The Southern Presbyterian Review
Volume I.—NO. 1., June 1847.
I. The Office of Reason in Regard to Revelation, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D.
II.. The Relation between the Work of Christ and the Condition of the Angelic World, by the Rev. Rev. Benjamin Morgan Palmer, D.D.
III. The Baptism of Servants, by the Rev. George Howe
IV. An Exposition of Matthew XVI. 18,19, by Anonymous
V. The Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, by Anonymous
VI. Critical Notices
Volume I.—NO. 2., September 1847.
I. Personality, Deity, and Operations of The Holy Spirit, by Anonymous
II. Sketches of North Carolina, by Anonymous
III. Fictitious Literature: Tancred, or the New Crusade, by Col. W.F. Hutson
IV. The General Assembly, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
V. An Effectual Control of the Will and Conduct of Men by the Spirit of God, Anonymous
VI. The Poetry of the Pentateuch, by Anonymous
VII. Critical Notices
Volume I.—NO. 3., December 1847.
I. The Divine Appointment and Obligation of Capital Punishment, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
II. The Intellectual and Moral Character of the Jews, by the Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer
III. The Late Dr. Chalmers, and the Lessons of his Life, from Personal Recollections, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
IV. The Religious Instruction of the Black Population, by the Rev. John B. Adger
V. A Critical Examination of I Peter iii. 19, by the Rev. W.M. Smythe, A.M., Dallas Co., AL
VI. The Christian Pastor, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
VII. Critical Notices
Volume I.—NO. 4., March 1848.
I. Lectures on Foreign Churches, by the Rev. John B. Adger
II. Presbyterianism – The Revolution – The Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
III. The Moral Condition of Western Africa, by the Rev. John Leighton Wilson, of S.C.
IV. An Inquiry into the Doctrine of Imputed Sin, by the Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer
V. Alexander’s Isaiah, by the Rev. George Howe
VI. Critical Notices
Volume II.—NO. 1., June 1848.
I. The Elder Question, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
II. A Brief Inquiry into the Nature of Jephthah’s Vow, by the Rev. W.M. Smythe, A.M.
III. Liberal Christianity, by the Rev. E.P. Rogers
IV. The Abrahamic Covenant, by the Rev. Nathan Hoyt
V. On the Bdellium of the Bible, by the Rev. E.F. Rockwell
VI. Assurance—Witness of the Spirit—and the Call to the Ministry, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
VII. Critical Notices
Volume II.—NO. 2., September 1848.
I. The Call to the Ministry—Its Nature and Evidence, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D.
II. Polemic Theology, by the Rev. William Swan Plumer
III. The Origin of our Ideas concerning God, by the Rev. Samuel J. Cassells
IV. The Platonic Trinity, by Anonymous
V. Favorable Indications for the Introduction and Spread of Christianity in Africa, by the Rev. J.L. Wilson
VI. The Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and the Sin unto Death, by the Rev. William McKelvey Smythe
VII. John the Baptist, the Unitarian Jesus, by the Rev. Thomas Curtis, D.D.
VIII. The Power of the Pulpit, by the Rev. Abner A. Porter, D.D.
IX. Critical Notices
Volume II.—NO. 3., December 1848.
I. Some Thoughts on the Development of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., by the Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge, D.D.
II. The Office of Deacon, by the Rev. Thomas Smythe, D.D.
III. Observations on I John 5: 7, 8, by the Rev. W.M. Smythe, A.M., Dallas County, Alabama
IV. Dissertation on Romans 8:19-22, by the Rev. James A. Wallace
V. History of the Girondists, or Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution, by Col. Wm. F. Hutson
VI. On the Manna of the Israelites, by the Rev. E.F. Rockwell
VII. The Certainty of the World’s Conversion, by the Rev. J.L. Wilson, Missionary at Gaboon, West Africa
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume II.—NO. 4., March 1849.
I. Paul’s Preaching at Athens, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
II. On the Scene in Revelation, Chapters IV and V, by the Rev. E.F. Rockwell
III. Parochial Schools, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
IV. A Plea for Amusements, by Col. W.F. Hutson
V. Romans, 9th Chapter, I-V Verses, by Rev. S.L. Graham, D.D.
VI. The Christian Doctrine of Human Rights and Slavery, by the Rev. John B. Adger
VII. Paul’s Rebuke of Ananias, by Gen. V.D.V. Jamison
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume III.—NO. 1., July 1849.
I. Denominational Education, by the Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge, D.D.
II. The Pelagian Controversy, by the Rev. Enoch Pond, D.D.
III. A Plea for Doctrine as the Instrument of Sanctification, by the Rev. B.M. Palmer
IV. The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal in England, by the Rev. Thomas Curtis, D.D.
V. The Mexican War Reviewed on Christian Principles, by Philip Berry
VI. The Unity of the Race, by the Rev. George Howe, D.D.
Volume III.—NO. 2., October 1849.
I. On the Means of Preventing War, by Philip Berry
II. Christian Principle in Relation to Mental Culture, by Samuel C. Pharr
III. Church and State, Part I, by the Rev. Benjamin Morgan Palmer
IV. Ethnography, by the Rev. George Howe, D.D.
V. The Philosophy of Religion, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D.
VI. Critical Notices
Volume III.—NO. 3., January 1850.
I. North and South, by the Rev. Abner A. Porter, D.D.
II. The Dead Sea, by the Rev. James A. Wallace
III. Critical Remarks on the Institution of the Lord’s Supper, by the Rev. W.M. Smythe
IV. The Mark of Cain and the Curse of Ham, by Rev. George Howe
V. Nott’s Lectures, by Rev. George Howe
VI. The Philosophy of Religion, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
VII. Critical Notices
Volume III.—NO. 4., April 1850.
I. Church and State, Part II, by the Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer
II. Thoughts upon the Priesthood of Christ, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
III. On the Origin of the Name Assyria, by the Rev. E.F. Frink
IV. Missionary Zeal, by the Rev. John B. Adger
V. The Primitive Revelation of a Divine and Incarnate Saviour, traced in the History and Rites of Bacchus, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
VI. Critical Notices
Volume IV.—NO. 1., July 1850.
I. A Presbyterian Clergyman Looking for the Church
II. The Life and Death of Francis Turrettin
III. Thirty-Third Annual Report of the American Bible Society, May, 1849
IV. Educational Policy of South Carolina
V. Remarks on 1 Corinthians, xv. 32
VI. Slavery and the Religious Instruction of the Coloured Population
VII. Critical Notices
Volume IV.—NO. 2., October 1850.
I. Philosophy in the Church
II. Reflections upon Heaven
III. Form and Spirit, by S.J.P. Anderson
IV. Christianity Vindicated from the Charge of Fanaticism
V. The Languages of Southern Europe
VI. The Resurrection of Jesus—An Anti-Unitarian Argument
VII. The Genuineness of the Pentateuch
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume IV.—NO. 3., January 1851.
I. Education, Inaugural Address, delivered by Thomas Curtis, D.D.
II. Objections to the German Transcendental Philosophy, by Enoch Pond, D.D.
III. The Variety of Shakspeare—The Works of William Shakspeare, by S.J.P. Anderson
IV. The Unity of the Human Race, by A.A. Porter
V. John Foster, by J.R. Kendrick
VI. Ancient and Scripture Chronology, by Anonymous
VII. Critical Notices
Volume IV.—NO. 4., April 1851.
I. The Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures, by the Rev. John B. Adger
II. Matthew xxiii. 29, by the Rev. James Henley Thornwell, D.D.
III. The Free Grace of God and the Free Will of Man, by the Rev. E.F. Rockwell
IV. God in Christ, by the Rev. Thomas E. Peck
V. John Howard, by J.B. Ross
VI. Notes on the Miracles of our Lord, by the Rev. S.J.P. Anderson
VII. Critical Notices
Volume V.—NO. 1., July 1851.
I. Domestic Literature, by the Rev. Samuel J. Cassells
II.. Validity of Popish Baptism, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
III. The Millennium, by the Rev. Elijah F. Frink
IV. The Credibility and Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures, by the Rev. John B. Adger
V. The Harmony of Revelation and Natural Science, Part I, by the Rev. L.W. Green, D.D.
VI. Foot-Prints of the Creator, or the Asterolepis of Stromness, by Prof. R.T. Brumby
VII. Critical Notices
Volume V.—NO. 2., October 1851.
I. Validity of Popish Baptism, continued, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
II. Chivalry and Civilization, by J.P. Tusten
III. The Life of Thomas Paine, by the Rev. Dr. Thomas Curtis
IV. Relations of Christianity to the Legal Profession, by Anonymous
V. Scripturalism and Rationalism, by S.W. Stanfield
VI. The Harmony of Revelation and Natural Science, Part II, by the Rev. L.W. Green, D.D.
VII. Correspondence regarding the Palmetto Regiment, by the Rev. Thomas Curtis, et al.
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume V.—NO. 3., January 1852.
I. Validity of Popish Baptism, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
II. Arminianism Restrictive of Divine Free Agency, by the Rev. Samuel J. Cassells
III. Report on Slavery, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
IV. Sermons of the Late Rev. Benjamin F. Stanton, by the Rev. J.G. Shepperson
V. Evidence of the Degradation of Animals, by Prof. R.T. Brumby
VI. Critical Notices
Volume V.—NO. 4., April 1852.
I. The Harmony of Revelation and Natural Science, Part III, by the Rev. L.W. Green, D.D.
II. Pronunciation of Greek, by Elias Riggs
III. The Character of Moses, by W.T. Hamilton
IV. Remarks upon the Will, with Some Strictures upon the Opinions of McCosh, by the Rev. Samuel J. Cassells
V. Analogy of the Southern Language of Europe with the Latin, by V.H. Manget
VI. The Unity of the Human Race, by the Rev. S.J.P. Anderson
VII. Critical Notices
Volume VI.-NO. 1., July 1852.
I. Spiritual Beneficence, by the Rev. Enoch Pond, D.D.
II. Unconditional Decrees, by the Rev. Samuel J. Cassells
III. The Ceaseless Activity of Matter, by Prof. R.J. Brumby
IV. An Inquiry;-Are the Wicked Immortal?, by the Rev. S.C. Pharr
V. An Address before the Society of Missionary Inquiry, by Anonymous
VI. Necrology.-Memoir of the Rev'd James White Stephenson, D.D., by the Rev. J.A. Wallace
Necrology.-Memoir of the late Rev'd Thomas Reese, D.D., of So. Carolina, by J.R. Witherspoon
VII. Reason and Future Punishment, by the Rev. John M. Lowrie
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume VI.-NO. 2., October 1852.
I. Principles of Christian Economy, by the Rev. Robert L. Dabney
II. The Consolations of Survivors in the Death of the Pious, by the Rev. J.R. Gilland
III. The Doctrine of Future Punishment, Part I, by the Rev. C.R. Vaughn
IV. Reverend Robert Hall, by Anonymous
V. Baconianism and the Bible, by the Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer
VI. The Phenomena of Freezing Water in the Book of Job, by Prof. E.F. Rockwell
VII. The Holy Scriptures, by the Rev. Samuel J. Cassells
VIII. The [ ] of Scripture; or, the Rule, Basis and Effects of Spiritual Virtue, by the Rev. S.C. Pharr
IX. Critical Notices
Volume VI.-NO. 3., January 1853.
