Selected Writings of John Leighton Wilson (EPUB)
Selected Writings of John Leighton Wilson (EPUB)
If John Leighton Wilson himself is unknown in our day, his writings are even more so. Originally articles, pamphlets, and addresses, these chapters contain the thought of the most significant figure in 19th century American Presbyterian missions. Wilson discusses the theology, practice, and history of missions with wisdom, Biblical fidelity, and a commitment to a robust Presbyterianism.
"These essays demonstrate both the compatibility of belief in the sovereign grace of God in salvation with a passion for missions, and the unique benefits of the structure of Presbyterian polity for doing the work of missions. If you are interested in missions and want to promote missions in your congregation, you will profit from this book.” — Dr. Joseph A. Pipa
John Leighton Wilson (1809–1886) was a Presbyterian pastor who devoted himself to foreign missions for over fifty years. A graduate of Columbia Theological Seminary, he was a missionary to Liberia and Gabon (1834–1852); Assistant Secretary of Foreign Missions for the Old School Presbyterian Church (1853–1861); and Secretary of Foreign Missions for the Southern Presbyterian Church (1861–1884). He was instrumental in ending the slave trade in Africa.
388 pages.