
Acheson, Thomas Houston - The Touch of His Hand (1907)

Alexander, Henry Carrington - Ode For the Alumni and Ode (1859)
- Lines to the Tyrant (1861)
- Reconciliation (1863)
- To Lamar Fontaine (1863)
- To the Southern Cross (1863)
- Voir Naples et Mourir (1867)
- The Sea: By One on Shore (1869)
- An Invitation (1873)

Alexander, James Waddel - Ode to the New Year (1824)
- The Millennium (1827)
- A Morning Hymn (1827)
- Hymns for Christian Schools (1849)
- Hymn to Christ (1849)
- Children’s Praise For the Gospel (1858)
- God, My Exceeding Joy (1864)

Alexander, Joseph Addison - The Parricide (c. 1819, 1870)
- Solitude (c. 1819, 1870)
- The Pleasures of Study (c. 1819, 1870)
- The Tears of Esau (1827, 1870)
- The Fall of Ispahan (1828, 1870)
- A Vision of Greece (1828, 1870)
- Verses Written at Turin (1833, 1870)
- Be Still and Know That I am God (1833, 1870)
- A Poem in the Night (1833, 1870)
- Thoughts of Home (1833, 1870)
- The Death of Rezeau Brown (1834, 1870)
- The Doomed Man (1837, 1878)
- Ad Joannem (1840, 1870)
- The Reconstruction of Society (1850)
To the Spirit of Dreams (1850)
- Monosyllabics (1850)
- Lines ‘To a Fatherless Girl’ (1851, 1870)
- Dear Princeton! (1853, 1870)
- Thrice Transplanted (1859, 1870)

Alexander, Stephen - The Nation’s Hope (1879)

Armstrong, James Francis - An Acrostic Upon a Child Born Blind (1859, 1912)

Babcock, Maltbie Davenport - Thoughts for Every-Day Living from the Spoken and Written Words of Maltbie Davenport Babcock (1901)

Bair, John Franklin - The Story of the Andrews Raid; or, The Most Daring Enterprise of the Civil War Told in Poetry (1898)
- The Complete Poetical Works of Rev. John Franklin Bair (1907)
- Poems For All Classes (1922)

Balch, Thomas Bloomer - An Evening Hymn (1843)
- Sabbath School Hymn (1843)
- The Free Church of Scotland (1843)
- Africa — A Miniature Poem (1849)
- A Miniature Poem: “Our House” (1849)

Baldwin, Harriet Fairchild - Poems (1898)

Barbour, Lewis Green - The End of Time: A Poem of the Future (1892)

Benson, Louis Fitzgerald - Paths of Silence (1879)
                                                      - Enagisma (1881)
- Hymns and Verses (1897)

Bowen, Littleton Purnell - Makemieland Memorials; With Eastern Shore Wild Flowers and Other Wild Things (1910)
- The Homing Pigeon (1915)

Brainerd, Thomas - “Old Pine Street Church” (1848)

Brown, William Adams - A Little Book of Family Verse (1906)

Buell, Samuel - Youth's Triumph: a Poem or Vision (1775)

Burrowes, George - Octorara, A Poem: and Occasional Pieces (1856)
- Keep Me Not Here (1860)

Cassels, Samuel Jones - Providence and Other Poems (1838)
                                               - America Discovered, a Poem (1850)
                                               - Liberty Poems (1851)

Caughey, Andrew Hervey - Home, and Other Poems (1862)

Cheever, George Barrell - Studies in Poetry (1830)
- The American Common-Place Book of Poetry, With Occasional Notes (1831)
- The Poets of America, With Occasional Notes (1847)

Craven, Charles Edmiston - Give Me Thine Heart (1898)

Dabney, Robert Lewis - Tried But Comforted (1863)
- Tried, But Comforted (1863, 1903)
- The Christian Womans Drowning Hymn: A Monody (1886, 1897)
- General T.J. Jackson: An Elegy (1887, 1897)
- The Texas Brigade at the Wilderness (1890, 1897)
- The Death of Moses (1891)
- Annihilation (1893)
- The San Marcos River (1897)
- A Sonnet to Lee (1897)
- Lines Written on the Illness of His Granddaughter (1897, 1903)
- Conquest of the South (1903)
- Christology of the Angels (1999)

