John Breckinridge (1797-1841)
John Breckinridge is buried at Lexington Cemetery, Lexington, Kentucky.
Contents include:
1. Introductory Address - John Breckinridge
2. Scripture Doctrine of a Call to the Work of the Gospel Ministry - William S. Plumer
3. The Importance of a Thorough and Adequate Course of Preparatory Study For the Holy Ministry - Samuel Miller
4. Address to Students of Divinity - John Brown of Haddington
5. Considerations on Foreign Missions: Addressed to Candidates For the Holy Ministry - James W. Alexander
6. Address to the St. Andrew’s University Missionary Society, on the Duty of Personal Engagement in the Work of Missions - John Urquhart
7. An Address to Candidates For the Ministry on the Importance of Aiming at Eminent Piety in Making Their Preparation For the Sacred Office - Archibald Alexander
8. On the Necessity of a Knowledge of the Original Languages of the Scriptures - Charles Hodge
9. Literary Diligence Recommended: A Baccalaureate Discourse Delivered to the Candidates For Degrees in the College of New Jersey, on the Sabbath Immediately Preceding the Annual Commencement in 1820 - Ashbel Green
10. Essay on the Wants of the World, an the Way to Relieve Them - William Nevins
11. Biographical Sketch and Obituary of John S. Newbold
12. Biographical Sketch and Obituary of Rev. Sylvester Larned
13. An Address Delivered at Princeton, New Jersey, at the Annual Examination of the Students of the Theological Seminary, May, 1832 - Gardiner Spring