Robert Elliott Speer (1867-1947)
The library at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey was known as the Robert E. Speer Library from 1957 to 2010.
Robert Elliott Speer is buried at Brookside Cemetery, Englewood, New Jersey.
The Mission Band of the Student Volunteer Movement For Foreign Missions (1890)
Studies in the Gospel of Luke (1892)
Studies in the Book of Acts (1892)
Prayer and Missions (1892, 1899)
Three Pertinent Questions Answered (1895)
Studies of the Man Christ Jesus (1896)
The Presbyterian Churches and Foreign Missions (1898)
A Memorial of a True Life: A Biography of Hugh McAllister Beaver (1898)
Christ Calling From Korea (1899)
Christianity in Our Colleges (1899)
The Religious Paper the Young Man Wants (1899)
“Remember Jesus Christ,” and Other Talks About Christ and the Christian Life (1899)
The Iniquity of Christian Missions in China (1900)
What Essentially Constitutes a Missionary Call? (1901)
That Christ May Have the Preeminence (1901)
Studies of the Man Paul (1901)
The Speedy Bringing of the World to Christ (1901, 1902)
The Principles of Jesus Applied to Some Questions of To-Day (1902)
Surrender, Indwelling, Freedom (1902)
Oneness With the Triune God (1902)
The Abounding Resources of the Christian Church in the Evangelization of the World (1902)
The Layman’s Duty to Propagate His Religion (1903)
A Young Man's Questions (1903)
A Memorial of Horace Tracy Pitkin (1903)
Introduction to Lillian Johnson Curtis, The Laos of North Siam (1903)
The Second Coming of Christ (1903)
The Perils of Our Virtues (1904)
The Nourishment of the Psalms (1904)
Lessons From the Life of Dr. Henry Clay Trumbull (1904)
Laying Aside Every Weight (1905)
The Bases of Unity Among Young People and Steps Toward Achievement (1905, 1906)
The Marks of a Man; or, The Essentials of Christian Character (1907)
The Master of the Heart (1908)
A Memorial of Alice Jackson (1908)
How to Speak Effectively Without Notes (1909)
Missions in South America (1909)
The Deity of Christ: An Address Delivered at Northfield With Three Supplementary Notes (1909)
The World’s Debt to the Missionary (1909)
Christianity and the Nations (1910)
God in Christ the Only Revelation of the Fatherhood of God (1910)
The Impact of the West Upon the East Must Be Christianized (1910)
Some Great Leaders in the World Movement (1911)
“The Hakim Sahib,” The Foreign Doctor: A Biography of Joseph Plumb Cochran, M.D., of Persia (1911)
The Light of the World: A Brief Comparative Study of Christianity and Non-Christian Religions (1911)
The Claims of the Moslem World (1912)
South American Problems (1912)
Men Who Were Found Faithful (1912)
Princeton on the Mission Field (1912)
The Case For Missions in Latin America (1912)
Introduction to Henry M. Stanley, How I Found Livingstone (1913)
Livingstone’s Life of Prayer (1913)
Studies of Missionary Leadership: The Smyth Lectures for 1913 (1914)
What Is to Be Done With the Foreign Missions Deficit? (1914)
John's Gospel: The Greatest Book in the World (1915)
One Girl’s Influence: A Memorial of Louise Stockton Andrews (1915)
Foreign Missions or World-Wide Evangelism (1915)
Progress in the Philippines: A Traveler’s Impressions of Present Conditions (1916)
The Panama Congress on Christian Work in Latin America (1916)
The Work of Christ in Japan: Observations During a Recent Visit (1916)
Some Aspects of the Religious Conditions in the Philippine Islands (1916)
Japan’s Leadership in Asia (1916)
Our Work With Christ in Japan (1916)
The Work of Christ in Japan: Observations During a Recent Visit (1916)
Samuel Graham Wilson of Persia (1917)
The War and the Nation’s Larger Call to World Evangelism (1917)
The Church and the World Today (1917)
The Stuff of Manhood: Some Needed Notes in American Character (1917)
Studies in the Deity of Christ (1917)
Looking Through the War Clouds (1918)
The Christian Man, the Church and the War (1918)
What Constitutes a Missionary Call? An Address Delivered at the Student Conferences (1918, 1920)
The Witness Bearing of the Church to the Nations (1919)
The Church — After the War — What? (1919)
The New Opportunity of the Church (1919)
The Gospel and the New World (1919)
Foreword to Paul Kanamori, The Three Hour Sermon on God, Sin and Salvation (1920)
“In Still Small Voices, In Solitary Places, In Lowly Hearts, In a Little Child” (1921)
The Confusion and Distress of China (1922)
Politics and Missions in India To-Day (1922)
The Poverty of Persia — Its Cause and Cure (1922)
Introduction to M.L. Shedd, The Measure of a Man (1922)
A Clear Call to the Presbyterian Churches (1924)
Of One Blood: A Short Study of the Race Problem (1924)
Race and Race Relations: A Christian View of Human Contacts (1924)
Christianity and International Relations (1924)
The Christ Who Lives in Men (1925)
Foreword to W. Reginald Wheeler, et al., The Foreign Student in America (1925)
The Unfinished Task of Foreign Missions (1926)
Seeking the Mind of Christ (1926)
The Church and Missions (1926)
Modern Missions in Chile and Brazil (1926)
The Western [Theological Seminary] on the Mission Field (1928)
“Are Foreign Missions Done For?” (1928)
"Lu Taifu" Charles Lewis, M.D.: A Pioneer Surgeon in China (1930)
Introduction to William M. Miller, Bahaism: Its Origin, History, and Teachings (1931)
In Memoriam: Harlan Page Beach (1933)
A Foreign Missionary Appraisal as of January 1, 1937 (1937)
Charge to President Mackay (1937)
One Century Past, Another To Come (1937)
John J. Eagan: A Memoir of An Adventurer For the Kingdom of God on Earth (1939)
Foreword to Frederick G. Coan, Yesterdays in Persia and Kurdistan (1939)
Dr. Stevenson as a Presbyterian Churchman (1940)