I. The Claims of the English Language, by the Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer
II. Unregeneracy in the Ministry, by Anonymous
III. The Doctrine of Future Punishment, Part II, by the Rev. C.R. Vaughn
IV. Inspiration versus Morell's Theory, by Thomas G. Carver
V. The Presbyterian Church and Foreign Missions, by the Rev. John M. Lowrie
VI. Our Ecclesiastical Literature, by the Rev. John H. Bocock
VII. Necrology-Rev. William H. Barr, D.D., by the Hon. A. Bowie
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume VI.-NO. 4., April 1853.
I. Conscience-Its Nature, Office and Authority, by the Rev. Samuel J. Cassells
II. Uniqueness and Superiority of our Lord's Teaching, by W.A. Scott
III. On the Nature and Importance of a Christian Profession, and Its Connexion with Membership in the Visible Church, by the Rev. John G. Shepperson
IV. The Unpardonable Sin, by the Rev. John B. Ross
V. Mercantile Morals, by E.P. Rogers
VI. Necrology-Rev. John Simpson, by Anonymous
VII. Mormonism, by the Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer, D.D.
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume VII.—NO. 1., July 1853.
I. Paley’s Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
II. Orthodoxy in New England, by E.P. Rogers
III.The Necessity and Importance of Controversy, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
IV. The Philosophy of Life, by Anonymous
V. The Relation of Justice to Benevolence in Conduct of Society, by the Rev. S.J. Cassells
VI. The Secondary and Collateral Influences of the Bible, by the Rev. George Howe
VII. The Final Destiny of the Globe, by the Rev. E.F. Rockwell
VIII. Correspondence
IX.Critical Notices
Volume VII.—NO. 2., October 1853.
I. The Reformation in England, by the Rev. John H. Bocock
II. Action and Reaction of Mind and Body, as affecting Insanity, by James McFadden Gaston, M.D.
III. Who are Members of the Visible Church?, by John G. Shepperson
IV. The Sufficiency of the Scriptures: Rationalism and Traditionalism, by the Rev. Thomas E. Peck
V. Address to the Society of Alumni of Union Theological Seminary, Va., on the Simplicity of Pulpit Style, by the Rev. Robert L. Dabney
VI. The Province of Reason, especially in Matters of Religion, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
VII. Critical Notices
Volume VII.—NO. 3., January 1854.
I.Responsibility for Opinions, by the Rev. John B. Adger
II. The Bible and Not Reason, the Only Certain and Authoritative Source of Our Knowledge, Even of the Existence of God, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
III. The Obstacles to Ministerial Piety, by E.P. Rogers
IV. The Primitive State, Character and Happiness of Man, by the Rev. Samuel C. Pharr
V. The Bible, by D.H. Hill
VI. Consolation, by the Rev. Andrew F. Dickson
VII.Public Instruction in South Carolina, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell
VIII.Critical Notices
Volume VII.—NO. 4., April 1854.
I. The Bible, not Reason, the Only Authoritative Source and Stand of Knowledge of the Nature of God, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
II. Report on Collegiate Education, by the Hon. A. Bowie
III. Notice of the Dead Sea, by Anonymous
IV. The Unity of the Church, by the Rev. John G. Shepperson
V. The Metaphysical and Scriptural Argument for the State, between Death and Resurrection, by the Rev. Thomas Curtis
VI. Historical Sketch of the Weekly Sabbath, by the Rev. Enoch Pond
VII. Critical Notices
Volume VIII.—NO. 1., July 1854.
I. Report of a Conference by the Presbytery of Charleston, on the subject of “The Organization, Instruction and Discipline of the Coloured People,” by Anonymous
II. The Unjust Steward, by the Rev. J.A. Stanfield
III. Religion and Mathematics, by Prof. D.H. Hill
IV. On the Trinity—The Objections of Unreasonableness, Contradiction, and the Human Origin Of the word Trinity, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D.
V. The Poetical Element of the Bible, by the Rev. Joseph M. Atkinson
VI. The Authority of Ecclesiastical Rulers, by the Rev. John G. Shepperson
VII.Necrology—Memoir of the Rev. James Edmonds, by J.R. Witherspoon, M.D.
Necrology—Biographical Sketch of Major John James, by J.R. Witherspoon, M.D.
VIII.Critical Notices
Volume VIII.—NO. 2., October 1854.
I. The Doctrine of the Trinity, Not Theoretical or Speculative, but Practical in its Nature, and Fundamental in its Importance, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
II. The Living Baptized for the Dead, by the Rev. J.H. Fowles
III. The Phases of Society, by Anonymous
IV. The Lunar World, by Prof. Daniel Kirkwood
V. The Authority of Ecclesiastical Rulers, by the Rev. John G. Shepperson
VI. Eloquence, by the Hon. H.V. Johnson
VII. Duties of Masters, by the Rev. R.S. Breck
VIII. The Life of Archibald Alexander, D.D., by the Rev. Dr. S.K. Talmadge, D.D.
IX.Critical Notices
Volume VIII.—NO. 3., January 1855.
I. Objections to the Doctrine of the Trinity from the Unity of God, as taught in Scripture, answered, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D.
II. The Psalter of the Virgin Mary, by the Rev. Elias Riggs, D.D. (Smyrna)
III. The Power of Moral Habit, as it affects the power of Faith, by the Rev. W.E. Scott
IV. The Romish Controversy, its present aspect, and the duty of the Church with reference to it, by the Rev. A.B. Van Zandt, D.D.
V. God’s Rest, our Rest, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson
VI. Early History of Presbyterianism in South Carolina, by the Rev. George Howe, D.D.
VII. The General Assembly of 1854, by the Rev. Stuart Robinson, D.D.
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume VIII.—NO. 4., April 1855.
I. The Divinity of Christ, by the Rev. J.M. Walker
II. International Copy-Right Law, by the Rev. S.C. Pharr, D.D.
III. The Early Conversion of Children, by Prof. E.F. Rockwell
IV. Bledsoe’s Theodicy, by the Rev. John H. Bocock
V. On Elohim as a Title of God, and as Implying a Plurality in the Godhead, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D.
VI. The Nature and Origin of the Pagan Doctrine of Triads, or a Trinity, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
VII. Ambition Rebuked, or Self-abasement and Self-denial the necessary conditions of Greatness In Christ’s Kingdom, by the Rev. John C. Young, D.D.
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume IX.—NO. 1., July 1855.
I. Presumptive Arguments for the Doctrine of the Trinity, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
II. A Plea for the Study of Hebrew Literature, by James Cohen
III. The Throne of God, by J.P. Pressley
IV. Success in the Ministry, by the Rev. Charles A. Stillman
V. Bible Principles on the Subject of Temperance, by the Rev. C.R. Vaughn
VI. Moral Philosophy, by the Rev. Richard S. Gladney
VII. Romanism at Home, by D.H. Hill
VIII. Introduction to Paul’s Epistles, by E.H.Epstein
IX. Correspondence
X. Critical Notices
Volume IX.—NO. 2., October 1855.
I. The Influence of Presbyterianism on the Culture of the Human Intellect and the Progress of Piety, by the Rev. Robert Baker White
II. Philosophy of Utility, by Anonymous
III. The Positive Philosophy of August Comte, by Matthew B. Grier
IV. On Organs, by the Rev. John Douglas
V. The Doctrine of the Trinity either the Offspring of Reason or of Primitive Revelation, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
VI. Types of Mankind, by Anonymous
VII. Critical Notices
Volume IX.—NO. 3., January 1856.
I. Testimony of the Early Fathers to the Doctrine of the Trinity, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
II. Slavery, by Anonymous
III. Various Readings of John 10: 28, 29, by the Rev. E.F. Rockwell
IV. Life out of Death, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson
V. The Book of Job, by Anonymous
VI. Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, by the Rev. John G. Shepperson
VII. Thoughts on Original Sin, by the Rev. J.M. Walker
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume IX.—NO. 4., April 1856.
I. Testimony of the Reformers to the Doctrine of the Trinity, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
II. Modern Theology—Taylor and Bledsoe, by the Rev. John H. Bocock
III. The Prophets of the Restoration, by the Rev. S.J.P. Anderson
IV. Michael Servetus, by the Rev. James A. Wallace
V. Revelation and Inspiration, by the Rev. James H. Thornwell
VI. Import of Hebrew History, by the Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer
Volume X.—NO. 1., April 1857.
I. Constitution of the Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Samuel J. Baird
II. Christian Missions and African Colonisation, by the Rev. John B. Adger
III. The Martyrs of Scotland and Sir Walter Scott, by the Rev. John H. Bocock
IV. The Testimony of the Ancient Jews to the Trinity, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
V. Historical Sketch of the Systems of Theology, by the Rev. Enoch Pond
VI. Idolatry, by the Rev. William Scott, D.D.
VII. Wigfall’s Sermon upon Dueling, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D.
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume X.—NO. 2., July 1857.
I. Miracles, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D., LL.D.
II. Vindication of the Scriptural Messianic Interpretation of the 53d. Chapter of Isaiah, by the Rev. James Cohen
III. The Teachings of the Dead Sea, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D.
IV. The General Assembly of 1857, by the Rev. John B. Adger
V. Critical Notices
Volume X.—NO. 3., October 1857.
I. The Sabbath Controversy, by the Rev. R.L. Dabney, D.D.
II. The Messianic Interpretation of the 53d Chapter of Isaiah, continued, by the Rev. James Cohen
III. The Alphabet of Natural Theology, by the Rev. E.F. Rockwell
IV. The Influence of Stimulants on Manifestation of Mind, by Dr. James McFadden Gaston, M.D.
V. Our Problem, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson
VI. Testimony of the Rocks, by the Rev. W.D. Moore
VII. Critical Notices
Volume X.—NO. 4., January 1858.
I. Revision Movement, by the Rev. Richard S. Gladney
II. Conversion of the World, by the Rev. John G. Shepperson
III. Geological Speculation, by the Rev. Edwin Cater
IV. Edwards and the Theology of New England, by the Rev. Samuel J. Baird
V. Breckinridge’s Theology, by the Rev. James H. Thornwell, D.D., LL.D.
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XI.—NO. 1., April 1858.
I. The Relation of Baptized Children to the Church, by Anonymous
II. Review of Cummings’ Theory Respecting the Conversion of the World, by the Rev. John G. Shepperson, Otter Bridge, Va.
III. The Trinity of the Godhead the Doctrine of the Scriptures, by Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
IV. The Burden of Egypt, by J. Wood Davidson, Esq., Winnsboro’, S.C.
V. Review of Reports to the Legislature of South Carolina on the Revival of the Slave Trade, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Columbia, S.C.
VI. Correspondence: A Standard Edition of the English Bible, by Thomas Curtis, D.D., Limestone Springs, S.C.
VII. Critical Notices
Volume XI.—NO. 2., July 1858.
