Samuel Leslie Morris (1854-1937)
Samuel Leslie Morris is buried at Crest Lawn Cemetery, Atlanta, Georgia.
Woman’s Place in the Gospel (1881)
The Council of Apostles and Presbyters at Jerusalem (1883)
Home Missions, the Supreme Need of the Hour (1907)
Mission Work Among the Indians (1909)
The Relation of Calvin and Calvinism to Missions (1909)
A Reminiscence [of Dr. James Woodrow] (1909)
The Training of Home Missionaries (1913)
The New South and Home Missions (1914)
The Task that Challenges (1917)
Christianizing Christendom (1919)
Extracts From Annual Reports (1922)
Presbyterianism: Its Principles and Practice (1922)
The Records of the Morris Family (1922)
Oklahoma — Opportunity and Outlook (1923)
Is America a Christian Nation? (1924)
The Romance of Home Missions (1924)
The Fact of Christianity (1927)
The Subjugation and Doom of Satan (1928)
The Drama of Christianity: An Interpretation of the Apocalypse (1928)