John Williamson Nevin (1803-1886)
John Williamson Nevin taught at the German Reformed Theological Seminary in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania.
John Williamson Nevin is buried at Woodward Hill Cemetery, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
A Summary of Biblical Antiquities, Vol. 1 (1828)
A Summary of Biblical Antiquities, Vol. 2 (1829)
A Summary of Biblical Antiquities (1828, 1849)
The Scourge of God, A Sermon (1832)
The Trinitarian and Unitarian Doctrines Concerning Jesus Christ (1832)
Election Not Contrary to a Free Gospel (1833)
Party Spirit: An Address (1840)
The German Language: An Address (1842)
The Anxious Bench: A Tract for the Times (1843, 1844)
History and Genius of the Heidelberg Catechism (1847)
Antichrist; or the Spirit of Sect and Schism (1848)
Human Freedom and a Plea for Philosophy: Two Essays (1848, 1850)
Sartorius on the Person and Work of Christ (1849)
The Classis of Mercersburg (1849)
Puritanism and the Creed (1849)
The New Creation in Christ (1850)
Brownson’s Quarterly Review (1850)
Wilberforce on the Incarnation (1850)
Brownson’s Review Again (1850)
Doctrine of the Reformed Church on the Lord’s Supper (1850)
Adams’ Christian Science (1851)
Schaff’s Church History (1851)
Early Christianity (1851-1852)
The Heidelberg Catechism (1852)
Address on Behalf of the Faculty at the Formal Opening of Franklin and Marshall College (1853)
Man’s True Destiny: A Baccalaureate Address (1853)
Wilberforce on the Eucharist (1854)
Review of Hodge on the Ephesians (1857)
Life and Character of Frederick Augustus Rauch, A Eulogy (1859)
Natural and Supernatural (1859)
The Wonderful Nature of Man (1859)
The Old Doctrine of Christian Baptism (1860)
Jesus and the Resurrection (1861)
Christ, and Him Crucified (1863)
Theology of the New Liturgy (1867)
Commencement Address [July 25, 1867] (1867)
Our Relations to Germany (1867)
Vindication of the Revised Liturgy, Historical and Theological (1867)
Presbyterian Union Convention (1868)
Dorner’s History of Protestant Theology (1868)
Answer to Professor Dorner (1868)
Origin and Structure of the Apostles’ Creed (1869)
The Unity of the Apostles’ Creed (1869)
The Old Catholic Movement (1873)
Christianity and Humanity (1873)
Apollos: or The Way of God (1874)
Reply to “An Anglican Catholic” (1874)
The Supreme Epiphany: God’s Voice Out of the Cloud (1878)
The Bread of Life: A Communion Sermon (1879)
The Life and Work of John Williamson Nevin, D.D., LL.D. (1889)
A Biographical Sketch of John Williamson Nevin, D.D., LL.D., Doctor Præstantissimus (1890)