I. Alexander Von Humboldt, by Prof. C.S. Venable, South Carolina College
II. The Trinity of the Godhead, the Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures, (Continued), by Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
III. Dr. Wayland on the Limits of Human Responsibility, by Anonymous
IV. Popular Objections to Science, by Prof. J.R. Blake, LaGrange College, Tenn.
V. The Mind of Man, the Image of God, by John T.L. Preston, Lexington, Va.
VI. The Religious Awakening of 1858, by Rev. J.O. Lindsay, Calhoun’s Mills, S.C.
VII. The General Assembly of 1858, by Rev. George Howe, D.D., Columbia, S.C.
VIII. Critical Notices
IX. Periodical Literature
Volume XI.—NO. 3., October 1858.
I. The Symmetry and Beauty of God’s Witnessing Church, by S.J. Baird, Woodbury, N.J.
II. A Reasonable Answer to the Skeptic, by Rev. W.C. Dana, Charleston, S.C.
III. Our Domestic Missions—The True Theory of Their Conduct and Management, by Rev. G.C. Gregg, Sumter, S.C.
IV. Halsey’s Literary Attractions of the Bible, by J.N. Waddel, D.D., LaGrange College, TN
V. The Conversion of the World, by Rev. J.G. Shepperson, Otter Bridge, Va.
VI. Christianity—A Disciplinary Element in an Education, by Rev. J.A. Lyon, D.D., Columbus, MS
VII. Stuart Robinson’s Church of God, by Anonymous
VII. Critical Notices
VIII. Periodical Literature
Volume XI.—NO. 4., January 1859.
I. The Astronomical Argument Against Christianity, by Rev. Thomas A. Hoyt, Abbeville, S.C.
II. The Statesman, by W.C. Moragne, Esq., Edgefield, S.C.
III. The Fullness of Time, by S.J.P. Anderson, D.D., St. Louis, Missouri
IV. Morality of the Legal Profession, by Robert L. Dabney, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
V. The Support of Superannuated Ministers, and the Indigent Families of Deceased Ministers, by Rev. J.L. Girardeau, Charleston, S.C.
VI. The Prophetic Period of 1260 Years, by Prof. E.C. Rockwell, Davidson College, N.C.
VII. The Early Presbyterian Immigration into South Carolina, by Rev. George Howe, D.D. Columbia, S.C.
VIII. Critical Notices
IX. Periodical Literature
Volume XII.—NO. 1., April 1859.
I. The Deaconship, by Rev. James B. Ramsay, of Lynchburg, Va.
II. National Righteousness, by Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., of Charleston, S.C.
III. The Changes Proposed in our Book of Discipline, by Rev. R.L. Dabney
IV. Morphology, and its Connection with Fine Art, by Joseph LeConte, M.D., Professor of Chemistry, Minerology and Geology, in S.C. College
V. Testimony of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind, by J.L. Cabell, M.D., Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology in the University of Virginia
VI. The Telluric Portion of the Cosmos, by Prof. Daniel Kirkwood, Indiana University
VII. Inaugural Discourse on Church History and Church Polity, by Rev. J.B. Adger, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Polity, Columbia, S.C.
VIII. The New Theological Professorship of Natural Science in Connection with Revealed Religion, by Rev. James A. Lyon, D.D., Columbus, Mississippi
IX. Notices of Recent Publications
X. Periodical Literature
Volume XII.—NO. 2., July 1859.
I. The First Pastoral Letter of the Synod of the Carolinas, by Anonymous
II. The Lecture System—Its Influence upon Young Men, by Rev. John N. Waddel, D.D., Professor of Ancient Literature, La Grange College
III. The Distinctions in the Godhead Personal and not Nominal, by Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D.
IV. The Principles of a Liberal Education, by Joseph LeConte, M.D.
V. The Hypostatical Union, by Anonymous
VI. The Religious Instruction of our Colored Population, by E.T. Baird, D.D., Crawfordsville, MS
VII. Notices of Recent Publications
VIII. Periodical Literature
Volume XII.—NO. 3., October 1859.
I. Revised Book of Discipline, by Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Theology, Theological Seminary, Columbia
II. Life and Writings of Maimonides, by Rev. James Cohen, A.M., Tutor in Hebrew, Theological Seminary, Columbia
III. Natural Science and Revealed Religion, by Rev. Richard S. Gladney, Aberdeen, Miss.
IV. An Educated Ministry—The Board of Education, by Rev. Samuel D. Campbell, Geneva, AL
V. The Church a Spiritual Power, by a Georgia Pastor
VI. The Revival of the Slave Trade, by Rev. J.L. Wilson, D.D., Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, N.Y.
VII. The General Assembly of 1859, by Rev. B.M. Palmer, D.D., New Orleans
VIII. Breckinridge’s Knowledge of God, Subjectively Considered, by Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D.
IX. Notices of Recent Publications
X. Periodical Literature
Volume XII.—NO. 4., January 1860.
I. The Synod of Dort, by Rev. Enoch Pond, D.D., Professor of Theology, Bangor, Maine
II. Symbolical Import of Baptism, by Rev. James Stacy, Newnan, Ga.
III. Moses and his Dispensation, by Anonymous
IV. No Priest but Christ, by Rev. J.R. Gilland, Indian Town, S.C.
V. Private Christians in their Relations to the Unbelieving World, by Rev. J.M. Walker
VI. The Present and Past Physical State of Palestine, by Rev. T.R.G. Peck, Pastor of the Huguenot Church, Charleston
VII. The American Board and the Choctaw Mission, by Rev. J.B. Adger, D.D.
VIII. The Raid of John Brown and the Progress of Abolition, by Rev. George Howe, D.D.
IX. Notices of Recent Literature
X. Periodical Literature
Volume XIII.—NO. 1, April 1860.
I. A Few More Words on the Revised Book of Discipline, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D.
II. The Relation of Organic Science to Sociology, by Joseph LeConte, M.D.
III. The Supernatural in the Scriptures, by the Rev. T.A. Hoyt, Louisville, Ky.
IV. Presbyterian Preaching at the South, by the Hon. E.A. Nisbet, Macon, Ga.
V. The Divine Right of Presbyterian Church Government: A Review of Killen’s Ancient Church, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Prof. Eccl. Hist. and Church Polity, Columbia, S.C.
VI. Baird’s Elohim Revealed: A Review, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D., Professor of Theology, Columbia, S.C.
VII. Notices of Recent Publications
VIII. Periodical Literature
Volume XIII.—NO. 2, July 1860.
I. The Westminster Review on “Christian Revivals,” by the Rev. J.N. Waddel, D.D., La Grange College, Tenn.
II. The Pastoral Duties of Ruling Elders, by the Rev. E.T. Baird, D.D., Crawfordsville, Miss.
III. 2d. Maccabees 12: 39-45; and Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead, by Anonymous
IV. A Supernatural Revelation Necessary, by the Rev. Jas. A. Lyon, D.D., Columbus, Miss.
V. The Knowledge of God as Obtained from Scripture and from Nature, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson, Orangeburg, S.C.
VI. The General Assembly of 1860, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Columbia, S.C.
VII.Notices of Recent Publications
VIII. Periodical Literature
Volume XIII.—NO. 3, October 1860.
I. The Protestant Church of France and the Pastors of the Desert, by the Rev. George Howe, D.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
II. The Resurrection-Body, by the Rev. Francis R. Goulding, Darien, Geo.
III. The Letters of Alexander von Humboldt, by Anonymous
IV. Unity and Infallibility of the Church of Rome, by the Rev. William T. Findley, Xenia, Ohio
V. The Geological Writings of David N. Lord, by Prof. J.R. Blake, La Grange College, Tenn.
VI. The Princeton Review on Theories of the Eldership, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D.
VII. Notices of Recent Publications
VIII. Periodical Literature
Volume XIII.—NO. 4, January 1861.
I. National Sins: A Fast-Day Sermon, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
II. Vital Force, by J. McFadden Gaston, M.D., Columbia, S.C.
III. The Manner of Altering our Doctrinal Standards, by the Rev. E.T. Baird, D.D., Columbus, Miss.
IV. The Princeton Review and Presbyterianism, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D.
V. Presbyterian Authorities on Theories of the Eldership, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
VI. The State of the Country, by the Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D.
VII. Notices of Recent Publications
VIII. Periodical Literature
Volume XIV.—NO. 1, April 1861.
I. The Princeton Review on the State of the Country, by Rev. John H. Rice, D.D., Louisville, Ky.
II. Coleridge, by the Rev. Enoch Pond, D.D., Theological Seminary, Bangor, Me.
III. Female Education, by Prof. Joseph LeConte, M.D., South Carolina College
V. The Trinity of the Godhead the Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures, by Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
V. Bunsen on the Bible, by Rev. George Howe, D.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
VI. A Vindication of Secession and the South, by Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer, D.D., New Orleans, La.
VII. Periodical Literature
Volume XIV.—NO. 2, July 1861.
I. The School, the College, and the University, in Relation to One Another and to Active Life, by Professor Joseph LeConte, M.D., South Carolina College
II. The Trinity of the Godhead the Doctrine of the Scriptures, by Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
III. Geology and the Bible, by Anonymous
IV. Pulpit Orator, by a Georgia Pastor
V. The General Assembly of 1861, by Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
VI. Notices of Recent Publications
VII. Periodical Literature
Volume XIV.—NO. 3, October 1861.
I. The Battle of Fort Sumter: Its Mystery and Miracle—God’s Mastery and Mercy, by Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
II. The Waldenses and Infant Baptism, by Rev. J.L. Kirkpatrick, D.D., Davidson College, N.C.
III. Principles of Church Government, by Rev. J.B. Hillhouse, Laurens District, S.C.
IV. Analogy between the Formation of the Pihel Conjugation in Hebrew and the Perfect Tense in Latin, by Prof. E.L. Rockwell, Davidson College, N.C.
V. The Personality of God, as Affecting Science and Religion, by Anonymous
VI. The Scotch-Irish, and their First Settlements on Tyger River and Other Neighboring Precincts in South Carolina, by Rev. George Howe, D.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
VII. Explanatory Note, by Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C. [RE: Comments in July issue on the presence of Southwestern delegates at General Assembly]
Volume XIV.—NO. 4, January 1862.
I. Inaugural Address of Rev. James Woodrow, Ph.D., Perkins Professor, Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
II. Address of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States of America to All the Churches of Jesus Christ throughout the World, by Rev. J.H. Thornwell, D.D.
III. The Art of Conversation, by Rev. B.M. Palmer, D.D., New Orleans, La.
IV. Timothy’s Office, by Rev. Thomas V. Moore, D.D., Richmond, Va.
V. The Victory of Manassas Plain, by Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
VI. The General Assembly at Augusta, by Rev. James A. Lyon, D.D., Columbus, Miss.
Volume XV.—NO. 1., July 1862.
I. Personal Engagement in the Work of Foreign Missions, by the Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D.D., Secretary of Foreign Missions, Columbia, S.C.
