John Gresham Machen is buried at Green Mount Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.
The New Testament Account of the Birth of Jesus (1905-1906)
Review of James Orr, The Virgin Birth of Christ (1908)
Review of George Milligan, St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians (1909)
The Reformation and Natural Law (1909)
Review of George H. Gilbert, Interpretation of the Bible: A Short History (1909)
Review of G. Richter, PROS ROMAIOUS: Die Epistel Pauli an die Römer (1909)
Review of Paul W. Schmiedel, The Johannine Writings (1909)
Review of Robert Scott, The Pauline Epistles: A Critical Study (1910)
Review of G. Stöckhardt, Commentar uber den Brief Pauli an die Römer (1910)
Review of George Milligan, Selections From the Greek Papyri (1911)
Review of A. Durand, The Childhood of Jesus Christ According to the Canonical Gospels (1911)
The Hymns of the First Chapter of Luke (1912)
The Origin of the First Two Chapters of Luke (1912)
Review of F.R. Montgomery Hitchcock, Christ and His Critics (1912)
The Virgin Birth in the Second Century (1912)
Christianity and Culture (1913)
Review of Cyril W. Emmet, St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians (1913)
Review of George Milligan, The New Testament Documents: Their Origin and Early History (1913)
Review of Hans Hinrich Wendt, Die Apostelgeschichte (1915)
Review of G. Stöckhardt, Kommentar über den Ersten Brief Petri (1915)
Review of Albert Debrunner, Friedrich Blass' Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch (1915)
The Literature and History of New Testament Times (1915)
Review of Alexander Souter, A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament (1917)
January 8, 1918 Letter to John R. Ramsey (1918)
Review of G.H. Box, The Virgin Birth of Jesus (1919)
Recent Criticism of the Book of Acts (1919)
Review of D.A. Hayes, The Synoptic Gospels and the Book of Acts (1919)
Review of By An Unknown Disciple (1919)
Review of Caroline A.J. Skeel, H.J. White and J.P. Whitney, eds., Texts for Students (1919)
Review of S.C. Carpenter, Christianity According to St. Luke (1920)
Review of Ignatius Singer, The Rival Philosophies of Jesus and Paul (1920)
Liberalism or Christianity? (1921)
The Origin of Paul’s Religion (1921)
The Origin of Paul's Religion (1921, 1923)
Review of E.D. Burton, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1922)
Review of Benjamin W. Bacon, Is Mark a Roman Gospel? (1922)
Review of Houston S. Chamberlain, Mensch und Gott (1922)
Review of Henry J. Cadbury, The Style and Literary Method of Luke (1922)
Review of Ernest F. Scott, The New Testament Today (1922)
Review of T.H. Weir, The Variants in the Gospel Reports (1922)
Review of Hugh G. Evelyn-White, The Sayings of Jesus From Oxyrhynchus (1922)
Review of J.M. Harden, Dictionary of the Vulgate New Testament (1922)
Christianity and Liberalism (1923)
Foreword to C.E. Macartney’s Twelve Great Questions About Christ (1923)
Christianity vs. Modern Liberalism (1923)
Review of Walter E. Bundy, The Psychic Health of Jesus (1923)
Review of Francis G. Peabody, The Apostle Paul and the Modern World (1923)
Review of George W. Richards, Christian Ways of Salvation (1923)
Review of Benjamin W. Bacon, He Opened to Us the Scriptures (1923)
Review of Samuel Dickey, The Constructive Revolution of Jesus (1923)
Review of A.F.W. Blunt, The Acts of the Apostles (1923)
Review of Wilfred H. Isaacs, The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (1923)
Review of George Milligan, Here and There Among the Papyri (1923)
Review of Giovanni Papini, Life of Christ (1923)
Review of William Bancroft Hill, The Apostolic Age (1923)
Isaiah’s Scorn of Idolatry (1923, 1945)
Sin’s Wages and God’s Gift (1923, 1945)
The Issue in the Church (1923, 1940)
Honesty and Freedom in the Christian Ministry (1924)
