Jacob Jones Janeway is buried at Elmwood Cemetery, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Jacob Jones Janeway is buried at Elmwood Cemetery, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Propagation of the Gospel (1806)

To the Pious and Benevolent (1809, 1857)

A Narrative of the State of Religion Within the Bounds of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America; During the Period of Time Intervening Between May, 1809, and May, 1810 (1810)

The Plan of the Theological School (1810)

The Blessedness of the Charitable: a Sermon Preached at the Request of the Female Hospitable Society of Philadelphia, in the Third Presbyterian Church, on Lord's-Day Evening, December 22, 1811 (1812)

June 30, 1812 Letter to James Madison (1812)

Letters Explaining the Abrahamic Covenant, With a View to Establish, on This Broad and Ancient Basis, the Divine Right of Infant Baptism (1812)

A Narrative of the State of Religion, Within the Bounds of the General Assembly, of the Presbyterian Church; and of the General Association of Connecticut, of Massachusetts, and of the General Convention of Vermont, During the Last Year (1814)

Address of the Board of Missions Acting under the Authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States on the Subject of Auxiliary Missionary Societies and Missionary Associations, to the Churches (1816)

An Essay on the Inability of Sinners (1818, 1819)

A Digest, Compiled from the Records of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America, and From the Records of the Late Synod of New York and Philadelphia, of Their Acts and Proceedings, that Appear to be of Permanent Authority and Interest; Together with a Short Account of the Missions Conducted by the Presbyterian Church (1820)

The Presbyterian Magazine, Vol. 1 (1821)

On the Importance and Practical Influence of Revealed Truth (1821)

Brief Thoughts on Baptism (1821)

A Word to the Rev. J.R. Willson (1821)

Dr. Watts His Own Advocate (1821)

An Address of the Conductors (1821)

Thoughts on the Past, Present and Future Condition of the Jews (1822)

An Answer to the Two Queries Proposed by Discipulus (1822)

A Review of a Synopsis of Didactic Theology (1822)

Review of Hodge’s Dissertation (1822)

Pastoral Letter (1822)

Letters on the Atonement (1827)

Inaugural Address at Western Theological Seminary (1828, 1858)

Papers Read Before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, on Resigning His Office as Professor of Theology in the Western Theological Seminary (1829)

The Fall of Man and Its Effects (1833)

The Scriptural Doctrine of the Atonement: Illustrated and Defended (1835, 1837)

An Exposition of a Portion of the Epistle to the Romans, in the Form of Questions and Answers Designed for Sabbath School and Bible Classes (1838)

The Christian Education of Children and Youth (1840)

An Exposition of a Portion of the Epistle to the Hebrews, in the Form of Questions and Answers Designed for Sabbath School and Bible Classes (1842)

Unlawful Marriage (1844)

The Internal Evidence of the Holy Bible or The Bible Proved From Its Own Pages to Be a Divine Revelation (1845)

The Communicant's Manual (1848)

A Family Piece; or, A Memoir of Mrs. Martha Gray Janeway (1852)

Biographical Notice of Jacob J. Janeway, D.D. (1853)

Hope for the Jews: or, The Jews Will Be Converted to the Christian Faith; and Settled and Reorganized as a Nation in the Land of Palestine (1853)

Antidote to the Poison of Popery, in the Writings and Conduct of Professors Nevin and Schaff (1856)

Hope For My Country: Showing the Divinity of Jesus Christ, and His Care Over His Church, as Exhibited in the Past History of Our Country (1856)

Memoir of the Rev. Jacob J. Janeway, D.D. (1861)

Jacob J. Janeway, D.D. (1884)

This 3-part article appeared in the May, June and July 1821 issues of The Presbyterian Magazine.

This 3-part article appeared in the May, June and July 1821 issues of The Presbyterian Magazine.

This 3-part article appeared in the August, September and October 1822 issues of The Presbyterian Magazine.

A 1842 edition with an expanded preface is available here.

A 1842 edition with an expanded preface is available here.