II. The Law of the Sabbath, in its Bearing upon National Prosperity, by the Rev. Edward Martin, Nottoway C.H., Va.
III. The Divine Purpose in the Classics, by the Rev. J.H. Bocock, D.D., Appomattox, C.H., Va.
V. The General Assembly of 1862, by the Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, D.D., Augusta, Ga.
V. Hymn-Book Making, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson, Orangeburg C.H., S.C.
VI. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Abbeville District, S.C., by M.E.D.
VII. Motley’s Dutch Republic, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Prof. Eccl. Hist. And Church Polity, Columbia, S.C.
Volume XV.—NO. 2., October 1862.
I. Delitzsch on Genesis, by the Rev. George Howe, D.D., Prof., Biblical Literature, Columbia, S.C.
II. Superiority of the Greeks in Literature and the Fine Arts, by the Rev. Prof. E.F. Rockwell, Davidson College, N.C.
III. The Relations of Language, by the Rev. R.C. Ketchum, Clarkesville, Ga.
IV. The Puritans, by the Rev. Joseph M. Atkinson, Raleigh, N.C.
V. Life, Character, and Genius of the Late Rev. James H. Thornwell, D.D., LL.D., by the Rev. B.M. Palmer, D.D., New Orleans, La.
Volume XV.—NO. 3., January 1863.
I. On the Nature and Uses of Art, by Joseph LeConte, M.D., Prof., Natural Science, S.C. College
II. The People and Languages of Western Africa, by the Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D.D., Secretary of Foreign Missions, Columbia, S.C.
III. Letter to the Rev. Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge, by the Rev. John H. Bocock, D.D., Appomattox C.H., Va.
IV. Report on the State of the Church, by the Rev. A.W. Miller, Petersburg, Va.
V. Psalmody and the Union, by the Rev. Edmund L. Patton, President of Erskine College, S.C.
Volume XV.—NO. 4., April 1863.
I. The War of the South Vindicated, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
II. On the Nature and Uses of Art, (Concluded), by Joseph LeConte, M.D., South Carolina College
III. Geology and its Assailants, by Anonymous
IV. Religion and Politics, by the Rev. James A. Lyon, D.D., Columbus, Miss.
Volume XVI.—NO. 1, July 1863.
I. Slavery, and the Duties Growing out of the Relation, by the Rev. James A. Lyon, D.D., Columbus, Miss.
II. The Downfall of the Union, by the Rev. R.S. Gladney, Aberdeen, Miss.
III. Does Christ Require that Baptism Shall Be Administered by Immersion?, by the Rev. Joseph Brown, Amelia C.H., Va.
IV. The Rev. Dr. Thornwell’s Memorial on the Recognition of Christianity in the Constitution, Anonymous
V. Review of the General Assembly, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Prof. Eccl. Hist. and Church Polity, Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
Volume XVI.—NO. 2, October 1863.
I. Church and State, by the Rev. Thomas E. Peck, Professor of Church History and Government Union Theological Seminary, Va.
II. A Slave Marriage Law, by Anonymous
III. Rationalism False and Unreasonable, by Anonymous
IV. Religious Instruction of the Colored People, by the Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D.D., Secretary of Foreign and Domestic Missions, Columbia, S.C.
Volume XVI.—NO. 3, April 1864.
I. The Character and Conditions of Liberty, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
II. Rationalism False and Unreasonable, Part II, by Anonymous
III. Report of the Committee of Conference of the General Assembly and the United Synod of the South, etc., by the Rev. John Miller, Petersburg, Va.
IV. The Proposed Plan of Union between the General Assembly and the United Synod of the South, by the Rev. B.M. Palmer, D.D., New Orleans, La.
Volume XVI.—NO. 4, March 1866.
I. Puritanism and Presbyterianism, by Anonymous
II. Saint Paul’s Vision of Victory, by the Rev. John H. Bocock, D.D., Appomattox C.H., Va.
III. The Relation of State and Church, by the Rev. R.S. Gladney, Aberdeen, Miss.
IV. Life and Times of Bertrand du Gueschlin, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson, Orangeburg C.H., S.C.
V. Northern and Southern Views of the Province of the Church, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Polity, Columbia, S.C.
Volume XVII.—NO. 1., July 1866.
I. Buckle’s History of Civilisation in England, by S.J. Barnett, Esq.
II. The Beautiful, by the Rev. John Martin Philip Otts
III. Life and Times of Dr. Spring, by the Rev. Andrew F. Dickson
IV. The General Assembly of 1865, by Anonymous
V.Critical Notices
Volume XVII.—NO. 2., September 1866.
I. The Benefits of Infant Baptism, by the Rev. Charles Allen Stillman
II. The Study of Language as a Training of the Mind, by Professor W. Blair
III. Buckle’s History of Civilisation in England (Concluded), by S.J. Barnett, Esq.
IV. Death, the Resurrection, and the Intermediate State, by Anonymous
V. The Northern General Assembly (O.S.) of 1866, by the Rev. John B. Adger
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XVII.—NO. 3., November 1866.
I. Renan’s Origins of Christianity, by the Rev. George Howe, D.D., Professor of Biblical Literature, Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
II. The Science of Pastoral Theology, by the Rev. John H. Rice, D.D., Mobile, Ala.
III. Modern Infidelity, by the Rev. Donald Fraser, Monticello, Fla.
IV. Pastoral Relations and Duties, by the Rev. John Douglas, Mecklenberg Co., N.C.
V. Female Education, by the Rev. Joseph M. Atkinson, Raleigh, N.C.
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XVII.—NO. 4., December 1866. I.Robinson’s Discourses of Redemption, by Anonymous
II. The Future Kingdom of Christ, by the Rev. John H. Bocock
III. The Christian’s Duty toward his Enemies, by Anonymous
IV. The Scriptural Doctrine of the Second Advent, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth
V. History of Julius Caesar, by Anonymous
Volume XVIII.—NO. 1, July 1867.
I. Our Ecclesiastical Relations to Freedmen, by the Rev. J.L. Girardeau, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
II. The Two Trees in Eden, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
III. Dr. Thornwell on Ruling Elders, by the Rev. James H. Thornwell
IV. The Relation of Baptized Children to the Discipline of the Church, by the Rev. A.W. Miller, Charlotte, N.C.
V. The General Assembly at Memphis [1866], by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D.
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XVIII.—NO. 2, September 1867.
I. The Works of Philip Lindsley, D.D., by the Rev. John N. Waddel, D.D., Chancellor of the University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss.
II. Upham’s Interior Life, and the Doctrine of Holiness, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson, Orangeburg C.H., S.C.
III. Moses, by the Rev. J.H. Martin, Wytheville, Va.
IV. The Church and Politics, by B.T.W.
V. A Reexamination of Sir William Hamilton’s Theory of Causality, by the Rev. James A. Waddell, Anthony’s Creek, West Virginia
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XVIII.—NO. 3, October 1867.
I. Right and Wrong; or, A Check to Atheism, by the Rev. F.A. Ross, D.D., Huntsville, Ala.
II. The Value of the Christian Pulpit, by the Rev. R.Q. Mallard, New Orleans, La.
III. The Church and Politics, (Concluded), by B.T.W.
IV. The Tishbite and the Baptist, by Anonymous
V. What is Conscience?, by the Rev. Henry M. Smith, New Orleans, La.
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XVIII.—NO. 4, November 1867.
I. Baker’s Albert N’yanza, and Explorations of the Nile Sources, by Anonymous
II. The Creation, by the Rev. W.H. Darnall, Calhoun, Ga.
III. Truth, by the Rev. Leander Ker, Rock Hill, S.C.
IV. The Resurrection, by Anonymous
V. The Hope of the Gospel, by the Rev. H.B. Pratt, Hillsboro, N.C.
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XIX.—NO. 1, January 1868.
I. Congregational Temporalities, by the Rev. W.H. Ruffner
II. Shakespeare, by Anonymous
III. Inauguration of the Rev. Dr. William Swan Plumer
IV. The Paradise of the Levellers
V. Jones’ History of the Church, by the Rev. George Howe, D.D.
VI. Sketch of the Life of the Rev. Stephen Frontis, by the Rev. E.F. Rockwell
VII. The General Assembly of 1867, by Anonymous
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume XIX.—NO. 2, April 1868.
I. Popular Revivals, by the Rev. John S. Grasty, Shelbyville, Ky.
II. The Formation of the English Language, by Anonymous
III. Right and Wrong; or, A Check to Atheism, Part II, by the Rev. F.A. Ross, D.D., Huntsville, Ala.
IV. Ritualism, by B.T.W.
V. The Future of the Freedmen, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq. and the Rev. John B. Adger
V. Critical Notices
Volume XIX.—NO. 3, July 1868.
I. Hodge on the Atonement, by the Rev. A.A. Porter, D.D., Spartanburg, C.H., S.C.
II. The Technical Development of Attic Tragedy, by Prof. A. Sachtleben, University of S.C.
III. Canonicity and Inspiration of the Sacred Scriptures, by the Rev. B. Gildersleeve, Tazewell C.H., Va.
IV. Powers of the General Assembly, by the Rev. I.J. Long, Batesville, Arkansas
V. The Reviewer Reviewed; or, Dr. Ross on Right and Wrong, by the Rev. John B. Adger
VI. The General Assembly of 1868, by Anonymous
VII. Critical Notices
Volume XIX—NO. 4, October 1868.
I. The History of the Spiritual Kingdom, by the Rev. James B. Ramsey, D.D., Lynchburg, Va.
II. The Attitude of the Ancient Mind with respect to Truth, by Anonymous
III. The Scriptural and Divine Right for Using Mechanical as well as Vocal Instruments in the Worship of God, by the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
IV.The Great Commission, by the Rev. John S. Grasty, Shelbyville, Ky.
V. Critical Notices
Volume XX.—NO. 1, January 1869.
I. Is Baptism Invariably Immersion?, by Anonymous
II. Relations of the Church to Civil Authority, by the Rev. James A. Waddell, Richmond, Va.
III. Historical Christianity, by the Rev. B. Gildersleeve, Abingdon, Va.
IV. The Conditions of Success in Study, by the Rev. Wm. T. Hall, Canton, Miss.
V. A Denial of Divine Right for Organs in Public Worship, by Anonymous [John B. Adger]
VI. The Ministry and its Duties, by the Rev. J.M. Atkinson, Raleigh, N.C.
Volume XX.—NO. 2, April 1869.
I. The Southern Presbyterian University, by the Rev. James A. Lyon, D.D., Columbus, Miss.
II. A Plea in behalf of the Widows and Orphans of Deceased Ministers of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, by the Rev. E. Cater College Hill, Miss.
III. Cooperation, by Anonymous
IV. Some Remarks on the Influence of Magazines and Reviews on Authorship, and a Suggestion for an Authoritative Canon of Classic English Authors, by Prof. W.J. Rivers, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.
V. Authorship at the South, by Anonymous
Volume XX.—NO. 3, July 1869.
