Jonathan French Stearns (1808-1889)

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Jonathan French Stearns is buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Newark, New Jersey.

Jonathan French Stearns is buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Newark, New Jersey.

Female Influence, and the True Christian Mode of Its Exercise: A Discourse Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church in Newburyport, July 30, 1837 (1837)

Respect for the Remains of the Dead: An Address (1842)

A Historical Discourse, Commemorative of the Organization of the First Presbyterian Church, in Newburyport, Delievered at the First Centennial Celebration, Jan. 7, 1846 (1846)

Michal (1850)

Sermon and Charges, Delivered at the Installation of the Rev. George L. Prentiss (1850)

The Good Republican: A Discourse Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church , Newark , N. J. , on Thanksgiving Day , December 12th , 1850 (1851)

The Resurrection of the Just: A Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Rev. John E. Emerson, Pastor of the Whitefield Congregational Church in Newburyport (1851)

Justification by Faith: A Sermon (1852)

A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Daniel Webster, Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Newark, New Jersey, on the Morning of Oct. 31, and Repeated by Request in the Same Place Nov. 14, 1852 (1852)

First Church in Newark: Historical Discourses, Relating to the First Presbyterian Church in Newark (1853)

The Charge Delivered on Occasion of the Induction of the Rev. Henry B. Smith, D.D. Into the Chair of Systematic Theology in the Union Theological Seminary, New York, Sabbath Evening, May 6, 1855 (1855)

Men of Business: Their Intellectual Culture (1857)

Liberal Education a Necessity of the Church: A Discourse (1860)

President Willard’s Body of Divinity (1860)

The Moral Aspects of the Present Struggle (1861)

The Powers of Darkness Have Their Hour (1862)

The Cross a Remembrancer (1862)

A Funeral Sermon, Occasioned by the Death of the Late Adj’t Myron W. Smith (1864)

Death of President Lincoln: A Sermon (1865, 1919)

Sermon at the Ordination of James S. Dennis (1868)

Historical Sketch of the Reunion (1869)

Commemorative Discourse Delivered at Newburyport, Mass., in the First Presbyterian Church, on the Centennial Anniversary of the Death of the Rev. George Whitefield, September 3d, 1870 (1870)

The Great Commission: A Sermon (1870)

Historical Review of the Church (New School Branch) (1870)

Bedford Sesqui-Centennial Celebration, Aug. 27, 1879: Historical Discourse (1879)