Davies, Samuel - Two Poems: 1) The Following Verses Were Composed by a Pious Clergyman in Virginia; and 2) A Clergyman’s Reflections on Hearing of the Death of One of His Pious Parishioners (1750)
- A Description of a Storm (1751)
- Miscellaneous Poems (1751)
- On the Birth of an Infant (1752, 1816)
- Elegiac Verses on the Lamented Death of Rev. Mr. Samuel Blair (1752)
- Verses on Gen. Braddock’s Defeat (1755)
- Frontier Warfare [from The Gentleman’s Magazine] (1757)
- Frontier Warfare [from The Scot’s Magazine] (1757)
- Poetical Essays for July 1758 (1758)
- Commencement Ode (1759, 1898)
- An Ode on Peace (1760)
- A Touchstone for the Clergy; To Which is Added, a Poem, Wrote by a Clergyman in Virginia, in a Storm of Wind and Rain (1771)

Davidson, Robert - Elijah, a Sacred Drama, and Other Poems (1860)

Downie, Robert Magee - The Marriage of the Dawn: An Idyl of Eden and Other Verse (1922)

Duffield, V, GeorgeOde of Dedication on the Completion of the Library Building (1884)
- Angelique; A Story of Lake Superior, A.D. 1845 (n.d.)

Duffield, Samuel Willoughby - A Hymn (1870)
Warp and Woof: A Book of Verse (1870)
- At Set of Sun (1871)
- Sufficient Unto the Day (1871)
- Unspoken Music (1882)

Engles, William Morrison - The Book of Poetry (1844)

Erickson, Lois Johnson - His Two Commands (1917)
- The Way, the Truth, the Life (1918)
- Souls Undaunted (1945)

Fisher, Samuel Jackson - The Songs of Slavery (1914)
- A Christmas Carol (1914)
- The Potter and the Clay (1915)
- Micky Fisher (1915)
- The Romance of Pittsburgh or Under Three Flags, and Other Poems (n.d.)

Fleming, Lucy Ward Randolph - Bed-Time (1882)
- Castle-Building (1883)
- Blackberrying (1883)
- Sir Henry’s Cat (1884)
- The Promise and Command (1891)
- The Old Meeting House, 1794-1894 (1894, 1905)
- Woman’s Ways (1897)

Ford, Harry Pringle - Autumn and Immortality (1922)

Frisbie, Levi - A Poem, on the Rise and Progress of Moor’s Indian Charity-School, (Now Incorporated with Dartmouth College) It’s Removal and Settlement in Hanover, and the Founding a Church in the Same (1771)

Furman, Charles Edwin - Home Scenes: Divine Songs, and Other Poems (1874)
- Valley of the Genesee: A Poem (1879)

Gallaher,James - Lines, Written by the Late Rev. James Gallaher, on the Death of His Wife (1855)

Gloucester, Jeremiah - Lines of the Death of the Reverend Jeremiah Gloucester (1828)

Grimké, Charlotte Louise Bridges Forten - To W.L.G. on Reading His ‘Chosen Queen’ (1855)
- The Wind Among the Poplars (1859)
- The Slave-Girl’s Prayer (1860)
- A Parting Hymn and The Angel’s Visit (1863)
- Charles Sumner (1874, 1911)
- A June Song (1885, 1920)
- At Newport (1887)
- To Keep the Memory of Charlotte Forten Grimké (1915)

Handy, Isaac William Ker - To the Parents of the Youthful Patriot, Melzar G. Fiske, Who Fell Mortally Wounded, at the Battle of Malvern Hill, Near Richmond, July 1st, 1862 (1863)

Hoge, Peyton Harrison - The Twentieth Century (1900-1901)

Houston, Edith McClung - Cuba For Christ (1917)

Jackson, Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” - John W. Palmer, Stonewall Jackson’s Way (1862)

Jacobs, Thornwell - The Midnight Mummer and Other Poems (1911)
- “Who Is This That Cometh To Disturb My Rest?” (1923)

Jacobus, Sr., Melancthon Williams - Alphabet in Verse (1849)
- Child’s Hymns on the Lord’s Prayer (1849)

Johnson, Catherine Hardenbergh - Comfort (1888)

Johnston, Archibald - The Mariner; A Poem in Two Cantos (1818)