I. Doctrinal Preaching, by Anonymous
II. Life Insurance, by Anonymous
III. Is Baptism Immersion?, by Anonymous
IV. The Transfiguration, by the Rev. W.A. Campbell, Powhatan C.H., Va.
V. An Efficient Ministry, by Anonymous
VI. The General Assembly of 1869, by Anonymous
Volume XX.—NO. 4, October 1869.
I. Unification, by Anonymous
II. The Amended Form of Government, by the Rev. J.A. Smylie, Milford, Texas
III. Christian Unity, by the Rev. B.W. Moseley, Oakley, Va.
IV. What is a Call to the Gospel Ministry?, by Anonymous
V. Bannerman’s Church of Christ, by Anonymous
VI. Foreign Missions, by the Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D.D.
VII. Card of the Rev. F.A. Ross [RE: Correcting misimpression about article, Right and Wrong]
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume XXI.—NO. 1, January 1870.
I. Prayer Consistent with the Uniform Operation of Natural Law, by Anonymous
II. The Word of God, by Anonymous
III. Some Thoughts and Some Facts concerning Domestic Missions in our Presbyteries, by Anonymous
IV. Southern Views and Principles Not “Extinguished” by the War, by the Rev. Dr. A.W. Miller, Charlotte, N.C.
V. Church Property Litigation in Kentucky and Missouri, by Anonymous
Volume XXI.—NO. 2, April 1870.
I. Ministers’ Widows and Orphans, by Anonymous
II. The Intermediate State, by the Rev. James A. Wallace, Clayton, Ala.
III. Correspondence touching the Christians, between the Proconsul Pliny and the Emperor Trajan, by Anonymous
IV. The Church and her Presbyters, by Anonymous
V. Editorial Comments on the Preceding Article, by Anonymous
VI. Christ and the State, by the Rev. A.W. Miller, D.D., Charlotte, N.C.
VII. The Literature of the South, by the Rev. Thomas B. Balch, Prince William Co., Va.
VIII. The Living Writers of the South, by Prof. M. LaBorde, University of South Carolina
Volume XXI.—NO. 3, July 1870.
I. The History of Baptism, by the Rev. S.J. Baird, D.D., Waynesboro, Va.
II. What is a Call to the Gospel Ministry?, by the Rev. J.A. Quarles, Lexington, Mo.
III. Providence and Prayer, by Anonymous
IV. A Memorial of the Rev. David Humphreys, by the Rev. John McLees, Greenwood, S.C.
V. The Nature of the Atonement—Why it is necessarily Vicarious, by W.L. Scott, Esq., Memphis, Tenn.
VI. The Life of Joseph Addison Alexander, by the Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, D.D.
VII. The General Assembly of 1870, by Anonymous
Volume XXI—NO. 4, October 1870.
I. The Providence of God as Related to the Work of Redemption, by the Rev. T.D. Witherspoon, D.D.
II. Giving, an Essential Part of True Piety, by the Rev. C.A. Stillman, D.D.
III. The Reign of Law, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson, New Orleans, La.
IV. Autobiography, by the Rev. Thomas B. Balch, Prince William Co., Va.
V. The New Church, by Anonymous
VI. Natural Theology, by the Rev. L.G. Barbour, Danville, Ky.
VII. Critical Notices
Volume XXII.—NO. 1, January 1871.
I. Moral Philosophy and Christianity, by Judge W. Archer Cocke, Monticello, Florida
II. Asceticism, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
III. The Presbyterian Church in South Carolina, by Anonymous
IV. Manses, by the Rev. T.B. Balch, Prince William County, Va.
V. The Dealings of Christ with the Chinese Nation, by the Rev. M.H. Houston, Hanchou, China
VI. The Church, by the Rev. J.A. Smylie, Milford, Texas
VII. Our Church—Its Condition, Wants, and Prospects, by the Rev. James A. Quarles
VIII. Paul, the Church at Rome, and the Epistle to the Romans, by Anonymous
IX. Critical Notices
Volume XXII.—NO. 2, April 1871.
I. The Doctrinal Various Readings of the Greek New Testament, by Anonymous
II. Memoir of the Rev. Samuel B. McPheeters, D.D., by Anonymous
III. The Church and the World, by Anonymous
IV. Ulster, by the Rev. T.B. Balch, Prince William County, Va.
V. The Life of Christ, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XXII.—NO. 3, July 1871.
I. Testimony and Faith, by Anonymous
II. Pastors and Evangelists versus Stated Supplies, by Anonymous
III. The Religious Principle the Life of the Nation, by Judge Wm. Archer Cocke, Monticello, Fla.
IV. The Presbyterian Reunion, North, by the Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D.D.
V. What is Truth?, by the Rev. J.S. Grasty, D.D., Shelbyville, Ky.
VI. Inauguration of the Rev. Dr. Wilson
VII. Critical Notices
Volume XXII—NO. 4, October 1871.
I. The Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, by the Rev. Thomas E. Peck, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
II. Education and Christianity, by the Rev. J.A. Quarles, Missouri
III. The First and Highest Office in the Church
IV. Education, by the Rev. M.J. Wallace, Marlbrook, Arkansas
V. Sustentation,
VI. The General Assembly of 1871, by the Rev. John Bailey Adger
VII. The Practical Efficiency of our Church, by the Rev. B.W. Moseley, New London, Va.
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume XXIII.—NO. 1, January 1872.
I. Theology of the Plymouth Brethren, by the Rev. R.L. Dabney, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
II. Our Educational Policy, by the Rev. J.M.P. Otts, Columbia, Tenn.
III. On a Call to the Gospel Ministry, Part I, by the Rev. A.A. Porter, D.D., Austin, Texas
IV. The Relations of Conscience to Truth and Falsehood, by Prof. Charles Martin, Christiansburg, Va.
V. Rights and Duties, by G.J.A. Coulson, New York
Volume XXIII.—NO. 2, April 1872.
I. Ministerial Consecration and Ministerial Support, by the Rev. J.L. Girardeau, D.D., Charleston, S.C.
II. Christianity and Greek Philosophy, by Judge William Archer Cooke, Monticello, Fla.
III. The Apocryphal New Testament, by the Rev. E.O. Frierson, Florence, Ala.
IV. The Presbyterate, by the Rev. J.A. Smylie, Milford, Texas
V. The Tribunal of History, by the Rev. B.M. Palmer, D.D., LL.D., New Orleans, La.
VI. Schools for Ministerial Education and their Endowment, by the Rev. George Howe, D.D., LL.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
VII. Some Remarks on the Question of a Call to the Ministry, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
Volume XXIII.—NO. 3, July 1872.
I. Apostolical Succession, by the Rev. Thomas E. Peck, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
II. Paul a Presbyterian, by the Rev. T.W. Hooper, Lynchburg, Va.
III. The Ordinance of Giving, by the Rev. J.O. Lindsay, Due West, S.C.
IV. The Greek Orthodox Church, by the Rev. George W. Leyburn, Appomattox C.H., Va.
Volume XXIII—NO. 4, October 1872.
I. The General Assembly of 1872, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Columbia, S.C.
II. Logic and the Laws of Thought, by the Rev. L.G. Barbour, Danville, Ky.
III. Romans vi. 4, and Colossians ii. 12, and the Baptist Controversy, by the Rev. W.R. Atkinson, Charlotte C.H., Va.
IV. Method of the Argument for the Existence of God, by the Rev. J.A. Waddell, Richmond, Va.
V. Annals of English Presbytery, by the Rev. Arnold W. Miller, D.D., Charlotte, N.C.
VI. Spiritism and the Bible, by the Rev. W.E. Boggs, Memphis, Tenn.
Critical Notices
Volume XXIV.—NO. 1, January 1873.
I. Ministerial Training, by the Rev. B.W. Moseley, New London, Virginia
II. Dr. Dabney on Imputation, by Anonymous
III. Tyndall on the Physical Value of Prayer, by the Rev. W.R. Atkinson, Charlotte C.H., Va.
IV. On a Call to the Gospel Ministry, by the late A.A. Porter, D.D., Austin, Texas
V. A Few Observations on the Foregoing Article, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Columbia, S.C.
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XXIV.—NO. 2, April 1873.
I. Hodge’s Systematic Theology, by the Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Virginia
II. Gnosticism and the Relation of the Church to Heresies, by the Rev. E.O. Frierson, Florence, Alabama
III. Responsibility for Adam’s Sin, by T.C. Howard, Esq., Goochland C.H., Virginia
IV. The Reformed Church in America, by the Rev. David D. Demarest, D.D., Professor of Pastoral Theology and Sacred Rhetoric, New Brunswick, New Jersey
V. The Law of the Tithe, and of the Free-Will Offering, by the Rev. A.W. Miller, D.D., Charlotte, North Carolina
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XXIV.—NO. 3, July 1873.
I. An Examination of Certain Recent Assaults on Physical Science, by the Rev. James Woodrow, D.D., Ph.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
II. Missions to the Oriental Churches, by the Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D.D., Mayesville, S.C.
III. Christian Theology and Current Thought, by Anonymous
IV. Proofs of Divine Existence Furnished by Natural Religion, by the Rev. J.H. Martin, Mossy Creek, Tennessee
V. The Family Idea of the Church, by the Rev. J.A. Quarles, Lexington, Missouri
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XXIV.—NO. 4, October 1873.
I. Form of Government of the Apostolic Church, by the Rev. R.C. Ketchum, Atlanta, Georgia
II. The Moral and Religious Aspects of Lotteries and Other Modes of Gambling, by the Rev. William E. Boggs, Memphis, Tennessee
III. The Caution Against Anti-Christian Science Criticised by Dr. Woodrow, by the Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D., Union Theological Seminary, Virginia
IV. The General Assembly of 1873, by the Rev. R.K. Smoot, Bowling Green, Kentucky
V. Critical Notices
Volume XXV.—NO. 1, January 1874.
I. Relations of Science to the Bible, by Professor R.T. Brumby, Athens, Ga.
II. The Paulicians, by Mr. T.T. Johnston, Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
III. Lecky’s History of European Morals, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson, Chester, S.C.
IV. The Benediction not a Mere Form, by the Rev. W.H. Adams, Charleston, S.C.
V. Cause—First and Final, by the Rev. J.A. Quarles, St. Louis, Missouri
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XXV.—NO. 2, April 1874.
I. The Internationals, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq., New York
II. Is the Lot an Ordinance of God?, by the Rev. James B. Shearer, Gallatin, Tenn.
III. Compulsory Education, by the Rev. J.G. Hunter, Georgetown, Ky.
IV. The Evangelical Alliance Conference of 1873, by the Rev. G.W. Leyburn, Winchester, Va.
V. Evangelization of the Coloured People, by the Rev. B.W. Moseley, New London, Va.
VI. A Further Examination of Certain Recent Assaults on Physical Science, by James Woodrow, Columbia, S.C.
VII. Critical Notices
Volume XXV.—NO. 3, July 1874.
I. The Morality of Actions, Volitions, Desires, Emotions, Cognitions, and Dispositions, by the Rev. L.G. Barbour, Danville, Ky.
