John D. Davis (1854-1926)
John D. Davis is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey.
The Babylonian Flood-Legend and the Hebrew Record of the Deluge (1889)
The Chronology of the Divided Kingdom (1891)
The Moabite Stone and the Hebrew Records (1891)
The Semitic Tradition of Creation (1892)
First Interview With the Christ (1893)
The Vision of the King in His Holiness (1893)
Genesis and Semitic Tradition (1894)
The Chief Literary Productions in Israel Before the Division of the Kingdom (1896)
The Literary Productions of Israel From Josiah to Ezra (1898)
A Dictionary of the Bible (1898)
The Symbolism of the Lamb (1900)
Current Opinion on New Testament Demonology (1900)
Professor William Henry Green, D.D., LL.D.: In Memoriam (1900)
Current Old Testament Discussions and Princeton Opinion (1902)
The Nineteenth Psalm in the Criticism of the Nineteenth Century (1905)
The Future Life in Hebrew Thought During the Pre-Persian Period (1908)
Persian Words and the Date of Old Testament Documents (1908)
The Article “Miracle,” From “A Dictionary of the Bible” (1910)
The Article “Parable,” From “A Dictionary of the Bible” (1910)
The Child Whose Name is Wonderful: An Address on Isaiah IX. 5 and 6 (English Version 6 and 7) (1912)
Biographical Note: Samuel Rolles Driver (1914)
Suggestions of the Survey Party Regarding Biblical Sites (1916)
The Sanctuary of Israel at Shiloh (1918)
The Statue of Shalmaneser at Asshur (1919)
The Reclothing and Coronation of Joshua (1920)
An Interpretation of Isaiah XL.3 (1920)