Robert Hunt (c. 1568-1608)
“Jamestown’s ‘First Chaplain,’ Robert Hunt, was ‘Presbyterian.’ You would never know it from the biography provided by the National Park Service, from his shrine at Jamestown, from the legend at the restored Presbyterian meetinghouse on the fringe of Colonial Williamsburg, or from his status in the Calendar of Saints for the Episcopal Church in the USA. And yet he was called by other colonists a ‘preacher,’ not a priest. He wore no clerical garb and oversaw erection of the first Jamestown chapel with a rough pulpit and no altar.” — Source: Presbyterian Historical Society
A representation of Robert Hunt giving thanks at the landing on Cape Henry, Virginia in April, 1607.
Memorial to Robert Hunt at All Saints Church, Heathfield, East Sussex, England.
The Robert Hunt Memorial Shrine at Jamestown, Virginia. His remains were discovered at Jamestown in 2015.