II. The Outlook of Modern Science, by the Rev. W.S. Bean, Washington, Ga.
III. Opium Smoking and the Chinese, by the Rev. H.C. DuBose, Soochow, China
IV. In What Sense are Preachers to Preach Themselves?, by J.R.W. [Rev. Joseph R. Wilson]
V. An Examination of Certain Hypotheses Concerning Perception and Sensation, by the Rev. J.F. Latimer, Prof. of Psychology, Logic, and Ethics in Davidson College, N.C.
VI. The General Assembly of 1874
VII. Jean Calas, the Martyr of Toulouse, by the Rev. George Howe, D.D., Columbia, S.C.
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume XXV—NO. 4, October 1874.
I. The Melchizedekan Priesthood, by the Rev. T.B. Balch, Prince William, Va.
II. General Assembly vs. Government, by the Rev. J.S. Cozby, Mayesville, S.C.
III. Righteousness, New Nature and Faith, [reprinted from Waymarks in the Wilderness]
IV. Church Power, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Pendleton, S.C.
V. Virus, Mental and Moral, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq., New York
VI. Gradualness Characteristic of all God’s Operations, by Prof. R.T. Brumby, Athens, Ga.
VII. Critical Notices
Volume XXVI.—NO. 1, January 1875.
I. Memoir of Roger B. Taney
II. The Place of Theology in the Work and Growth of the Church, by the Rev. Prof. W.R. Smith
III. Calvin and Calvinism, by the Rev. William Graham
IV. The Revival in Scotland, by the Rev. Professor W.G. Blakie, D.D.
V. The Pastoral Relation and the Support of the Ministry, by the Rev. J.B. Adger, D.D., S.C.
VI. The Vatican Decrees in their Bearing on Civil Allegiance: A Political Expostulation
VII. Prophets and Prophecy, by Anonymous
VIII. The General Assembly and the Columbia Theological Seminary, by the Rev. Professor J.F. Latimer, Davidson College, N.C.
IX. Critical Notices
Volume XXVI.—NO. 2, April 1875.
I. The Genesis of the New England Churches, by the Rev. John B. Adger
II. The Relation of Pagan Systems to Each Other, and to the Revealed System of Religion, by Anonymous
III. Church Union, by Anonymous
IV. Modern Skepticism, by the Rev. John B. Adger
V. The Baltimore Conference
VI. “Unthinkable” Propositions and Original Sin, by Anonymous
VII. Modern Doubt, by Anonymous
VIII. History of the Vatican Council, by Thomas Witherow
IX. Ferdinand Christian Baur, by Paton J. Gloag
X. Critical Notices
Volume XXVI.—NO. 3, July 1875.
I. The Deacon’s Office in the Church of the New Testament, by the Rev. W.E. Boggs
II. Italy and its Religions, by Anonymous
III. Lex Regit: Law is King, by Anonymous
IV. The Example of Christ, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
V. Ordination, with the Laying on of the Hands of the Presbytery, by the Rev. J.B. Adger
VI. The Proposed Presbyterian Council, by the Rev. Prof. W.G. Blakie, D.D.
VII. William Carstares, by Alexander Falconer, Esq.
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume XXVI—NO. 4, October 1875.
I. The General Assembly at St. Louis, by the Rev. John B. Adger
II. A Presbyterian Clergyman Looking for the Church, by the Rev. E. Thompson Baird
III. Sketch of the Minor Prophets, by Anonymous
IV. The Numerical Figures of the Bible, by Anonymous
V. The Eucharist, by Anonymous
VI. Critical Notices
Volume XXVII.—NO. 1, January 1876.
I. Prelacy a Blunder, by the Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D.D.
II. The Tithe Law, by Anonymous
III. Interpretation of Hebrews IX. 16,17, by Anonymous
V. The Pan-Presbyterian Alliance, by the Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D.D.
V. The Vatican Dogma, by Anonymous
VI. Calvin Defended against Drs. Cunningham and Hodge, by the Rev. John B. Adger
VII. Critical Notices
Volume XXVII.—NO. 2, April 1876.
I. The Suffering Seaboard of South Carolina, by the Rev. John L. Girardeau
II. Lay-Preaching, by the Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D.D.
III. The Royal Seed, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
IV. Theism, by Anonymous [attributed to the Rev. E.C. Gordon]
V. The Demission of the Ministry, by the Rev. Thomas E. Peck
VI. The Gratuitous Imputation of Sin, by the Rev. Samuel J. Baird
VII. The Professional Study of the Bible, by Anonymous
VIII. Ecclesiastical Status of Foreign Missionaries, by the Rev. J. Leighton Wilson
IX. Critical Notices
Volume XXVII.—NO. 3, July 1876.
I. The Metaphysical Postulate of Herbert Spencer’s First Principles, by the Rev. Henry Carrington Alexander
II. John Knox, as the English and as the Scottish Reformer, by the Rev. Stuart Robinson
III. Theology as a Science, Involving an Infinite Element, Inaugural Address by the Rev. John L. Girardeau, Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, Columbia Theo. Sem.
IV. Dabney’s Sensualistic Philosophy of the Nineteenth Century Considered, by the Rev. Benjamin Morgan Palmer, D.D.
V. Palmer’s Life of Thornwell, by the Rev. William E. Boggs
VI. The General Assembly at Savannah, by the Rev. John B. Adger
VII. Critical Notices
Volume XXVII—NO. 4, October 1876.
I. The Philosophy of Dr. Bledsoe, by the Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D.D.
II. The Modern Doctrine of the Unknowable, by Anonymous
III. God and the Bible, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson
IV. Our Church Not Sufficiently Evangelistic: Why?, by Anonymous
V. Recently Discovered Memoranda of the Westminster Assembly, by the Rev. Stuart Robinson
VI. Geographical Revolutions, by Anonymous
VII. Critical Notices
Volume XXVIII.—NO. 1, January 1877.
I. John Knox as the English and as the Scottish Reformer, by the Rev. Stuart Robinson
II. The One Visible Church and the Many Denominations, by the Rev. James A. Quarles
III. Perfect Sanctification, by Anonymous
IV. Reason and Understanding, by Anonymous [attributed to Dr. Dabney]
V. The Colored Man in the South, by Col. John T.L. Preston
VI. The Recent Origin of Man, [attributed to the Rev. J.G. Shepperson]
VII. The Impeccability of Christ, by Anonymous [possibly attributed to Dr. Dabney]
VIII. Critical Notices
IX. Recent Publications
Volume XXVIII.—NO. 2, April 1877.
I. The Sabbath, by the Rev. James A. Quarles, Lexington, Missouri
II. The Divorce of Education and Religion, by the Rev. E.C. Gordon, Savannah, Ga.
III. Broad Churchism, by the Rev. Dr. Robert L. Dabney
IV. Spiritualism, by the Rev. J.M. Rawlings, Appomattox C.H., Va.
V. The Evangelist and the Presbytery, by the Rev. Dr. John B. Adger
VI. A New “Testimony of the Rocks:” or, The Cuneiform Inscriptions and Biblical History in the Old Testament, by the Rev. Benjamin Mosby Smith
VII. Marcus Aurelius, by Col. John T.L. Preston
VIII. The Three Creeds, by Prof. Thomas Witherow, Magee College, Londonderry, Ireland
IX. Critical Notices
X. Recent Publications
Volume XXVIII.—NO. 3, July 1877.
I. A Bird’s Eye View of the Church under the Patriarchs and Moses, by the Rev. Thomas E. Peck
II. Wilson’s Slave Power in America, by the Rev. Dr. Robert L. Dabney
III. Dr. Bledsoe’s Philosophy of Volition, by the Rev. Dr. Robert L. Dabney
IV. Godlikeness, by G.J.A. Coulson
V. A Step in Advance, by the Rev. A.F. Dickson
VI. The Negative Tendencies of the Age, by Anonymous
VII. The General Assembly at New Orleans, by the Rev. John B. Adger
VIII. Critical Notices591IX.Recent Publications
Volume XXVIII—NO. 4, October 1877.
I. Dr. Bledsoe’s Philosophy of Volition, Part II, by the Rev. Dr. Robert L. Dabney
II. Concerning the Manner of Preaching, by the Rev. Dr. Joseph Ruggles Wilson
III. The Study of Natural History, [attributed to Col. J.T.L. Preston]
IV. A Question for our Church: Who Shall Vote for Pastors?, by the Rev. Dr. John B. Adger
V. The Christian Life, [attributed to Col. J.T.L. Preston]
VI. Capital and Labor, by G.J.A. Coulson
VII. The Late General Presbyterian Council at Edinburgh, by Rev. John B. Adger
VIII. Critical Notices
IX. Recent Publications
Volume XXIX.—NO. 1, January 1878.
I. Walnut Street Church Decision in the United States Supreme Court, by Anonymous
II. The Scriptural Doctrine of Giving, by the Rev. James Laval Martin
III. Wales, by Anonymous
IV. Social Science under a Christian Aspect, by Anonymous
V. Presbyterianism in Central New York, by Anonymous
VI. The Book of Church Order, [by John L. Girardeau, as noted by Wm. C. Robinson in Columbia Theological Seminary and the Southern Presbyterian Church (Decatur, GA: sefl-published, 1931), p. 92.
VII. The Law of Retribution, by Anonymous
VIII. The Final Philosophy, by Anonymous
IX. Critical Notices
Volume XXIX.—NO. 2, April 1878.
I. The Creeds of Christendom, by the Rev. Thomas E. Peck
II. Geographical Discoveries in Equatorial Africa, by the Rev. John Leighton Wilson
III. Pan-Hellenism, by the Rev. George L. Leyburn
IV. Philosophy, Calvinism and the Bible, by Anonymous
V. Prayer Answerable without any Violation of Nature, by Anonymous
VI. Whitefield and his Times, by Col. J.T.L. Preston
VII. God and Moral Obligation, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
VIII. Report of Proceedings of the Edinburgh Council, by the Rev. Stuart Robinson
IX. Lay Evangelism and the Young Men’s Christian Association, by the Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer
X. Critical Notices
Volume XXIX.—NO. 3, July 1878.
I. Thornwell’s Writings, by the Rev. Thomas E. Peck
II. The Maine Law, by the Rev. Cyrus Hamlin, D.D.
III. The Doctrine of Hell, by the Rev. Joseph Ruggles Wilson
IV. Cain: A Speculation, by the Rev. John W. Pratt, D.D.
V. A “New Testimony of the Rocks:” or, The Cuneiform Inscriptions and Biblical History in the Old Testament, by the Rev. James Mosby Smith
VI. Gambling, by the Rev. E.C. Gordon
VII. The Philanthropic Argument for Foreign Missions, by the Rev. John L. Girardeau
VIII. The General Assembly, by Anonymous
IX. Critical Notices
Volume XXIX.—NO. 4, October 1878.
I. The Freedom of the Will in its Theological Relations, by the Rev. John L. Girardeau
II. Berkeley and the Philosophy of Idealism, by the Rev. William S. Bean
III. The Failures and Fallacies of Pre-Historic Archaeology, by the Rev. James A. Waddell
IV. Philosophy and Miracles, by Anonymous
V. Retribution: or, Sin Must be Punished, by the Rev. John S. Grasty
VI. A Philosophy of Man Impossible without Aid from Revelation, by Col. John T.L. Preston
VII. The Wisdom of Man versus The Power of God, by the Rev. Thomas E. Peck
VIII. Critical Notices
Volume XXX.—NO. 1., January 1879.
