Shepherd Knapp, Jr. (1873-1946)
Shepherd Knapp, Jr. served as the assistant pastor at the Brick Presbyterian Church of New York City from 1901 to 1908.
Traces of Humor in the Sayings of Jesus (1907)
A History of the Brick Presbyterian Church in the City of New York (1909)
Personal Records of the Brick Presbyterian Church in the City of New York, 1809-1908 (1909)
Hic Habitat Felicitas: A Volume of Recollections and Letters (1910)
Christianity and War: A Sermon (1917)
The War’s Need of Christ: A Palm Sunday Sermon (1917)
The Biggest Thing in Christianity (1919)
The Tragic Way to Justice (1920)
Need a Christian Be Religious? (1920)
On the Edge of the Storm: The Story of a Year in France (1921)