Robert Martyn Baird, jr. (1798-1863)
Robert Martyn Baird, Jr. is buried at Saint Johns Cemetery, Yonkers, New York.
The American Sunday School Union (1830)
View of the Valley of the Mississippi (1832, 1834)
Memoir of Anna Jane Linnard (1835)
A Letter to Lord Brougham, on the Subject of American Slavery (1835)
Jubilee of the Reformation (1836)
Visit to Northern Europe (1841)
Sketches of Protestantism in Italy (1845)
D'Aubigné, and His Writings (1846)
Influence of Christianity on Civil and Religious Liberty (1848)
Impressions and Experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849 (1850)
The Progress and Prospects of Christianity in the United States of America (1851)