I. The Diaconate, by the Rev. John L. Girardeau
II. The Influence of Theories of the Will on Theology
III. The Freedom of the Will in its Theological Relations, by the Rev. J.L. Girardeau, D.D., Columbia Theological Seminary
IV. A Plea for the Study of Hebrew, by the Rev. F.W. Lewis, Catlettsburg, Ky.
V. Plans of Church Finance
VI. Presbyterianism, by the Rev. D.E. Frierson, Anderson C.H., S.C.
VII. The Revised Book of Church Order, by the Rev. Stuart Robinson, D.D., Louisville, Ky.
VIII. Ethics of the Fathers, by Professor Alexander Meyrowitz, Ph.D., University of Missouri
IX. Critical Notices
X. Recent Publications
Volume XXX.—NO. 2., April 1879.
I. Medieval and Modern Mystics, by the Rev. L.G. Barbour, Central University, Richmond, Ky.
II. Non-Scholastic Theology
III. The Grace of Adoption, by the Rev. Thos. H. Law, Spartanburg C.H., SC
IV. The Four Apocalyptic Beasts; or, The Cherubic Symbol, by the Rev. A.W. Pitzer, D.D., Washington, D.C.
V. The Dancing Question, by the Rev. R.L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
VI. The Question of Dancing from Another Point of View, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Pendleton, S.C.
VII. Thoughts on Foreign Missions, by the Rev. John Leighton Wilson, D.D., Baltimore, Md.
VIII. Capital and Labor, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
IX. Life of Horace Mann, by Prof. J.T.L. Preston, Lexington, Va.
X. Critical Notices
XI. Recent Publications
Volume XXX.—NO. 3., July 1879.
I. The Brethren of our Lord, by the Rev. Professor B.M. Smith, D.D., LL.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
II. Vagrancy, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
III. Endless Punishment, by the Rev. Prof. R.L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
IV. Calvin and Servetus, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Pendleton, S.C.
V. Contrary Choice, by the Rev. James A. Waddell, Lexington, Va.
VI. The General Assembly at Louisville, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Pendleton, S.C.
VII. Critical Notices
VIII. Recent Publications
Volume XXX.—NO. 4., October 1879.
I. The Lord’s Supper, by the Rev. Professor Thos. E. Peck, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
II. The Ministerial Gift, by the Rev. P.P. Flournoy, Knowles, Md.
III. The Jurisdiction of the Evangelist, by the Rev. J.A. Lefevre, D.D., Baltimore, Md.
IV. Professor Flint’s Sermon before the General Council at Edinburgh
V. The Public Preaching of Women, by the Rev. Prof. R.L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D., Union Theol. Seminary, Va.
VI. The Alternatives of Unbelief, by the Rev. Prof. H.C. Alexander, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
VII. Davidson’s Hebrew Grammar, by the Rev. Alfred Jones, Petersburg, Va.
VIII. The Recent Ordination at Hangchow, by the Rev. John b. Adger, D.D., Pendleton, S.C.
IX. Critical Notices
X. Recent Publications
Volume XXXI.—NO. 1, January 1880.
I. The Freedom of the Will in its Theological Relations, by the Rev. Prof. J.L. Girardeau, Columbia Theological Seminary, S.C.
II. Rationalism in the Church versus Rationalism Without, by the Rev. Samuel M. Smith, Washington, N.C.
III. Election, by the Rev. J.F. Gibert, Abbeville, S.C.
IV. The Conversion and Restoration of the Jews, by the Rev. Edward Martin, St. Charles, MO.
V. The Sabbath of the State, by the Rev. Prof. R.L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D., Union T.S., Va.
VI. The Diaconate, by the Rev. John L. Girardeau
VII. Critical Notices
VIII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXI.—NO. 2, April 1880.
I. Lecky’s History of European Morals, by the Rev. Dr. J.M.P. Atkinson, President of Hampden Sydney College, Va.
II. The Action of the Assembly of 1879 on Worldly Amusements, by the Rev. Prof. T.E. Peck, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
III. City Evangelisation, by Anonymous
IV. The “Higher Life” Delusion, by the Rev. Harvey Glass, Richmond, Ky.
V. The Second Coming of Christ, by the Rev. E.C. Gordon, Savannah, Ga.
VI. Classical Revision of the Greek New Testament, by the Rev. Professor H.C. Alexander, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
VII.The Sacraments of the New Testament, by the Rev. Prof. B.M. Smith, D.D., LL.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
VIII. The Freedom of the Will in its Theological Relations, by the Rev. Professor John L. Girardeau, D.D., Columbia Theological Seminary, S.C.
IX. Critical Notices
X. Recent Publications
Volume XXXI.—NO. 3, July 1880.
I. An Examination of the Leading Points of the System of Alexander Campbell, by the Rev. Dr. Robert L. Dabney
II. Critical Discussion of Causality, by the Rev. James A. Waddell
III. The Gospel and the Reign of Law, by the Rev. E.C. Gordon
IV. Redemption, by the Rev. J.S. Grasty
V. Asceticism, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
VI. Galileo Galilei, by Theo. Schumann
VII. The General Assembly of 1880, by the Rev. William E. Boggs, D.D.
VIII. Deliverances of Church Courts, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D.
IX. Recent Publications
Volume XXXI.—NO. 4, October 1880.
I. The Freedom of the Will in its Theological Relations, by the Rev. J.L. Girardeau
II. The Law of Marriage, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
III.The Middle Advent, by the Rev. H.F. Hoyt, Albany, Ga.
IV. Re-Examination of Dr. Girardeau’s Views of the Freedom of the Will, by the Rev. James A. Waddell, Selma, Alabama
V. Froude’s Bunyan, by Col. J.T.L. Preston, Lexington, Va.
VI. The Parable of the Tares in the Field, by the Rev. Dr. G.D. Armstrong, Norfolk, Va.
VII. One Phase of the Prayer Question, by the Rev. Professor L.G. Barbour, Central University, Richmond, Ky.
VIII. Critical Notices
IX. Recent Publications
Volume XXXII.—NO. 1, January 1881.
I. The Importance of the Office of the Deacon, by the Rev. Prof. J.L. Girardeau, D.D., Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C.
II. Common Sense Argument, by the Rev. J.S. Grasty, D.D., Mexico, Missouri
III. The Church and Temperance, by the Rev. R.C. Reed, Smithville, Va.
IV. The Freedom of the Will in its Theological Relations, by the Rev. Professor J.L. Girardeau
V. The Revised Directory for Worship, by the Rev. Geo. D. Armstrong, D.D., Norfolk, Va.
VI. The Minister of Evangelisation, by the Rev. James Laval Martin
VII. Critical Notices
VIII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXII.—NO. 2, April 1881.
I. God’s Righteousness to be Universally Confessed, by the Rev. H.B. Pratt, Winnsboro, S.C.
II. The Diaconate, Part III, by the Rev. J.L. Girardeau, D.D.
III. Woman’s Place in the Gospel, by the Rev. S.L. Morris, Walhalla, S.C.
V. The Influence of the German University System on Theological Literature, by the Rev. Prof. R.L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
IV. Our Schemes of Benevolence—Shall They be Revolutionised?, by the Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D.D., Baltimore, Md.
VI. The Second General Council of the Presbyterian Alliance, by the Rev. Wm. E. Boggs, Atlanta, Ga.
VII. The Drift of American Politics, by the Rev. James L. Martin
VIII. The Maine Law at Present in Maine and Vermont, by the Rev. Cyrus Hamlin, D.D., Middlebury, Vt.
IX. The Presbyterian Diaconate, by the Rev. J.A. Lefevre, D.D., Baltimore, Md.
X. The Diaconate of Scripture, by the Rev. J.A. Lefevre, D.D., Baltimore, Md.
XI. Revision of the English Bible, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D., Pendleton, S.C.
XII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXII.—NO. 3, July 1881.
I. Agnosticism, by the Rev. Professor Henry C. Alexander, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
II. Smith’s Christian Antiquities, by the Rev. E. Thompson Baird
III. The Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, by the Rev. Thomas H. Skinner, D.D., Cincinnati, Ohio
IV. The World’s Marriage Law and the Deceased Wife’s Sister, by the Rev. Wm. Stoddert, D.D., Cumberland Co., Va.
V. The Problem of Human Life Here and Hereafter, by Prof. M.W. Humphreys, Vanderbilt University, Tenn.
VI. Cosmic Vapor, by the Rev. Prof. L.G. Barbour, Central University, Richmond, Ky.
VII. The General Assembly of 1881, by the Rev. Prof. R.L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D., Union T.S., Va.
VIII. The Revised Version of the New Testament, by the Rev. Prof. R.L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D.
IX. Recent Publications
Volume XXXII.—NO. 4, October 1881.
I. Our Church Policy—Shall it be Progress or Petrifaction?, by the Rev. J.A. Quarles
II. The Diaconate Again, by the Rev. Dr. J.L. Girardeau
III. A Century of a Presbytery, by Professor J.T.L. Preston
IV. God’s Marriage Law, by G.J.A. Coulson, Esq.
V. Remission of Sins in Immersion, and the Book of Acts, by the Rev. William S. Stoddert
VI. The South Vindicated from the Charge of Treason and Rebellion, by the Rev. Wm. E. Boggs
VII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXIII.—NO. 1, January 1882.
I. Professor W. Robertson Smith, by the Rev. R.L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D., Union T.S., Va.
II. The Canonicity of Second Peter, by the Rev. Benj. B. Warfield, D.D., Professor in Allegheny Theological Seminary, Pa.
III. Frederick W. Robertson, by the Rev. Samuel M. Smith, Washington, N.C.
IV. Rev. Dr. F.P. Mullally’s Reply to the Rev. J.A. Quarles, by the Rev. F.P. Mullally, D.D., Lexington, Va.
V. Our Brother in Black, by the Rev. Professor D.C. Rankin, Tuskaloosa [sic], Ala.
VI. The Law-Giving at Jerusalem, by the Rev. A.W. Clisby, Macon, Ga.
VII. The Diaconate Again, by the Rev. John L. Girardeau, D.D.
VIII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXIII.—NO. 2, April 1882.
I. Home Missions—How Shall They be Conducted?, by the Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D.D.
II. A Memorial of the Life and Labors of the Rev. Stuart Robinson, by the Rev. Prof. Thos. E. Peck, D.D., Union Theological Seminary, Va.
