William Brenton Greene, Jr. (1854-1928)
William Brenton Greene, Jr. is buried at Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, Rhode Island.
Christian Science or Mind-Cure (1890)
Inauguration of William Brenton Greene, Jr., D.D. (1893)
The Metaphysics of Christian Apologetics (1898)
The Elective System in Our Colleges and the Curriculum of Our Theological Seminaries (1900)
The Importance of Preaching the Ethics of Christianity (1900)
Job’s Philosophy of Affliction (1902)
The Practical Importance of Apologetics (1903)
The Pastor and Apologetics (1904)
Broad Churchism and the Christian Life (1906)
The Financial Needs of the Seminary (1908)
The Church and the Social Question (1912)
The Bible as the Text-Book in Sociology (1914)
The Reasonableness of Vicarious Atonement (1917)
The Christian Doctrine of War (1918)
The Present Crisis in Ethics (1919)
The Crises of Christianity and Their Significance (1919)
Yet Another Criticism of the Theory of Evolution (1922)
The Inspiration of the Bible (1924)