Archibald Alexander 2.jpg
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Alexander Archibald 3.jpg
Archibald Alexander 3.jpg

Historical marker located just east of Lexington, Virginia (photo courtesy of the Rockbridge Historical Society).

Archibald Alexander attended services at the Timber Ridge Presbyterian Church near Lexington, Virginia as a boy.

This historical marker is located South Main Street, Lexington, Virginia.

Painting of Archibald Alexander at the Princeton Theological Seminary Library, Princeton, New Jersey (photo credit: R. Andrew Myers).

The “Cane of Orthodoxy” presented to Archibald Alexander, which is located at the Princeton Theological Seminary Library, Princeton, New Jersey (photo credit: R. Andrew Myers).

Alexander Hall at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.

Alexander Hall at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.

Commemorative tablet at the Old Pine Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (photo credit: R. Andrew Myers).

Commemorative tablet at the Old Pine Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (photo credit: R. Andrew Myers).

Archibald Alexander was buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey (photo credit: R. Andrew Myers).

Archibald Alexander was buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey (photo credit: R. Andrew Myers).

January 25, 1802 Letter to Nathan Strong (1802)

July 19, 1803 Letter to Margaret Alexander Graham (1803, 1854)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1 [October 1804] (1804)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2 [March 1805] (1805)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 3 [May 1805] (1805)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 4 [July 1805] (1805)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 5 [September 1805] (1805)

An Enquiry Into the Nature of Conscience (1805)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 6 [November 1805] (1805)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 1 [January 1806] (1806)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 2 [March 1806] (1806)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 3 [May 1806] (1806)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 4 [July 1806] (1806)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 5 [September 1806] (1806)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol 2, No. 6 [November 1806] (1806)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 1 [January-February 1807] (1807)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 2 [March-April 1807] (1807)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 3 [May-June 1807] (1807)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 4 [July-August 1807] (1807)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 5 [September-October 1807] (1807)

The Virginia Religious Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 6 [November-December 1807] (1807)

A Sermon Delivered at the Opening of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States (1808)

To the Pious and Benevolent (1809, 1857)

Dr. Archibald Alexander’s Farewell Address (1812, 1853)

An Inaugural Discourse at Princeton Theological  Seminary (1812)

A Discourse Occasioned by the Burning of the Theatre in the City of Richmond, Virginia, on the Twenty-Sixth of December, 1811 (1812)

A Missionary Sermon (1814)

Lecture Notes on Systematic Theology - taken by Charles Hodge (1818)

Circular Letter to Dr. Richards (1819)

Review of James Murdock on the Nature of the Atonement (1824)

A Brief Outline of the Evidences of the Christian Religion (1825)

March 6, 1826 Letter to the American Home Missionary Society (1826)

A Sermon, Preached in the Chapel of Nassau Hall (1826)

The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained (1826)

The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, or The Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions (1826, 1851)

“Wilberforce Letter” (1827)

An Address Adapted to the Monthly Concert For Prayer (1828)

Preface to Matthew Henry's Commentary (1828, 1833)

The World to be Reclaimed by the Gospel (1828)

The Importance of Salvation (1828)

The Bible, A Key to the Phenomena of the Natural World (1829)

The Nature and Means of Growth in Grace (1829)

Review of John Pye Smith, Four Discourses on the Sacrifice and Priesthood of Jesus Christ; and on the Atonement and Redemption (1829)

Brown’s Theory of Cause and Effect (1829)

Suggestions in Vindication of Sunday-Schools (1829)

A Pocket Dictionary of the Holy Bible (1829, 1831)

Introductory Essay on the Nature of Vital Piety to Dr. Waterbury's Advice to a Young Christian (1829)

Introductory Essay on the Nature of Vital Piety to Dr. Waterbury's Advice to a Young Christian (1829, 1843)

The Early History of Pelagianism (1830)

Wilson’s Evidences (1830)

Review of Ashbel Green’s Lectures on the Shorter Catechism (1830)

The Doctrine of Original Sin as Held by the Church, Both Before and After the Reformation (1830)