Does Fundamentalism Obstruct Social Progress? The Negative (1924)
The God of the Early Christians (1924)
Review of George A. Barton, Jesus of Nazareth: A Biography (1924)
Review of Charles E. Jefferson, The Character of Paul (1924)
The Bible Teacher and Biblical Facts (1924)
Letter to the Editor Regarding Lafayette (Acadia) National Park (1924)
Child Labor and Liberty (1924)
New Testament Greek For Beginners (1924)
The Modern Use of the Bible (1925)
Review of William Fairweather, Jesus and the Greeks (1925)
The Relation of Religion to Science and Philosophy (1926)
Review of F.C. Burkitt, Christian Beginnings (1926)
Review of Orville E. Crain, The Credibility of the Virgin Birth (1926)
Statement by J. Gresham Machen on the Proposed Department of Education (1926)
Educators Discuss New Education Bill - Con (1926)
Professor J. Gresham Machen, D.D., Declines the Presidency of Bryan University (1927)
The Integrity of the Lucan Narrative of the Annunciation (1927)
The Attack Upon Princeton Seminary: A Plea For Fair Play (1927)
Review of Clarence E.N. Macartney, Paul the Man (1928)
Forty Years of New Testament Research (1928)
Is The Bible Right About Jesus? (1928-1929)
The Present Situation in the Presbyterian Church (1930)
Dr. Machen Surveys Dr. Speer's New Book (1930)
Comment on the Question “Has Inspiration Ceased?” (1931)
Christianity and Liberty: A Challenge to the "Modern Mind" (1931)
Facing the Facts Before God (1931)
Review of Francisco Zorell, Lexicon Novi Testamenti (1931)
Skyscrapers and Cathedrals (1931)
The Importance of Christian Scholarship for Evangelism (1932)
Christianity in Conflict (1932, 1937)
The Responsibility of the Church in Our New Age (1933, 1967)
What is the League of Evangelical Students? (1933)
Dr. Robert E. Speer and His Latest Book (1933)
Three Observations About the Assembly (1933)
Freedom in the Presbyterian Church: Dr. Machen’s Protest in the Presbytery of New Brunswick (1933)
The New Presbyterian Hymnal (1933)
Stop, Look, Listen: Why the Plan of Organic Union Should Be Opposed (1934)
Mountains and Why We Love Them (1934)
Westminster Seminary Begins Sixth Year: Dr. Machen’s Address (1934)
Impressions of West Pittston (1934)
The Changing Scene and the Unchanging Word: Introduction (1935)
What Should Be Done By Christian People Who Are in a Modernist Church? (1935)
The Purpose of the Covenant Union (1935)
The Second Part of the Ordination Pledge (1935)
The League of Evangelical Students (1935)
A Precious Fragment of the Gospel According to John (1936)
What Shall We Think of Kagawa? (1936)
Can Christian Men Enter the Ministry in the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.? (1936)
May 9, 1936 Letter to Clarence E.N. Macartney (1936, 1962)
Will Christianity Survive? (1936)
What Should True Presbyterians Do at the 1936 General Assembly? (1936)
A True Presbyterian Church at Last (1936)
The Benefits of Walking (1936)
Biblical Examples, Good and Bad (1936)
Why the Presbyterian Guardian? (1936)
A Hard Church To Get Out Of (1936)
The Progress of Christian Doctrine (1936, 1940)
The Creeds and Doctrinal Advance (1936, 1940)
God, Man and Salvation (1936, 1940)
Christ as Prophet, Priest and King (1936, 1940)
What is a Prophet? (1936, 1940)
Prophecy and the Gospel (1936, 1940)
The Teaching of Jesus (1936, 1940)
Prophet and Priest (1936, 1940)
Christ Our Redeemer (1936, 1940)
The Doctrine of the Atonement (1936, 1940)
The So-Called “Child Labor Amendment” (1936)
The Bible’s View of the Atonement (1936, 1945)
December 29, 1936 Telegram to John Murray (1936)
Shall We Have Christian Schools? (1937)
An Interview With Dr. Machen on the National Preaching Mission (1937)
The Separateness of the Church (1937)
J. Gresham Machen: A Biographical Memoir (1954)
Captain With the Mighty Heart: The Story of J. Gresham Machen (1967-1971)