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James Muir is buried at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Alexandria, Virginia.

James Muir is buried at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Alexandria, Virginia.

Sermons (1787)

The Virtuous Woman (1791)

A Pastoral Letter to the Members of the Presbyterian Church Residing in Alexandria (1793)

A Funeral Sermon: In Memory of the Rev. James Hunt (1793)

February 12, 1794 Letter to George Washington (1794)

History of the Presbyterian Church at Alexandria, From Its Commencement in 1772 Until the Present Date, A.D. 1794 (1794, 1940)

An Examination of the Principles Contained in the Age of Reason: In Ten Discourses (1795)

Letter from the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America to the Presbytery of Transylvania (1795, 1847)

A Sermon Preached in the Presbyterian Church at Alexandria, on the 9th day of May, 1798: Being the Day Appointed For a General Fast (1798)

Death Abolished: A Sermon. Occasioned by the Sickness which Prevailed at Alexandria During the Months of August, September and October; Giving a Detail of that Sickness, and of Some of the Views of Providence in Such Calamitous Visitations. With an Appendix, Containing Facts, Relating to the Origin of the Sickness - the Extent of the Mortality - the Labours of the Committee of Health, and the Contributions for the Relief of the Poor (1803)

Repentance, or Richmond in Tears (1812)

Ten Sermons (1812)

Thanksgiving For Peace: A Sermon, Delivered in Christ's Church, on Thursday the 13th April (1815)

Biographical Sketch of Robert Tannahill (1815)

The Monthly Visitant, or, Something Old, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-6 (1816)

The Call: A Sermon, Preached Before the Presbytery of Baltimore, at the Ordination of the Rev. Thomas B. Balch, in Georgetown, D.C. on Thursday, 11th Dec. 1817, Published by Request, with an Appendix by the Rev. James Carnahan, Detailing the Proceedings on That Occasion (1818)

James Muir, D.D. (1858)

This letter concerns the subject of slavery and Christian communion with slaveholders.

This letter concerns the subject of slavery and Christian communion with slaveholders.