Objections Obviated, and God Glorified, by the Success of the Gospel Among the Heathen: A Sermon (1830)

Evidences of the Authenticity, Inspiration, and Canonical Authority of the Holy Scriptures (1830, 1836)

A Preliminary Discourse on the Evidences of Christianity (1831)

Preface to Isaac Watts’ A Rational Defence of the Gospel (1831)

A Selection of Hymns, Adapted to the Devotions of the Closet, the Family, and the Social Circle (1831)

Introductory Essay to William Bates’ The Harmony of the Divine Attributes (1831)

Review of Woods on Inspiration (1831)

Review of Dr. Matthews’ Letter (1831)

An Inquiry Into that Inability Under Which the Sinner Labours, and Whether it Furnishes Any Excuse for His Neglect of Duty (1831)

The Education of Presbyterian Theological Students (1831, 1904)

Review of Woods’ Lectures on Infant Baptism (1831)

The Present Condition and Prospects of the Presbyterian Church (1832)

Review of The Articles of the Synod of Dort (1832)

March 9, 1832 Letter to William B. Sprague (1832)

The Formation of Opinions, and Pursuit of Truth (1832)

The Evidences of the Christian Religion (1832)

The Character of the Genuine Theologian (1832)

An Address to Candidates for the Ministry, on the Importance of Aiming at Eminent Piety in Making Their Preparation for the Sacred Office (1832)

Annals of the Jewish Nation During the Period of the Second Temple (1832)

Survey of Modern German Works on Interpretation (1833)

Bishop M’Ilvaine’s Lectures (1833)

The Racovian Catechism (1833)

Review of Standard Works of the Rev. William Jay (1833)

Review of Memoir of the Rev. George Burder (1833)

The British Reformers: Writings of the Rev. Thomas Becon, Chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer, and Prebendary of Canterbury (1833)

Philip Melanchthon’s Opinions Respecting Sin - Translated from his Common Places (1833)

Introductory Discourse to A Memoir of the Rev. Joseph W. Barr (1833)

Introductory Remarks to Monod’s Memoir of Julius Charles Rieu (1833)

History of the Patriarchs (1833)

Preface to Memoirs of the Rev. Thomas Halyburton (1833)

The Life of John Knox, the Scottish Reformer (1833)

The Life of John Knox, the Scottish Reformer (1833, 1839)

Counsels of the Aged to the Young (1833, 1837)

Counsels of the Aged to the Young (1833, 1852)

The Pastoral Office (1834)

Catechism of the Council of Trent (1834)

The Case of the Dissenters (1834)

Evidences of a New Heart (1834)

Remarks From the Rev. Dr. Alexander on the Late Rezeau Brown (1834)

The Church Establishment of England (1834)

The House of God Desirable (1835)

The Present State and Prospects of the Presbyterian Church (1835)

The Scottish Seceders (1835)

An Essay on Native Depravity (1835)

Princeton Theological Seminary (1836)

The Duty of Catechetical Instruction (1836)

June 25, 1836 Letter to Thomas W. White (1836)

The Man of Faith (1836)

A Practical View of Regeneration (1836)

Letters on the Difficulties of Religion (1836)

Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms (1836)

The Library of Christian Knowledge (1836)

Circular Epistle of the General Assembly (1837)

Pastoral Letter to the Churches Under the Care of the General Assembly (1837)

August 28, 1837 Letter to William S. Plumer (1837)

Review of Samuel Blair, The Doctrine of Predestination Truly and Fairly Stated (1837)

Review of Godwin’s Lectures on the Atheistic Controversy (1837)

A Treatise on Justification By Faith (1837)

Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land (1838)

Advice to a Young Minister (1838, 1853)

The General Assembly of 1838 (1838)

The Way of Salvation Familiarly Explained, in a Conversation Between a Father and His Children (1838)

Memoir of Drury Lacy [Sr.] (1839)

Moral Machinery Simplified (1839)

A Memorial of Mrs. Margaret Breckinridge (1839)

Paucity of Candidates for the Holy Ministry (1840, 1852)

