James Henley Thornwell is buried at Elmwood Memorial Gardens, Columbia, South Carolina.

James Henley Thornwell is buried at Elmwood Memorial Gardens, Columbia, South Carolina.

Private Journal of James Henley Thornwell (1836)

The Grace of God Secures the Perseverance of the Saints (1836)

Prefatory Notice to Robert Traill’s A Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine Concerning Justification (1840)

A Tract on the Doctrines of Election and Reprobation (1840)

The Vanity and Glory of Man: A Sermon, Preached in the Chapel of the South Carolina College, on the 9th of October, 1842, on Occasion of the Death of Benjamin R. Maybin, a Member of the Freshman Class (1842)

The Apocryphal Books [1] (1843)

The Apocryphal Books [2] (1843)

The Right of Ruling Elders to Impose Hands in the Ordination of Ministers of the Word, Shown Out of the Apostolic and Primitive Church (1843)

Dr. Thornwell on Ruling Elders (1843, 1867)

The Necessity of the Atonement: A Sermon, Preached in the Chapel of the South Carolina College, on the 1st Day of December, 1844 (1845)

The Arguments of Romanists from the Infallibility of the Church and the Testimony of the Fathers in Behalf of the Apocrypha, Discussed and Refuted (1845)

Validity of Popish Baptism (1846, 1851-1852)

The Office of Reason in Regard to Revelation (1847)

The General Assembly (1847)

The Christian Pastor (1847)

The Elder Question (1848)

Paul’s Preaching at Athens (1849)

The Philosophy of Religion (1849-1850)

Thoughts Upon the Priesthood of Christ (1850)

The Rights and the Duties of Masters: A Sermon Preached at the Dedication of a Church, Erected in Charleston, S. C., For the Benefit and Instruction of the Coloured Population (1850)

Thoughts Suited to the Present Crisis: A Sermon, on Occasion of the Death of Hon. John C. Calhoun, Preached in the Chapel of the South Carolina College, April 21, 1850 (1850)

Matthew XXII.29 (1851)

Report on Slavery (1852)

Paley’s Moral Philosophy (1853)

Letter to His Excellency Governor Manning on Public Instruction in South Carolina (1853)

Dr. J.H. Thornwell’s Letter to Governor Manning on Public Instruction in South Carolina (1853, 1885)

Judgments, A Call to Repentance: A Sermon Preached by Appointment of the Legislature in the Hall of House of Representatives (1854)

Discourses on Truth (1855)

Revelation and Inspiration (1856)

Barnard on American Colleges (1856)

Memoir of Dr. Henry (1856)

The Sacrifice of Christ, the Type and Model of Missionary Effort: A Sermon Preached by Appointment of the Board of Foreign Missions, Before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, in the First Presbyterian Church, New York, May 18, 1856 (1856)

Miracles (1856)

Plato’s Phædon (1856)

Noah’s Faith (1857)

Miracles (1857)

Inaugural Discourse (1857, 1871)

Breckinridge’s Theology (1858)

Revised Book of Discipline (1859)

Breckinridge’s Knowledge of God, Subjectively Considered (1859)

A Few More Words on the Revised Book of Discipline (1860)

Baird’s Elohim Revealed (1860)

Services on the Occasion of the Ordination of the Rev. F.P. Mullally, and the Installation of Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D., and Rev. F.P. Mullally, as Co-Pastors of the First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, S.C. (1860, 1909)

National Sins: A Fast-Day Sermon (1861)

The Princeton Review and Presbyterianism (1861)

The State of the Country (1861)

The Personality of God, as Affecting Science and Religion (1861)

Relation of the State to Christ (1861, 1873)

Enmities and Barbarities of the Rebellion (1861, 1864)

Address of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States to all the Churches of Jesus Christ throughout the Earth (1862)

Death of Rev. Dr. Thornwell (1862)

A Discourse Commemorative of the Life, Character, and Genius of the Late Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D., LL.D. (1862)

Collected Writings, Vol. 1 (1871)

Collected Writings, Vol. 2 (1871)

Collected Writings, Vol. 3 (1873)

Collected Writings, Vol. 4 (1873)

The Life and Letters of James Henley Thornwell, D.D., LL.D. (1875)

Memorial of James Henley Thornwell, D.D., LL.D. (1884)

James Henley Thornwell [1812-1862] (1910)

Centennial Addresses Commemorating the Birth of the Reverend James Henley Thornwell (1913)

Private journal of James Henley Thornwell detailing his early pastoral ministry, with prayers and personal confessions, coverage from April 2, 1836, through September 16, 1836. Courtesy of the C. Benton Kline, Jr. Special Collections and Archives, Columbia Theological Seminary.

This 2-part article appeared in the October 1849 and January 1850 issues of the Southern Presbyterian Review.

This 2-part article appeared in the October 1849 and January 1850 issues of the Southern Presbyterian Review.

Article from the August 1856 issue of the Southern Quarterly Review.

Manuscript sermon fragment by James Henley Thornwell originally delivered at the chapel of Columbia Theological Seminary, January 26, 1857, again at First Presbyterian Church (Columbia, S.C.), February 23, 1857, Glebe Street Presbyterian Church (Charleston, S.C.), March 9, 1857, and First Presbyterian Church of Holly Springs (Holly Springs, Miss.), May 1857. Sermon on Hebrews 11:7. Courtesy of the C. Benton Kline, Jr. Special Collections and Archives, Columbia Theological Seminary.

Thornwell, James Henley, Miracles Title Page.jpg

Article from the July 1857 issue of the Southern Presbyterian Review.