Thomas Dwight Witherspoon, SR. (1836-1898)

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Thomas Dwight Witherspoon, Sr. served as pastor of the Tabb Street Presbyterian Church in Petersburg, Virginia from 1873 to 1882.

Thomas Dwight Witherspoon, Sr. is buried at Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky.

Thomas Dwight Witherspoon, Sr. is buried at Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky.

The Providence of God as Related to the Work of Redemption (1870)

Children of the Covenant (1873)

An Appeal to the Baptized Children of the Church (1873)

A Word to Christian Parents (1873)

Jeremiah in Prison (1878)

That Jarratt’s Depot Tract (1880)

That Jarratt’s Depot Tract [2] (1880)

Rome and the Bible (1880)

Rome and “Rufus” (1880)

Rome and the Priesthood (1880)

Rome and Purgatory (1880)

Rome and Charity (1880)

Rome and the Altar (1880)

Prison Life at Fort McHenry (1880)

The Duration of Future Punishment (1880)

Dr. Plumer’s Ministry in Petersburg (1880)

Rome and the “Sacred Cup” (1880)

Rome and “Separated Brethren” (1881)

Rome and Morals (1881)

Rome, and “Conscientious Criticism” (1881)

Alpine Echoes (1881)

Why Observe It? (1882)

Saul Preaching Christ (1883)

Samuel the Judge (1883)

Dust Falls (1883)

Esau’s Choice (1883)

Atolls (1883)

The Distinctive Doctrines and Polity of Presbyterianism (1883)

Paul at Corinth (1884)

Confidence in God (1884)

Henry Robertson Dickson (1884)

The True Oblation (1884)

First Fruits: An Easter Allegory (1884)

God’s Great Sacrifice (1884)

Desire for Communion (1884)

The Material Decays — Only the Spiritual Abides: A Baccalaureate Sermon (1884)

Sowing in Tears (1884)

Paul Before Agrippa (1885)

The Gracious Invitation (1885)

The Alpine Horn (1885)

The God of Jeshurun (1885)

Thomas Dwight Witherspoon, D.D., LL.D. (1885)

The Christian’s Surrender to Christ (1885)

What Should Be the Attitude of the American Clergy Towards the Revised Version of the Scriptures? (1886)

Thoroughly Educated Womanhood, the Inspiration and Hope of the South (1887)

Nineteenth Century Evangelism (1887)

The Work of Presbyterianism For the Future (1888)

Your Goodness is as a Morning Cloud (1889)

Woman in the Church (1889)

Elements of Strength and of Weakness in Church Liturgy (1890)

Christ Preaching to the Spirits in Prison (1890)

The Priceless Legacy: A Sermon to Young Men (1890)

Christ as the Rain (1891)

The Evangelistic Revival in the Synods (1891)

“The Gospel to Them That Are Dead” (1891)

Prayer at the Third Congress of the Scotch-Irish Society of America (1891)

The Best of All Legacies (1891)

A Model Undertaker (1891)

Methods of Theological Education (1892)

The [Southern] General Assembly of 1892 (1892)

Andrew Jackson Witherspoon: In Memoriam (1893)

Introduction to I.M. Yonan’s Persia, Its Religions and Mission Work (1894)

The Homiletic Value of the Book of Leviticus (1895)

The Opening of Effectual Doors (1895)

Beattie’s Radical Criticism (1895)

Sensational Preaching (1895)

The Pastor and Social Problems (1895)

The Kind of Preaching Needed Among the Unevangelized People of Our Country (1896)

Not One Forgotten (1896)

The Westminster Assembly: Its Place of Meeting, Its Proceedings, and Its Personnel (1897)

The Sunday-School: Its Present Peril (1897)

The Relative Value of Topical and Expository Preaching (1897)

How the Non-Churchgoing Masses Are to Be Reacht in Order to Give Them the Gospel (1897)

Raising Church Revenues (1898)

Shutting the Closet Door (1898)

The Social Side of Christianity (1898)

The Homiletic Use of Other Men’s Sermons (1898)

Ministerial Restlessness (1899)

Rev. T.D. Witherspoon, D.D. (1899)

This 3-part article appeared in the February, March and April 1880 issues of Southern Historical Society Papers.

May 21, 1885 Opening Sermon preached before the PCUS General Assembly.

May 21, 1885 Opening Sermon preached before the PCUS General Assembly.

Included here is a poem that was dedicated to T.D. Witherspoon: The Scotch-Irish Race by Mrs. Sophie Fox Sea.