Review of “A Concise History of the Commencement, Progress, and Present Condition of the American Colonies, in Liberia” (1840)

Candidates For the Ministry (1840)

The Life of the Rev. Richard Baxter (1840)

The Life of Andrew Melville, the Scottish Reformer (1840)

A History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines (1841)

Review of Richard Baxter, Gildas Salvianus; or, The Reformed Pastor (1841)

The Works of Doctor Chalmers (1841)

Origin of the Aborigines of America (1841)

Thoughts on Religious Experience (1841)

Thoughts on Religious Experience [3rd ed. w/Appendix] (1841, 1844)

Ruth the Moabitess (1842)

Mission to England in Behalf of the American Colonization Society (1842)

Emmons’s Works (1842)

The People of God Led in Unknown Ways (1842)

Letter to the Board of Missions (1842)

Introduction to Practical Observations on the New Testament (1842, 1844)

Review of The Religious Instruction of the Negroes (1843)

Address Delivered Before the Alumni Association of Washington College, Virginia (1843)

Westminster Assembly of Divines (1843)

The Immediate Choice (1843)

The Refuge of Lies (1843)

Preface to John Matthews, The Divine Purpose (1843)

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (1844, 1852)

Mr. Kennedy’s Report on African Colonization (1844)

Presbyterian Church in Ireland (1844)

Deistical Controversy in the West (1844)

Debate on Baptism (1844)

The Scotch India Mission (1845)

Review of The Life of Isaac Milner (1845)

Review of Theopnusty (1845)

Biographical Sketches of the Founder, and Principal Alumni of the Log College (1845)

Biographical Sketches of the Founder and Principal Alumni of the Log College (1845, 1851)

Struther’s History of the Relief Church (1846)

Housman’s Life (1846)

Rev. Dr. Alexander's Remarks Upon Dr. Baxter's Letter (1846)

Revival in Old Times (1846)

Works of Rev. Andrew Fuller (1846)

A History of Colonization on the Western Coast of Africa (1846)

A Brief Compend of Bible Truth (1846)

Thoughts on the Education of Pious and Indigent Candidates for the Ministry (1846)

Recommendation to Colin McIver’s edition of Matthew Henry’s Exposition of the Westminster Shorter Catechism (1846)

Review of E.B. Elliott, Horae Apocalypticae (1847)

Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Charles Simeon (1847)

History of the Presbyterian Church in Kentucky, With a Preliminary Sketch of the Churches in the Valley of Virginia (1847)

Review of David Brown’s Christ’s Second Coming: Will It Be Pre-Millennial? (1847)

A Manual of Devotion For Soldiers and Sailors (1847)

Remarks on a Paragraph in the Rev. Doctor Davidson's History of the Presbyterian Church in Kentucky: In Reference to the Character of the Late Mr. John Lyle, Ruling Elder in the Timberridge Church, Virginia (1848)

Prophecies of Ninevah and Babylon (1848)

Periodical Press in the Pacific (1848)

Competition (1848)

Power of the Press (1848)

Chalmers’ Mental and Moral Philosophy (1848)

Individual Influence: The Kingdom of Heaven is Like Leaven (1848)

The Free Church Pulpit (1849)

The Calcutta Review (1849)

Biographical Notice of the Rev. David Caldwell, D.D. (1849)

What Makes the Difference? (1849)

Memoir of Rev. Thomas Gouge (1849)

Love of Truth (1849)

Decrease of Candidates for the Holy Ministry (1849)

William Graham (1849, 1858)

Introduction to Shepard K. Kollock’s Pastoral Reminiscences (1849)

Princeton in 1801 (1850)

Robert Blair (1850)

Review of David McClure, Memoirs of the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, D.D. (1850)

Close Communion (1850)

Hindrances to Eminent Piety in Candidates (1850)

Practical Sermons (1850)

Reminiscences of Patrick Henry (1850)

Zachariah Johnston (1850)

Universalism False and Unscriptural (1851)

Address at the Laying of the Cornerstone of the Presbyterian Church in Southwark, Philadelphia, September 17th, 1849 (1851)

