Richard Cameron Wylie (1846-1928)
Richard Cameron Wylie is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Wilkinsburg Borough, Pennsylvania.
The Gospel of the Kingdom: A Sermon (1892)
Dissent From Unscriptural Political Systems (1896)
Our System of Public Education: Is It Christian or Secular? (1901)
What the Constitution Lacks (1902)
Our Training Schools For Citizenship (1904)
Sabbath Laws in the United States (1905)
Christ’s Government of the Nations (1907)
The Institution of Civil Government (1907)
Collapse of Christless Civilizations (1918)
Jesus Christ is the Civil Governor Among the Nations (1921)
Judaism and Christianity Compared (1921)
Richard Cameron Wylie, D.D., LL.D. (1930)
Why I am Glad to Be a Covenanter Minister: Pioneers in Civil and Religious Liberty (n.d.)