federal Judiciary: A Thanksgiving Discourse (1862)
Introduction to Christ the Rock; or, Aids to Young Disciples (1862)
Address of Dr. Boardman at the Funeral of Rev. John McDowell (1863)
A Sermon Commemorative of the Character and Life of Miss Margaret Latimer (1865)
The General Assembly of 1866 (1867)
Address at the Obsequies of Mr. Singleton A. Mercer (1867)
The Scripture Doctrine of Rewards: A Sermon (1867)
In Memoriam, Harriet Hollond (1871)
Henry Augustus Boardman (1871)
The “Higher Life” Doctrine of Sanctification, Tried by the Word of God (1877)
In Memoriam: A Discourse Commemorative of the Character and Life of John Seely Hart, LL.D. (1878)
Earthly Suffering and Heavenly Glory: With Other Sermons (1878)
Discourses Commemorative of the Life and Work of Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D. (1879)
Address of Welcome at the Second General Council of the Presbyterian Alliance (1880)
Henry Augustus Boardman, D.D. (1881)
Mottoes For the New Year, as Given in Texts of Sermons (1882)