Henry Jackson Van Dyke, Sr. (1822-1891)
Henry Jackson Van Dyke, Sr. is buried at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.
The Temporal Benefits of the Bible (1853)
Politics For Christians (1857)
Moses, the Servant of the Lord: A Sermon (1858)
The Commandment with Promise: A Sermon (1859)
The Character and Influence of Abolitionism (1860)
The Spirituality and Independence of the Church: A Speech (1864)
The Sacraments and the Children of the Church (1884)
The Scripture Warrant For the Baptism of Infants (1885)
Ordination to the Christian Ministry (1886)
Necessity and Administration of the Lord’s Supper (1887)
The Vicissitudes of a Palace (1887)
Pastor’s Letter in Walter S. Allen, A Voice From the Pew: No Uncertain Sound (1887)
Shall Women Be Licensed to Preach? (1888)
The Church: Her Ministry and Sacraments (1890)
Ought the Confession of Faith to be Revised? (1890)