John Hall (1829-1898)

Biography (Wikipedia)

Hall, John photo.jpg
Hall, John 1829 1898 memorial photo.jpg
John Hall is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York.

John Hall is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York.

Sermons Preached Before the Congregation of the Presbyterian Church, Corner of Fifth Avenue and Nineteenth Street, at the 'Memorial Services' October 9, 1859, Appointed in Reference to the Death of Their Late Pastor, James Waddel Alexander, D.D. (1859)

Family Prayers, For Four Weeks (1868)

Successful Preaching: Address to Theological Students (1870)

The Future Church (1870)

Papers for Home Reading (1871)

The Active Pity of a Queen (1872, 1873)

Questions of the Day (1873)

The American Evangelists: D.L. Moody and Ira D. Sankey, in Great Britain and Ireland (1875)

God's Word Through Preaching (1875)

Preparing to Teach: For Study by Sabbath-School Teachers and Training Classes (1875)

Familiar Talks to Boys (1876)

You and Your Children; or, Happy Homes: How to Make Them (1877)

A Christian Home: How to Make and How to Maintain It (1883)

Four Lectures on the Religious Use of Property (1883)

Rejectors of God’s Word (1883)

Preaching to the Children (1883)

Installation Service (John Hall Magowan) - Charge to the People (1883)

A Popular Ministry (1883)

A Consecrated Church (1883)

Side Lines of Ministerial Labor No. 1 (1883)

Side Lines of Ministerial Labor No. 2 (1883)

Installation Service (John Hall Magowan) - Charge to the Pastor (1884)

God’s Chosen Witnesses (1885)

The True Inspiration of Life (1885)

The World’s Best: Vanity (1885)

The Relation of the Pastor to Missions (1886)

“Free Church” or Rented Pews (1886)

True Freedom (1886)

Speaking and Eloquence (1886)

Believing and Confessing (1886)

Self-Preservation in the Church (1887)

Bible Evidence (1887)

The True and the False (1887)

Trust and Beneficence (1887)

Pulpit Truths For the Times (1887)

Thoughts For a Communion Sabbath Morning (1887)

God’s Institutions Man’s Best Gifts (1887)

Preachers and Their Subject (1887)

The Efficiency of the Congregation (1888)

Genuine Benevolence and Its Reward (1888)

Points on Temperance (1888)

Spiritual Sacrifices, Acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1889)

Thoughts on the Old Year and the New (1889)

Scotch-Irish Characteristics (1889)

The Uses of History (1889)

Christian Reunion (1890)

Facts About Ulster (1891)

Sermon at the Third Congress of the Scotch-Irish Society of America (1891)

The Ireland of To-Day (1892)

The Papacy in Politics (1892)

The Protestant Church and the Apocrypha (1892)

Introduction to George P. Hays’ Presbyterians (1892)

John Hall, D.D., LL.D. (1899)

John Hall, Pastor and Preacher: A Biography (1901)

Included here also are prayers offered by Dr. Hall.