Parke Poindexter Flournoy (1839-1935)
Parke Poindexter Flournoy is buried at Bethesda Meeting House Cemetery, Bethesda, Maryland.
“Evolutionary Ethics and Christianity” (1884)
The Diatessaron of Tatian, and Its Evidential Value (1898)
The Massacre of Saint Barthomew — Where Lies the Chief Responsibility For It? (1898)
The Discovery of the Kings (1899)
“The Bugle From Berlin”: The Retrocession of Harnack (1899)
The Original Facts of Christianity; or, Mrs. Humphrey Ward and Our Generation versus Paul (1900)
A Leaf From the Hebrew Ecclesiasticus: Another Discovery and Its Possibilities (1900)
Presbyterians Before First Presbytery (1900)
Who Was “Darius, the Median?” — New Light From Babylonian Tablets (1900)
“The Earlier Home of the Sinaitic Palimpsest” (1901)
Why Was John Convinced, By the Sight of the Grave Clothes, That Christ Had Risen? (1901)
The True Text of Mark viii.32 (1901)
Justin, Aristides and Quadratus as Witnesses for the New Testament (1901)
Waite’s “History of the Christian Religion” (1902)
New Light on the New Testament (1903)
The Papacy Under a Searchlight: A Reply (1904)
A Unitarian on the Fourth Gospel (1905)
The Unity of Isaiah (1906-1907)
The Real Date of the Gospels (1908)
The Disappointment of Paul (1909)
Ferris’s “Formation of the New Testament” (1909)
The Fourth Gospel at Yale and Chicago (1910)
Ahab’s Palace and Jezebel’s Table (1911-1912)
The Bearing of Archaeological and Historical Research Upon the New Testament (1913)
The Present Trend of Old Testament Criticism (1914)
Nimrod and the Beginning of His Kingdom (1915)
The Deepest Well of Joy (1917)
The Old Testament: A New Translation by James Moffatt, D.D., Litt., M.A. (Oxon.) (1926)