Johnston, Julia Harriette - The School of the Master, and Other Religious Verses (1880)
- Songs Without Listeners and Other Poems (1892)

Kennedy, James - In Memoriam: James Clement Moffat (1890)

Lacy, William Sterling - A Winter Lesson (1890)
- Twenty-Third Psalm: A Version (1893)

Landis, Robert Wharton - Liberty’s Triumph: A Poem (1851)
- The Cross: A Poem (1870)

Lanier, Sr., Sidney Clopton - Special Pleading (1876)
- To Charlotte Cushman (1876)
- Rose-Morals (1876)
- Psalm of the West (1876)
- To —, With a Rose (1876)
- Acknowledgment (1876)
- Poems of Sidney Lanier (1884)
- Hymns of the Marshes (1884, 1912)
- Music and Poetry: Essays Upon Some Aspects and Inter-Relations of the Two Arts (1898, 1905)
- Poem Outlines (1908)

Lord, John Chase - Occasional Poems (1869)

Lovejoy, Elijah Parish - There Is An Isle (1827, 1838)

Maxwell, William - Poems (1816)
- Sacred Song (1836)

McAllister, David - Poets and Poetry of the Covenant (1894)

McCook, Henry Christopher - Lincoln and His Veterans: A Centenary Ode (1909)

McCrorey, Henry Lawrence - My Mother (1942)

McCullough, Boyd - Emma Dean (1861)
- The Shamrock; or, Erin Set Free. A Poem on the Conversion of the Irish From Paganism by Succat, or St. Patrick. And Other Poems (1882)

McKee, Joseph Gillespie - God’s Own Poor (1863)

McKelway, Alexander Jeffrey - “The Prayer of Moses, the Man of God” (1892)

Merrick, James Lyman - The Pilgrim’s Harp (1847)

Moffat, James Clement - A Rhyme of the North Countrie (1847)
- Greenwood Cemetery (1849)
Alwyn: A Romance of Study (1875)
- Without Christ (1879)

Moore, Thomas Verner - The Mother’s Vision: The Birth-Day in Heaven of Mary Ann; Her Second Year Among the Angels (1853)
- Thoughts on Following a Child to the Grave (1853)
- To Frank, on His Birth-Day (1853)
- Emily: Her Second Birth-Day Among the Angels (1854)
- To My Sister F— on Her Birthday (1854)

Moore, Walter William - The Vanguard of the Revolution (1898)

Morris, Edward Dafydd - The Final Faith (1913)

Moseley, Sr., John Watkins - Joseph: A Poem (1905)

Nassau, Robert Hamill - Africa: An Essay (1911)

Newland, LeRoy Tate - “The Ironing Song” (1915)
- The Coolie (1924)

Peters, Absalom - Life and Time: A Birth-Day Memorial of Seventy Years. With Memories and Reflections For the Aged and the Young (1866)

Pierson, Sr., Abraham - Lines on the Death of Theophilus Eaton (1658, 1865)

Plumley, Gardiner Spring - Dolly (1892)
- Horaces’s Epodes, Ode II (1905)

Prentiss, Elizabeth Payson - Religious Poems (1873)
- Golden Hours: Hymns and Songs of the Christian Life (1874)
- Griselda: A Dramatic Poem in Five Acts (1876)

Preston, Margaret Junkin - The Fate of a Rain-Drop (1842)
- Galileo Before the Inquisition (1848)
- The Old Dominion: A Ballad (1849)
- An Apostrophe to Niagra (1849)
- Hither Bring Thy Magic Pencil (1850)
- The Haunts of the Student (1850)
- Dante in Exile (1850)
- Confessions of Zephyrus: A Phantasy of the Antique (1850)
- Stonewall Jackson’s Grave (1864)
- Beechenbrook: A Rhyme of the War (1866)
- Count Hugo: A Ballad For the Times (1867)
- The Only Son of His Mother (1867)
- The Color-Bearer (1867)
- Equipoise: A Sonnet (1868)
- The Young Ruler’s Question (1869)
- Old Song and New (1870)
- Harvested: William S. White, D.D., Died in Lexington, Va., November 29, 1873, Aged Seventy-Three (1873, 1891)
- Cartoons (1875)
- The Ballad of the Bell-Tower (1876)
- A Year in Heaven (1876)
- What She Could (1876)
- The Poet’s Answer (1879)
- A Litany of Pain (1881)
- Compensation (1882)
- Greenway Court: An Old Dominion Ballad — A.D. 1748 (1883)
- The Kept Promise (1883)
- In the Hereafter (1883)
- “For the Love of God” (1883)
- A World’s Thanksgiving (1884)
- Centennial Poem for Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, 1775-1885 (1885)
- The Happiest Christmas (1885)
- For Love’s Sake: Poems of Faith and Comfort (1886)
- Colonial Ballads, Sonnets and Other Verse (1887)
- Chimes for Church-Children (1889)
- Stonewall Jackson’s Dying Words (1895)