Obituary: Archibald Alexander, D.D. (1851)

History of a Licensure and Ordination Sixty Years Ago - Archibald Alexander Licensed and Ordained (1852)

The Gospel Precious (1852)

Excellence and Importance of the Office of the Gospel Ministry (1852)

Outlines of Moral Science (1852)

Recommendation to Thomas Boston, The Crook in the Lot (1852)

A History of the Israelitish Nation From Their Origin to Their Dispersion at the Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans (1853)

Dr. Alexander’s Last Sermon (1854)

The Life of Archibald Alexander, D.D. (1854)

The Life of Archibald Alexander, D.D. (1854, 1856)

Sermons and Essays by the Tennents and Their Contemporaries (1855)

Dr. Alexander’s Sketch of Dr. Robert Smith (1855)

Practical Truths (1857)

Archibald Alexander, D.D. (1858)

Christ's Gracious Invitation (1861)

Archibald Alexander (1862)

Love to An Unseen Savior (1863)

Archibald Alexander (1871)

The Alexander Memorial (1879)

Archibald Alexander, D.D., LL.D. (1884)

Some Hitherto Unpublished Letters of Prof. Archibald Alexander, D.D. (1914)

Archibald Alexander of Princeton (1946)

Archibald Alexander (1772-1851): Founding Father (1963)

A Dialogue Between a Presbyterian and a “Friend” (n.d.)

Day of Judgment (n.d.)

The Misery of the Lost (n.d.)

An Amiable Youth Falling Short of Heaven (n.d.)

Letters to the Aged (n.d.)

Future Punishment; or, The Universalist Refuted (n.d.)

Justification By Faith (n.d.)

Sinners Welcome to Come to Jesus Christ (n.d.)

Included is a January 1, 1802 letter by George A. Baxter on the Kentucky Revival.

Included is a January 1, 1802 letter by George A. Baxter on the Kentucky Revival.

Source: James W. Alexander, The Life of Archibald Alexander, pp. 274-725.

Source: James W. Alexander, The Life of Archibald Alexander, pp. 274-725.

Courtesy of Wayne Sparkman, PCA Historical Center.

Included with this inaugural discourse by Dr. Alexander is the sermon preached by Samuel Miller and the charge by Philip Milledoler.

Hodge, Lecture Notes of Alexander.jpg

These notes were transcribed by Travis Fentiman and others, and published in 2019 under the title God, Creation & Human Rebellion (Reformation Heritage Books) with a Preface by Travis Fentiman, a Foreword by Maurice Roberts, and an Introduction by James M. Garretson. The transcription and related text is available to read here.

This review is a 3-part article which was published in the February, March and April 1824 issues of The Christian Advocate.

This review is a 3-part article which was published in the February, March and April 1824 issues of The Christian Advocate.


Authorship of the anonymous “Wilberforce Letter” is attributed to Archibald Alexander by Winston James, The Struggles of John Brown Russwurm: The Life and Writings of a Pan-Africanist Pioneer, 1799-1851, pp. 36-37, 110, 181, 265-266.

On revival.

On revival.

Source: Boston Public Library, Digital Commonwealth Massachusetts Collections Online.

Source: Boston Public Library, Digital Commonwealth Massachusetts Collections Online.

Prepared by Archibald Alexander.

Prepared by Archibald Alexander.

Published anonymously, but attributed to Archibald Alexander.

Published anonymously, but attributed to Archibald Alexander.

Archibald Alexander’s installation sermon given on behalf of his son James W. Alexander.

Archibald Alexander’s installation sermon given on behalf of his son James W. Alexander.

Dr. Alexander’s September 5, 1846 Letter (published in the Watchman and Observer, September 17, 1846).

Dr. Alexander’s September 5, 1846 Letter (published in the The Presbyterian, September 26, 1846).

Authorship ascribed to Archibald Alexander and/or James Waddel Alexander.

Authorship ascribed to Archibald Alexander and/or James Waddel Alexander.

This article appeared in the January 1946 issue of The Evangelical Quarterly.