Robert Hamilton Bishop (1777-1855)
Robert Hamilton Bishop is buried at Bishop Graves, Oxford, Ohio.
Preface to James M’Chord, Sermons on Important Subjects (1822)
An Outline of the History of the Church in the State of Kentucky (1824)
Purification of the Sacred Ministry (1833)
Sketches of the Philosophy of the Bible (1833)
The Man That Gathered Sticks on the Sabbath (1834)
The Objects and Origin of Ecclesiastical Power, and the Manner of Exercising It (1834)
A Good Wife a Heavenly Gift (1835)
A Tribute of Respect to Departed Friends: and a Word of Encouragement to Their Sons (1837)
The Nature and Value of Brotherly Love: A Sermon, Delivered on Sabbath, February 7th, 1841 (1841)