III. Presbyterian Government Not a Hierarchy, But a Commonwealth, by the late Rev. R.J. Breckinridge, D.D., LL.D.
IV. The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, by the Rev. R.L. Dabney, D.D.
V. The New Theory of the Ministry, by Anonymous [unclear as to whether by J.L. Girardeau]
VI. The Report of the Last Assembly on the Office of Evangelist, by the Rev. D.E. Jordan, Henderson, N.C.
VII. The Presbyterian Diaconate Again, by the Rev. J.A. Lefevre, D.D., Baltimore, Md.
VIII. The Diaconate of Scripture Again, by the Rev. J.A. Lefevre, D.D, Baltimore, Md.
IX. Why Was Jesus Baptized?, by the Rev. Herbert H. Hawes, Farmville, Va.
X. The Reviewer Reviewed, by the Rev. S.T. Martin, Mills River, N.C.
XI. Critical Notices
XII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXIII.—NO. 3, July 1882.
I. The Christ of John, by the Rev. Prof. L.G. Barbour, D.D., Richmond, Ky.
II. Presbyterian Ordination Not a Charm, But an Act of Government, by the late Rev. Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge
III. Man’s Sympathy with Man, and the Means of Grace, by the Rev. Francis P. Mullally, D.D., Walhalla, S.C.
IV. Dr. Thornwell and our Church Policy, by the Rev. J.A. Quarles, D.D., Lexington, Mo.
V. A Brief Reply to Dr. Wilson on our Home Missions, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D.
VI. The General Assembly of 1882, by the Rev. Wm. E. Boggs, D.D., Atlanta, Ga.
VII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXIII.—NO. 4, October 1882.
I. An Apostolic Missionary in China, by Agnes M. Machar [RE: Dr. George Mackay]
II. The Lord’s Day, and Not the Jewish Sabbath, by the late Rev. John Beveridge
III. An Inquiry into the Aggressiveness of Presbyterianism, by Anonymous
IV. The Power of Woman, by the Rev. Dr. Francis P. Mullally, President, Adger College, Walhalla, S.C.
V. What Were the Cherubim?, by the Rev. Robert Kelso Moseley
VI. A Call to the Ministry, by the Rev. John B. Adger
VII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXIV.—NO. 1., January 1883.
I. What is Inductive Demonstration?, by the Rev. Dr. R.L. Dabney, Professor in Union T.S., Va.
II. The Bible a Divine Revelation, by the Rev. J.A. Quarles, D.D., Lexington, Mo.
III. The Lord’s Day, and Not the Jewish Sabbath, by the late Rev. John Beveridge
IV. The Evangelist and Church Work, by the Rev. Herbert H. Hawes, Farmville, Va.
V. The Foreign Evangelist, as Viewed by One in the Foreign Field, by the Rev. John Boyle, Mogy Mirim, Brazil
VI. A Personal God the Postulate of Reason; Faith the Principle of Knowledge, by the Rev. J.V. Logan, D.D., Richmond, Ky.
VII. An Inquiry into the Aggressiveness of Presbyterianism, by Anonymous
VIII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXIV.—NO. 2., April 1883.
I. The Foreign Evangelist, as Viewed by One in the Foreign Field, by the Rev. John Boyle, Mogy Mirim, Brazil
II. The Jurisdiction of the Evangelist, by the Rev. J.A. Lefevre, D.D., Baltimore, Md.
III. Fraternal Relations, by the Rev. B.M. Palmer, D.D., LL.D., New Orleans, La.
IV. The Church’s Method of Conducting the Foreign Missionary Work, by the Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D.D., Baltimore, Md.
V. A Thoroughly Educated Ministry, by the Rev. John B. Adger
VI. Political Religion, by the Rev. James A. Waddell, Talleysville, Va.
VII. Dr. Edwin A. Abbott on the Genuineness of Second Peter, by the Rev. Benj. B. Warfield, D.D., Professor in Allegheny Theological Seminary, Pa.
VIII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXIV.—NO. 3., July 1883.
I. The Council of Apostles and Presbyters at Jerusalem, by the Rev. S.L. Morris, Trenton, S.C.
II. The Nature of Physical Causes and Their Induction, by the Rev. R.L. Dabney, D.D.
III. God’s Covenant with Man, by the Rev. K.M. McIntyre, Bridge’s Creek, N.C.
IV. The Vital Connexion between Revelation and Sound Learning, by the Rev. H.M. White, D.D., Winchester, Va.
V. The Regal Character of Christ, by the Rev. E.P. Davis, Bold Branch, S.C.
VI. The Mysteries of the Book of Esther, by Rabbi J.L. Leucht, New Orleans, La.
VII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXIV.—NO. 4., October 1883.
I. The Article Entitled “A Thoroughly Educated Ministry” Examined, by the Author of “An Inquiry into the Aggressiveness of Presbyterianism,”
II. The New Testament Plan of Educating Candidates for the Christian Ministry, by the Rev. R.R. Howison, Richmond, Va.
III. Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister, by the Rev. F. Jacobs, D.D., James Island, S.C.
IV. The Metaphysical and Theological Applications of Induction and Analogy, by the Rev. R.L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D., Austin, Texas
V. The Light of Asia, and Buddhism, by Prof. J.T.L. Preston, LL.D., Lexington, Va.
VI. “The Lord’s Day and Not the Jewish Sabbath” Reviewed, by the Rev. James Stacy, D.D., Newnan, Ga.
VII. The General Assembly of 1883, by the Rev. J.W. Flinn, New Orleans, La.
VIII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXV.—NO. 1, January 1884.
I. Alphabetical Index to the Titles of Articles in the Southern Presbyterian Review, Volumes I.—XXXIV, by the Rev. James L. Martin
II. Presbyterian Polity and Foreign Missions, by the Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D.D.
III. The Presbyterian Cultus
IV. The Supremacy of the Ancient Classics, by the Rev. R.C. Reed
V. Christ’s Testimony to the Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch, Inaugural Address of Professor Charles R. Hemphill
VI. Church and State in their Reciprocal Relations and Fundamental Contrast, Inaugural Address Of Professor William E. Boggs, D.D.
VII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXV.—NO. 2, April 1884.
I. A Brief in the Case of the Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister, by the Rev. L.G. Barbour, D.D.
II. The Sabbath, by the Rev. K.M. McIntyre
III. A Plea for Emphasizing the Divine Right of Presbytery, by the Rev. John W. Primrose
IV. Caleb, a Bible Study, by Professor John T.L. Preston, LL.D.
V. Hebrews vi. 1-8, Explained, by the Rev. Samuel T. Lowrie, D.D.
VI. The Final Perseverance of the Saints versus Carnal Security, by the Rev. James L. Martin
VII. Marriage Between Near of Kin, by the Rev. C.W. Humphries
Volume XXXV.—NO. 3, July 1884.
I. Evolution, by the Rev. Prof. James Woodrow, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D.
II. The Emotions, by the Rev. Prof. Robert L. Dabney, D.D., LL.D.
III. The Church One, the Word One, and the Covenant with Abraham Stands, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D.
IV. A Word for the Classics, by William H. Whiting, Jr.
V. “Evolutionary Ethics and Christianity,” by the Rev. P.P. Flournoy
VI. The Christian Pastor, one of Christ’s Ascension Gifts, by the late Rev. Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge
VII. The Evangelist in Foreign Fields, by the Rev. C.R. Vaughn, D.D. and Col. J.T.L. Preston
VIII. The Chief Glory of the Nineteenth Century, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D.
IX. The Scriptural Doctrine of Order, by the Rev. James A. Waddell
X. Recent Publications
Volume XXXV—NO. 4, October 1884.
I. Doctrine of Original Sin, by the Rev. Prof. R.L. Dabney, D.D.
II. Supernatural Revelation, by the Rev. J. William Flinn
III. The Evangelist and Dr. Wilson’s Amendment, by the Rev. James L. Martin
IV. Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, From the Scottish Review
V. “The New Testament Plan of Educating Candidates for the Christian Ministry” Re-examined, by the Rev. D.C. Irwin
VI. Some Recent Apocryphal Gospels, by the Rev. Prof. Benjamin B. Warfield, D.D.
VII. An Exposition of Romans vi. 4, by the Rev. Groves H. Cartledge
VIII. The Coming of the Lord, by the Rev. John C. Rankin
Volume XXXVI.—NO. 1, January 1885.
I. Professor Woodrow’s Speech before the Synod of South Carolina
II. The Scotch Covenanters, by the Rev. E.O. Frierson, Norfolk, Va.
III. The Southern Presbyterian Church and the Freedmen, by the Rev. R.C. Reed, Smithville, Va.
IV. The “Six Days”, by the Rev. John Miller, Princeton, N.J.
V. Our Foreign Missionary Policy, by the Rev. Abner C. Hopkins, D.D., Charlestown, W.Va.
VI. The Attention the Bible has Received, by the Rev. Prof. J. Boyce, D.D., Theological Seminary, Due West, S.C.
VII. The Self-Evidencing Light of the Bible, by the Rev. A.R. Cocke, Austin, Texas
VIII. Co-operation in the Foreign Mission Field, by the Rev. M.H. Houston, D.D., Baltimore, Md.
IX. Recent Publications
Volume XXXVI.—NO. 2, April 1885.
I. Modern Homiletics, by Anonymous
II. Hydrophilism, by the Rev. James A. Waddell
III. The Foreign Evangelist Again, as Viewed by One in the Foreign Field, by the Rev. John Boyle
IV. Evolution and Theology, by the Rev. J. William Flinn
V. Religious Education of the Colored People of the South, by Col. J.T.L. Preston
VI. “Am I Free?” Considered, by the Rev. A.R. Cocke
VII. The Third Revision of the Directory of Worship, by the Revs. J.B. Adger, J.L. Girardeau and W.E. Boggs
VIII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXVI.—NO. 3, July 1885.
I. A Calm and Candid Review of Some Speeches on Evolution, by the Rev. Dr. John B. Adger
II. The Founder of Congregationalism, by the Rev. Maurice G. Hansen, M.A.
III. The Perkins Professor’s Case Viewed in the Light of Law and Equity, by the Rev. Dr. Eugene Daniel
IV. The General Assembly, by Anonymous
V. Natural Law in the Spiritual World, by the Rev. Dr. J.M. Atkinson
VI. Evolution and Theology, Part II, by the Rev. J. William Flinn
VII. Recent Publications
Volume XXXVI—NO. 4, October 1885.
I. A True Conservatism, by the Rev. James A. Waddell, D.D.
II. A Short Essay Toward the Improvement of Psalmody, by Dr. Isaac Watts
III. The Foreign Evangelist Again, as Viewed by One in the Foreign Field, Part II, by the Rev. John Boyle
IV. The Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt and Their Sojourn in the Wilderness Forty Years, by the Rev. J. Boyce, D.D.
V. The Influence of the Invisible Church Upon the Visible Church in the Formulation of Her Creed, by the Rev. Prof. J.F. Latimer, Ph.D., D.D.
VI. Harbingers of the Reformation, by the Rev. J.B. Adger, D.D.
VII. Hansen’s “Reformed Church in the Netherlands,” by the Rev. W.S. Bean
VIII. Our Church and Her Work Amongst the Negroes, by the Rev. D.C. Rankin
IX. The Education of the Judgment. From “Modern Culture,” by the late Professor Faraday
X. Calvin’s Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper, by the Rev. John B. Adger, D.D.
XI. Recent Publications