Thomas Harvey Skinner, SR. (1791-1871)
Thomas Harvey Skinner, Sr. is buried at Marble Cemetery, Second Street, New York City, New York.
The Presbyterian Magazine, Vol. 1 (1821)
A Discourse on the Duties of Church Members (1829)
The Means of Repentance (1830)
Sermon Preached on the Occasion of the Death of Rev. James P. Wilson, Sr. (1831, 1833)
Doctrinal Preaching: An Address (1832)
The Elements of Power in Public Speaking: An Address (1833)
Thoughts on Evangelizing the World (1836)
Aids to Preaching and Hearing (1839)
Religion of the Bible, in Select Discourses (1839)
Religion and Liberty: A Discourse (1841)
Introductory Essay to George B. Cheever, God’s Hand in America (1841)
Progress, the Law of the Missionary Work (1843)
Advertisement to William Mitchell, Coleridge, and the Moral Tendency of His Writings (1844)
The Nature of the Atonement (1848)
The Religious Life of Francis Markoe, Esq., Who Died February 16, 1848 (1849)
Education and Evangelism: A Discourse (1851)
Love of Country: A Discourse (1851)
A Sketch of the Life and Character of the Late Joseph B. Skinner (1853)
Pastoral Theology; or, The Theory of the Evangelical Ministry (1853)
Homiletics; or, The Theory of Preaching (1854)
Spiritual Joy as an Element of Strength (1857)
The Trinity in Redemption (1866)
A Lecture on Parish Preaching (1867)