Richard Clark Reed (1851-1925)
Richard Clark Reed is buried at Elmwood Memorial Gardens, Columbia, South Carolina.
The Church and Temperance (1881)
The Supremacy of the Ancient Classics (1884)
The Southern Presbyterian Church and the Freedmen (1885)
Primary Principles of Presbyterian Polity (1889)
Liberalism, True and False (1893)
The Gospel as Taught By Calvin (1896, 1979)
Pope Leo XIII. on the Validity of Anglican Orders (1897)
The Historic Episcopate (1898)
The Credulity of Our Age (1899)
How to Make Our Brief Course in Church History Most Profitable: Inaugural Address (1899)
A Significant Confession (1900)
The Laborers Are Few (1900-1901)
The Law of Love and Love as Law (1901)
Baptizing With the Holy Ghost (1902)
The Young People’s Movement (1902)
Praying the Lord of the Harvest — Matt. ix.38 (1906)
Calvin’s Contribution to the Reformation (1909)
History of the Presbyterian Churches of the World, Adapted for use in the Class Room (1912)
A Sketch of the Religious History of the Negroes in the South (1914)
Nature and Limitations of the Authority of the Church (1916)
Why Two Classes of Elders? (1920)
What is the Kingdom of God (1922)
Historical Sketch of Columbia Theological Seminary (1922, 1925)