Louis Meyer (1862-1913)
Louis Meyer is buried at Mountain View Cemetery and Mausoleum, Altadena, California.
Denominational Missions (1897)
Undenominational Missions (1897)
American Missions to Israel (1897)
Our Debt To Our Youth (1898, 1899)
The Evangelization of the Jews (1899)
Joseph Samuel Christian Frederick Frey (1900)
Christian Efforts Among the Jews (1900)
A Review of the Jewish Field at the Close of the 19th Century (1900)
The First Jewish Christian in North America: Judah Monis (1901)
Jewish Missions at the Close of the 19th Century (1901)
The Obligation of Christians to the Jews (1902)
Isidor Loewenthal: A Biographical Sketch (1902)
The Presbyterian Church in U.S.A. and the Missionaries to the Jews (1902)
Protestant Missions to the Jews (1902)
A Visit to the Jewish Quarter of New York City (1902)
The Psalms in the Jewish Church (1903)
John Leopold Lichtenstein (1903)
Hebrew Christian Brotherhood in America (1903)
Bishop S.I.J. Schereschewsky (1903)
Hebrew-Christian Brotherhoods, Unions, and Alliances of the Past and Present (1903)
Encouragements in Missionary Work Among the Jews (1903)
Instruments of Music in the Old Testament — A Study (1904)
The Religious Condition of the Jews (1904)
How Some Hebrews Have Found Christ (1904)
Protestant Missions to the Jews (1904)
The Social and Political Condition of the Jews Throughout the World (1905)
Review of The Jewish Encyclopedia (1905)
“His Ways Are Past Finding Out”: A Biographical Sketch (1905)
Theodore J. Meyer, Scholar and Missionary: A Biographical Sketch (1905)
Tracts and Books For Jews, Published in America (1905)
The Year 1905 in Jewish Missions (1906)
What Shall We Do With Our Jews? (1906)
Protestant Missions to Jews: A Sketch (1906)
Yiddish the Language of the Jews of Europe (1907)
In Memoriam of John Wilkinson (1907)
Martin Luther and the Jews: A Statement of Facts (1907)
Review of The Religion and Worship of the Synagogue (1908)
Ludwig S. Jacoby, Founder of German Methodism West of the Missouri (1908)
The Work of Our Field Secretary, Rev. Louis Meyer, in the Year 1908 (1909)
Objections to Jewish Missions Answered (1909)
A Word in Regard to Jewish Baptism (1910)
The World Missionary Conference and Jewish Missions (1910)
The Solution of the Jewish Problem (1910)
The Decay of Jewish Religious Life in New York (1910)
The Eighth International Jewish Missionary Conference (1911)
The Missionary Activity of Scandinavian Christians (1911)
The Mariavites in Poland: A New Catholic Church Without Rome and Pope (1911)
Jewish Immigrants in America (1911)
A Siberian Exile Converted (1912)
Directory of Protestant Jewish Missionary Societies and Centers Throughout the World (1912)
Henry Aaron Stern, Traveler and Missionary (1913)
Isaac de Costa: The Dutch Historian (1913)
Aaron Adolph Saphir, Author and Pastor (1913)
A Christian Prince in Israel — Rev. Louis Meyer, D.D. (1913)
German Jewish Missions From 1517 to 1800 (1913)
In Memoriam, Rev. Louis Meyer, D.D. (1913)