Nicholas Murray (1802-1861)
Nicholas Murray is buried at First Presbyterian Churchyard, Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Defects in the Religious Character of This Age (1838)
The World Subdued By Faith (1844)
Bishop Hughes Confuted: Reply to the Rt. Rev. John Hughes, Roman Catholic Bishop of New York (1848)
Kirwan’s Letter to Dr. Cote on Baptism, With Dr. Cote’s Reply (1849)
The Difference Between Popery and Protestantism (1850)
The Decline of Popery and Its Causes (1851)
Letters to the Rt. Rev. John Hughes, Roman Catholic Bishop of New York by “Kirwan” (1851)
Romanism at Home: Letters to the Hon. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States (1852)
Men and Things as I Saw Them in Europe (1853)
Parish and Other Pencilings (1854)
The Ministry We Need: A Discourse (1854)
Kirwan on Bedini and Dr. Duff (1854)
Narrative of Facts (1858, 1859)
The Church the Pillar and Ground of the Truth (1860)
Preachers and Preaching (1860)
Recollections of Dr. Janeway (1860, 1861)
Dying Legacy to the People of His Beloved Charge (1861)