Prime, Benjamin Young - The Unfortunate Hero: A Pindaric Ode. Occasion'd by the Lamented Fate of Viscount George Augustus Howe, Baron of Clenawley, &c. Who was Slain in the Battle Near Carillon, July the 6th, 1758: Together With an Ode, on the Reduction of Louisbourg, July 27, 1758 (1758)
- The Patriot Muse, or Poems on Some of the Principal Events of the Late War (1764)
- Muscipula Sive Cambromyomachia: The Mouse-Trap, or, The Battle of the Welsh and the Mice; In Latin and English: With Other Poems, In Different Languages (1840)

Pritchard, Harriet Small - The Eternal King (1884)
- The Drunkard (1884)
- A Mother’s Soliloquy (1884)

Randolph, Anson Davies Fitz - Less, and More (1864)
- The Changed Cross, and Other Religious Poems (1866)
- The Shadow of the Rock, and Other Religious Poems (1866)
- Hopefully Waiting, and Other Verses (1867)
- The Chamber of Peace and Other Religious Poems (1874)
- Home Life in Song with the Poets of To-Day (1879, 1886)
- At the Beautiful Gate, and Other Religious Poems (1880)
- Unto the Desired Haven, and Other Religious Poems (1880)
- Charles Hodge, of Princeton (1880)
- The Uplands of God and Other Religious Poems (1883)
- Verses (1885)
- Beyond the Shadows (1885)
- An Easter Melody (1886)

Rentoul, William Skinner - The Bible (1862)

Rogers, Elymas Payson - Loosed From Your Moorings You Are Free (1853)
- The Repeal of the Missouri Compromise Considered (1854)

Rule, Lucien V. - The Shrine of Love and Other Poems (1898)
- Worship (1903)
- When John Bull Comes A-Courtin’ and Other Poems (1903)
- The House of Love (1910)

Sample, Robert Fleming - My Boy (1870)
- Execution of John Huss (1870)

Schaff, Philip - A Library of Religious Poetry: A Collection of the Best Poems of All Ages and Tongues (1881)
- Literature and Poetry (1890)

Scott, John Work - The Dove: A Parody on “The Raven” (1874)

Sheppard, William Henry - The Cross (n.d.)

Slaughter, Linda Warfel - Early Efforts (1868)
- Jewels For a Bride (1892)

Speece, Conrad - The Happiness of Early Religion (1807)

Stillman, Annie Raymond - A Tribute: In Loving Remembrance of the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D. (1873, 1914)
- “After Many Days” (1881)
- Birth (1881)

Stockton, Annis Boudinot - A Short Elegy to the Memory of Her Husband (1781)
- Ode to Washington (1783, 1879)

Stoney, Louisa Cheves Smythe - The Live Oak (1923)

Stowe, Harriet Beecher - The Twelve Months: A New Year’s Dream (1849)
- When Winds Are Raging (1852)
- Religious Poems (1867)

Stryker, Melancthon Woolsey - The Song of Miriam and Other Hymns & Verses (1888)
- Lincoln’s Land and Other Recent Verses (1921)

Sturge, Ernest Adolphus - The Spirit of Japan: With Selected Poems and Addresses (1903)

Sunderland, Byron - Mistakes: A Poem, Delivered Before the Enosinian and Philophrenian Societies of Columbian College, on their Anniversary Celebration, April 12, 1860 (1860)

Taylor, Archibald Alexander Edward - Claudia Procula and Other Verses (1899)

Tennent, III, William - Louisburgh Taken (1759)
- The Birth of Measures (1759)

Terhune, Mary Virginia Hawes - In Sight of Shore (1921)

