John Williamson Nevin (1803-1886)

Biography (Wikipedia)

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John Williamson Nevin taught at the German Reformed Theological Seminary in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania.

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John Williamson Nevin is buried at Woodward Hill Cemetery, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

John Williamson Nevin is buried at Woodward Hill Cemetery, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Address on Sacred Music; Delivered at the Anniversary of the Handel and Hastings Society, in the Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J., Dec. 5, 1827 (1827)

A Summary of Biblical Antiquities, Vol. 1 (1828)

A Summary of Biblical Antiquities, Vol. 2 (1829)

A Summary of Biblical Antiquities (1828, 1849)

The Claims of the Bible Urged Upon the Attention of Students of Theology: A Lectures, Delivered November 6, 1831, at the Opening of the Winter Session of the Western Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church (1831)

The Scourge of God, A Sermon (1832)

The Trinitarian and Unitarian Doctrines Concerning Jesus Christ (1832)

Election Not Contrary to a Free Gospel (1833)

The English Bible (1836)

Addresses Delivered at the Inauguration of Rev. J.W. Nevin, D.D., as Professor of Theology in the Theological Seminary of the German Reformed Church, Mercersburg, PA, May 20th, 1840 (1840)

Party Spirit: An Address (1840)

The German Language: An Address (1842)

The Anxious Bench: A Tract for the Times (1843, 1844)

Die Angst-Bank (1844)

Catholic Unity: A Sermon Delivered at the Opening of the Triennial Convention of the Reformed Protestant Dutch and German Reformed Churches, at Harrisburg, Pa., August 8th, 1844 (1844, 1845)

Introduction to Philip Schaff, The Principle of Protestantism as Related to the Present State of the Church (1845)

The Mystical Presence: A Vindication of the Reformed or Calvinistic Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist (1846, 1867)

History and Genius of the Heidelberg Catechism (1847)

Antichrist; or the Spirit of Sect and Schism (1848)

Human Freedom and a Plea for Philosophy: Two Essays (1848, 1850)

The Year 1848 (1849)

The Apostles’ Creed (1849)

Sartorius on the Person and Work of Christ (1849)

False Protestantism (1849)

Kirwan’s Letters (1849)

Zuingli No Radical (1849)

The Classis of Mercersburg (1849)

Historical Development (1849)

Puritanism and the Creed (1849)

The New Creation in Christ (1850)

Brownson’s Quarterly Review (1850)

Faith, Reverence and Freedom: A Baccalaureate Address to the Graduating Class in Marshall College, Sept. 12, 1849 (1850)

Wilberforce on the Incarnation (1850)

Noel on Baptism (1850)

Brownson’s Review Again (1850)

Bible Christianity (1850)

Doctrine of the Reformed Church on the Lord’s Supper (1850)

The Moral Order of Sex (1850)

Trench’s Lectures (1850)

Catholicism (1851)

Practical Exegesis (1851)

Modern Civilization (1851)

Cur Deus Homo? (1851)

Adams’ Christian Science (1851)

Schaff’s Church History (1851)

The Apostle Peter (1851)

The Anglican Crisis (1851)

The Holy Eucharist (1851)

Early Christianity (1851-1852)

Zacharias Ursinus (1851)

Fairbairn’s Typology (1852)

The Heidelberg Catechism (1852)

A Word of Explanation (1852)

Cyprian (1852)

Evangelical Radicalism (1852)

The Anti-Creed Heresy (1852)

Closing Notice (1852)

Address on Behalf of the Faculty at the Formal Opening of Franklin and Marshall College (1853)

Man’s True Destiny: A Baccalaureate Address (1853)

The Dutch Crusade (1854)

Wilberforce on the Eucharist (1854)

The Christian Ministry (1855)

Christian Hymnology (1856)

Review of Hodge on the Ephesians (1857)

Thoughts on the Church (1858)

Life and Character of Frederick Augustus Rauch, A Eulogy (1859)

Natural and Supernatural (1859)

The Wonderful Nature of Man (1859)

The Old Doctrine of Christian Baptism (1860)

Jesus and the Resurrection (1861)

The Liturgical Question With Reference to the Provisional Liturgy of the German Reformed Church (1862)

Christ, and Him Crucified (1863)

Theology of the New Liturgy (1867)

Arianism (1867)

Athanasius (1867)

Commencement Address [July 25, 1867] (1867)

Athanasian Creed (1867)

Our Relations to Germany (1867)

Vindication of the Revised Liturgy, Historical and Theological (1867)

Presbyterian Union Convention (1868)

Dorner’s History of Protestant Theology (1868)

Answer to Professor Dorner (1868)

Origin and Structure of the Apostles’ Creed (1869)

The Unity of the Apostles’ Creed (1869)

Once For All (1870)

Education (1871)

Christ and His Spirit (1872)

Nature and Grace (1872)

The Old Catholic Movement (1873)

Christianity and Humanity (1873)

Apollos: or The Way of God (1874)

Reply to “An Anglican Catholic” (1874)

The Spiritual World (1876)

The Testimony of Jesus (1877)

The Spirit of Prophecy (1877)

Bible Anthropology (1877)

Sacred Hermeneutics (1878)

The Supreme Epiphany: God’s Voice Out of the Cloud (1878)

The Bread of Life: A Communion Sermon (1879)

The Life and Work of John Williamson Nevin, D.D., LL.D. (1889)

A Biographical Sketch of John Williamson Nevin, D.D., LL.D., Doctor Præstantissimus (1890)

College Chapel Sermons (1891)

John Williamson Nevin (1803-1886) (1963)

Published in German.

Included is John W. Nevin’s 1844 sermon on Catholic Unity.

This 3-part article appeared in the March, May and July 1849 issues of The Mercersburg Review.

Translation by J.W. Nevin.

Translation by J.W. Nevin.

Translation by J.W. Nevin.

This 3-part article appeared in the September and November 1851 and January 1852 issues of The Mercersburg Review.

This 4-part article appeared in the May, July, September and November 1852 issues of The Mercersburg Review.

This is a two-part article which appeared in the January and April 1857 Mercersburg Review.

This is a two-part article which appeared in the January and April 1857 issues of The Mercersburg Review.

This 2-part article appeared in the April and July 1858 issues of The Mercersburg Review.

This 2-part review appeared in the April and July 1868 issues of The Mercersburg Review.