Jacob Green (1722-1790)
Jacob Green served as pastor of the Hanover Presbyterian Church in East Hanover, New Jersey for 44 years.
Historical marker for the Old Parsonage, where Jacob Green lived in East Hanover, New Jersey.
Jacob Green is buried at First Presbyterian Church of Hanover Cemetery, Hanover, New Jersey.
Christian Baptism: A Sermon Delivered at Hanover, in New-Jersey; November 4, 1764 (1766)
Sinners Faultiness, and Spiritual Inability, Considered in a Sermon (1767)
An Inquiry into the Constitution and Discipline of the Jewish Church (1768)
A Small Help, Offered to Heads of Families for Instructing Children and Servants (1771)
Observations, on the Reconciliation of Great-Britain, and the Colonies (1776)
Letter I (by Eumenes) on Paper Currency (1779, 1914)
Letter II (by Eumenes) on Paper Currency (1779, 1914)
Letter V (by Eumenes) on Paper Currency (1779, 1914)
Extracts from the Autobiography of Jacob Green (1831-1832)
Rev. Jacob Green, of Hanover, N.J., as an Author, Statesman and Patriot (1893)