Thompson, Charles Lemuel - Paul at Athens (1872)
- The House-Top Walk (1888)
- Etchings in Verse (1890)
- A Monument (1893)
- End of the Camp (1893)
- In Memoriam of Philip Schaff (1893)
- My Prayer (1893)
- Our Captain: To Theodore Ledyard Cuyler - Read at a Celebration of His Eightieth Anniversary (1902)
- George Fletcher McAfee, D.D.: In Memoriam (1907)
- God With Us (1920)

Thompson, Owen Foster - A Story of the Indians’ Friend (1913)

Van Dyke, Jr., Henry - Four Things (1893)
- A Slumber Song: For the Fisherman’s Child (1899)
- A Psalm Meet For Thanksgiving Day (1899)
- Song of a Pilgrim-Soul (1899)
- The Poetry of the Psalms for Readers of the English Bible (1900)
- The Toiling of Felix and Other Poems (1900, 1917)
- Music and Other Poems (1904)
- The Builders: And Other Poems (1907)
- Francis Makemie, Presbyter to Christ in America 1683-1708 (1908)
- The White Bees and Other Poems (1909)
- The Poetry of Nature (1909)
                                            - The Poems of Henry Van Dyke (1911)
- Who Follow the Flag: Phi Beta Kappa Poem (1911)
- Ars Agricolaris: An Ode of Moral Sentiments Addressed to Certain Farmer-Agents (1913)
- Turn o’the Tide (1913)
- The Lone Star (1913)
- Sierra Madre (1913)
- Daybreak in the Grand Canyon of Arizona (1913)
- Three Prayers (1913)
- The Grand Canyon and Other Poems (1914)
- Texas: A Democratic Ode (1915)
- The River of Dreams (1915)
- The Red Flower: Poems Written in War Time (1917)
- Golden Stars and Other Verses (1918, 1919)
- A Book of Princeton Verse, Vol. 2 (1919)
- A Ballad of Princeton Battle (1922)
- Thy Sea is Great, Our Boats are Small: And Other Hymns of To-Day (1922)
- Chosen Poems (1927)

Van Dyke, Jr., Henry Jackson and Van Dyke, Tertius - Indian Summer (1903)

Van Dyke, Joseph Smith - Be of Good Cheer (1911)

Van Dyke, Tertius - Youth in America (1912)
- Love of Life (1913)
- Oxford Revisited in War-Time (1917)
- Songs of Seeking and Finding (1920)
- Remembered Beauty (1921)

Vermilye, Elizabeth Breeze - November Twenty-Fourth, 1847-1897 (1897)

Vos, Geerhardus - A Song of the Nativity (1924, 1972)
- Charis, English Verses (1931)
                                    - Western Rhymes (1933)                                 

Wadsworth, Charles - Written By a Grave (1882)

Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge - The Jewish Thermopylae (1870)
The Taking of the Suburbs (1871)
- Despise Not the Wrinkles of Age (1871)
- Young Luther’s Christmas (1898)
- Augustine’s Philosophy (1898)
- The Sonnets of De Heredia (1901)
- A Valentine (1904)
- The Mower (1904)
- Wanted — A Samaritan (1907)
- Four Hymns, and Some Religious Verses (1910)
- A Ballade of Princeton Seminary (1911)
- Awake, America! (1916)
- The Coward Boy (1916)
- Sonnets From Princeton: “Just Scraps of Paper” and “Quittin’ Speakin’” (1916)

Warfield, Ethelbert Dudley - “I Shall Go Softly All My Years” (1898)
- A Carol For Christmas Eve (1899)
- A Nowel For Christmas Night (1902)
- The Spring-Time of the Soul: A Song For the Christmas Time (1904)
- In Memoriam: — John Hay (1905)
- The Power of Penitence (1907)
- My Source of Strength (1919)

Waterbury, Jared Bell - The Brighter Age: A Poem (1830)

Wheeler, William Reginald - A Book of Verse of the Great War (1917)

Whitaker, Epher - Leaves of All Seasons: Hymns and Other Verses (1894)

Wilson, Luther Halsey - Nearer, My God, to Thee [Psalm 42] (1877)
- God, My Exceeding Joy [Ps. 63] (1877) 

Young, Loyal and Young, Watson Johnston - Ecce Diluvium! or, Noah’s Account of the Flood (1887)