Rienk Bouke Kuiper (1886-1966)
Rienk Bouke Kuiper is buried at Oakhill Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Does the Christian Church Teach the Deity of Christ? (1912)
While the Bridegroom Tarries: Ten After-the-War Sermons on the Signs of the Times (1919)
What is Truth? A Sermon (1931)
Just What is Christianity? (1931)
The Popularity of Jesus (1932)
The Function of the Chair of Practical Theology (1933)
Compromising the Authority of the Bible (1935)
An Indictment of the Social Gospel (1936)
Why Separation Was Necessary (1936)
Has The Presbyterian Guardian Attacked Premillennialism? (1936)
Inconsistently Good Sermons (1936)
Two Features of the Reformed Faith (1937)
A Good Book on a Great Theme (1938)
God’s Will and God’s Word (1938)
Presbyterianism Versus Independentism (1939)
The Reformed Church in America on Trial (1941)
Dr. Romig on Original Sin (1941)
Christianity and State Totalitarianism (1942)
The Cross and the Kingdom (1942)
The Best Kind of Preaching (1942)
Thanksgiving and Repentance (1942)
The Word of God and the Present Return to Religion (1943)
The Hope of a Christian World Order (1943)
The Proper Agent of Theological Education in View of the Relation of Nature and Special Grace (1945)
What’s Right With the Orthodox Presbyterian Church? (1946)
The Balance That is Calvinism (1952)