John Henry Barrows (1847-1902)
John Henry Barrows is buried at Westwood Cemetery, Oberlin, Ohio.
The Nation and the Soldier: A Memorial Address (1883)
Man’s Chief End: Glorifying God, A Sermon and Eternal Enjoyment: A Sermon (1885)
Municipal Patriotism: A Sermon (1890)
Seven Lectures on the Credibility of the Gospel Histories (1891)
The Reunion of Christendom: An Easter Sermon (1892)
The Historicity of the Gospels (1892)
I Believe in God the Father Almighty (1892)
Henry Ward Beecher: The Shakespeare of the Pulpit (1893)
The Approaching Parliament of Religions: Its Attractive Features (1893)
The World’s Parliament of Religions, Vol. 1 (1893)
The World’s Parliament of Religions, Vol. 2 (1893)
Christianity the World-Religion, Barrows’ Lectures, 1896-97 (1897)