Lyman Hotchkiss ATWATER (1813-1883)
Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey.
The Principle of Slavery (1834)
The Power of Contrary Choice (1840)
The Causes of Superficial and Transient Religious Experience (1841)
Dr. Woodbridge on Revivals: Influence of the New Divinity on Religion (1842)
Congregational Councils and Associations (1845)
The Nature of the Christian Sacraments (1845)
Hon. Roger Minott Sherman (1846)
Inauguration of President Woolsey (1847)
The Method of Divine Government (1851)
The True Progress of Society (1852)
Outlines of Moral Science by Archibald Alexander (1853)
The Ventilation of Churches (1853)
The Bible in the Counting-House (1853)
Doctrinal and Ecclesiastical Conflicts in Connecticut (1853)
Modern Explanations of the Doctrine of Inability (1854)
The True Barrier Against Ritualism and Rationalism (1854)
Recent Works on Mental Philosophy (1855)
The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Compte (1856)
Miracles and Their Counterfeits (1856)
Lyall's Mental Philosophy (1856)
The Matter of Preaching (1856)
Ferrier's Demonstrative Idealism (1857)
Old Orthodoxy, New Divinity and Unitarianism (1857)
The Children of the Church, and Sealing Ordinances (1857, 1858)
Butler's Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (1858)
Haven’s Mental Philosophy (1858)
Jonathan Edwards and the Successive Forms of The New Divinity (1858)
Transcendentalism in Political Ethics (1859)
Dr. Taylor's Lectures on the Moral Government of God (1859)
Classification and Mutual Relation of the Mental Faculties (1860)
A Tribute to the Memory of Prof. Hope (1860)
The New Oxford School; or, Broad Church Liberalism (1861)
Liverpool Missionary Conference of 1860; or, Results of Missionary Experience (1861)
The Physical Training of Students (1861)
Knowledge, Faith, and Feeling, in Their Mutual Relations (1861)
Some Late Developments of American Rationalism (1861)
The Human Body as Related to Sanctification (1862)
The Nature and Effects of Money; and Credit as its Substitute (1862)
Remarks on the Foregoing, and Other Recent Vindications of Dr. Hickok's Philosophy (1862)
A Plea For High Education and Presbyterian Colleges (1862)
Hopkins's Moral Science (1863)
The Manner of Preaching (1863)
The Children of the Covenant, and Their Part in the Lord (1863)
The Doctrinal Attitude of Old School Presbyterians (1864)
Shedd’s History of Christian Doctrine (1864)
The War and National Wealth (1864)
Whedon and Hazard on the Will (1864)
Herbert Spencer's Philosophy; Atheism, Pantheism and Materialism (1865)
The Late National Congregational Council (1865)
Imperfect Rights and Obligations as Related to Church Discipline (1866)
Dr. Spring's Reminiscences of His Life and Times (1866)
McCosh on J.S. Mill and Fundamental Truth (1866)
Drs. Hedge and Woolsey on College Studies and Government (1867)
Recent Discussions Concerning Liberal Education (1867)
Dr. George Duffield on the Doctrines of the New-School Presbyterians (1867)
The Life and Character of Nathaniel Hewit, D.D.: A Discourse Preached at His Funeral (1867)
Manual of Elementary Logic (1867, 1895)
Truth, Charity, and Unity (1868)
Professor Fisher on the Princeton Review and Dr. Taylor's Theology (1868)
Total Abstinence and Its Scriptural Basis (1872)
The Labor Question in its Economic and Christian Aspects (1872)
Beneficiary Education For the Ministry (1873)
The Late Commercial Crisis (1874)
Taxation of Churches, Colleges and Charitable Institutions (1874)
Calvinism in Doctrine and Life (1875)
Our Industrial and Financial Situation (1875)
Civil Government and Religion (1876)
Palmer’s Life of Thornwell (1876)
The Great Awakening of 1740 (1876)
Revivals of the Century (1876)
Memorial of James Madison MacDonald, D.D. (1876)
The Higher Life and Christian Perfection (1877)
The Great Railroad Strike (1877)
The State in Relation to Morality, Religion, and Education (1878)
A Discourse Commemorative of the Late Dr. Charles Hodge (1878)
The Supremacy of Conscience and of Revelation (1879)
The Problem of the Labouring Classes: In the United States (1879)
The A Priori Novum Organum of Christianity (1879)
Professor Calderwood’s Contributions to Philosophy (1880)
Political Economy a Science — of What? (1880)
Notes on Metaphysics From Lectures Given By Lyman H. Atwater, D.D., LL.D. (1880)
Christian Morality, Expediency, and Liberty (1881)
The Regulation of Railroads (1881)
Future Paper Money of This Country (1882)
Proposed Reforms in Collegiate Education (1882)