William Adams Brown (1865-1943)
William Adams Brown is buried at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.
Musical Instruments and Their Homes (1888)
The Essence of Christianity: A Study in the History of Definition (1902)
A Little Book of Family Verse (1906)
Christian Theology in Outline (1906, 1919)
Calvin’s Influence Upon Theology (1909)
Morris Ketchum Jesup: A Character Sketch (1910)
The Theology of Reformed Judaism (1911)
The Christian Hope: A Study in the Doctrine of Immortality (1912)
Modern Theology and the Preaching of the Gospel (1914)
Is Christianity Practicable? Lectures Delivered in Japan (1916)
New Thoughts on an Old Book (1920)
The Creative Experience: An Intimation of Immortality (1922)
Religion and Democracy: A Study of Religious Types (1922)
Imperialistic Religion and the Religion of Democracy: A Study in Social Psychology (1923)
The Quiet Hour: Experiences of Fellowship in Worship (1926)
The Life of Prayer in a World of Science (1928)
The Seminary Curriculum: What It Is and What We Can Do To Improve It (1929)
The Education of American Ministers, Vol. 1 (1934)
The Education of American Ministers, Vol. 2 (1934)
The Education of American Ministers, Vol. 3 (1934)